
How You Can Help Save the Planet—and Yourself—Simply by Substituting Beans for Beef

June 6 2017

To protect our warming planet, we must start taking animal products off our plates.

As the world’s second largest greenhouse gas emitter, the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement drastically curbs international efforts to fight global warming. But concerned Americans don’t have to feel powerless. It turns out that simple choices we make every day—or three times a day—have the power to help protect our planet.

Recently, researchers from Loma Linda University released a new study finding that if Americans simply replaced the beef in their diets with beans, the U.S. would immediately reach up to 75 percent of its greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets for 2020. It confirms what we’ve known for a while: To protect our warming planet, we must start moving animal products, like meat, cheese and eggs off of our plates. Animal agriculture now contributes more to global warming than all forms of transportation combined.