
UN warns of rampant sexual violence in Greek refugee camps where ‘bathrooms and latrines are no-go zones after dark for women and children’

By Alex Green,  Mailonline, 9 February 2018

seekers suffer sexual violence in overcrowded Greek reception

Last year
the UNHCR heard from 622 survivors of sexual violence on the islands

Moira on
Lesbos and Vathy on Samos now hold twice as many people as planned

Sexual violence
is rampant is Greek refugee camps
where bathrooms and latrines have become no-go zones after dark for women and
children, the UN has warned.
seekers suffer widespread sexual violence and harassment in the country’s
overcrowded reception centres.
situations has become so bad in some centres, like Moira on Lesbos and Vathy on
Samos, that even bathing during the daytime is a risk.
Women and
children asylum seekers suffer widespread sexual violence and harassment in
Greece’s receptions centres. Pictured: Migrants arriving by boat from Turkey on
the Greek island of Lesbos are met by an army of volunteers
‘In these
two centres, bathrooms and latrines are no-go zones after dark for women and
children,’ said UN refugee agency (UNHCR) spokesperson Cecile Pouilly, adding
that ‘even bathing during the daytime can be dangerous’.
said there is a reluctance to report such violence out of fear, shame and
concerns about discrimination, retaliation and stigma.
actual number of incidents is therefore likely to be much higher than
reported,’ she told reporters in Geneva, acknowledging that the UN has only a
‘very partial picture of what the reality is.’
In Moira,
one woman told UNHCR staff that she had not showered for two months for fear of
being attacked.
In 2017
alone, the UNHCR received reports from 622 survivors of sexual and gender-based
violence on the Greek islands.
About one
third of those said they had been assaulted after arriving in Greece.
centres are currently holding around 5,500 people – double their capacity,
Pouilly added. 
She said
an acceleration in recent weeks of transfers to the mainland had slightly
reduced overcrowding.
bathing during the daytime is a risk in camps on the islands of Lesbos and
Samos. Pictured: An Afghan family in Moira, Lesbos, waiting to find out if they
are to be sent back to Turkey

But she
warned that even now ‘crowded conditions hinder outreach and prevention
In Moira,
30 government medical staff, psychologists and social workers are squeezed
together in three rooms where they conduct examinations and assessments with
little to no privacy, she said.
welcomed measures taken by Athens to reduce the violence, but said other steps
were needed.
It said,
for instance, that women should not be forced to live in close quarters with
men they do not know.
centres on the island now service twice as many refugees as they were disigned
In Moira,
one woman told UNHCR staff that she had not showered for two months for fear of
being attacked
The UN
agency also called for more efforts to reduce overcrowding and improve lighting
in toilet and shower areas, as well as an increased police presence.
Aegean Sea had been a main point of entry for asylum seekers to Europe, which
has been facing its worst migrant crisis since World War II.
But the
flow of migrants to Greece has been sharply cut since the EU signed a
controversial deal with Turkey in 2016 to send back migrants.
said last month that it still shouldered a ‘disproportionate burden’ of the EU’s
asylum applications in 2017, taking 8.5 percent of the bloc’s total requests.
country of 11 million people recorded 58,661 applications last year, making
Greece the European country with the highest number of asylum seekers per
capita, according to the Greek Asylum Service.