
Black Workers for Justice say: ‘No to U.S.-led war on Syria’

Workers, April 21, 2018

following statement was issued by Black Workers for Justice, based in North

Again, we
see the U.S. government trying to start another war as a diversion from the
capitalist crisis that is causing great suffering among masses of working-class
and poor people. The U.S. wars violate international laws and the U.S.
Constitution, while attacking basic democratic and human rights to challenge
the suffering and brutality carried out by the capitalist economy and the
“State” (government).
Trump got
elected president on the racist promise of making America great again! Trump is
intensifying the War on Black America — killing, maiming and jailing Black and
Brown people, criminalizing immigrants and Muslims, and fostering regime change
throughout the Americas.
attack on Syria is part of a U.S.-led global war that includes the War on Black
America. Black people must oppose this war on Syria, all wars abroad and in the
U.S. This war contributes to the economic and social crises.
As our
tax money is spent by the ruling 1% for war, there are more cuts to public
services, schools, vocational education, jobs, health care, affordable housing,
clearing up the environment, repairing the infrastructure, and supporting
veterans that are disabled and mentally broken from fighting in these
imperialist wars.
struggle for Black liberation must also be a struggle against imperialist wars.
The European heads of the global capitalist system — the U.S., France and the
U.K. are again deciding what part of the world they want to dominate and
control for increasing their wealth, and positioning their militaries to
dominate the world.
We Say No
to U.S. Led Racist and Imperialist Wars!