
Nobody has the right and obligation to obey, when injustice happens in our name!

by Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, Sicht vom Hochblauen, 17 May 2017. English Translation by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik. Time and again articles regarding the subject of “Anti-Semitism
accusations” are published as for the example recently by TAZ  in which the author urges the majority society
to show “unquestioning” solidarity with the Jewish children and their parents.

According to Sascha Stawski, one of the most active
representatives of the Israel Lobby and the organizer of “Honestly Concerned”
of the so called Israel Day “I like Israel,” in the interview entitled “Jews
can also be anti-Semitic” in the Frankfurter Neue Presse, the Court Decision of
the Frankfurt District Court for the free opinion expression and the right of
the conference must be criticized. In this interview Stawski shows his “democratic”
credentials! The most important conference with the motto “50 years of Israeli
occupation“ to be held on 9-10 of June at the Ökohaus in Frankfurt-Bockenheim.
Stawski really thinks that this Court Decision can be legally challenged. He
also tries to accuse the conference and the speakers of anti-Semitism, because
they criticise Israel’s illegal occupation policy and support the BDS movement.
We have to strongly oppose to this.  In
fact, Stawski has organised a counter event with the Israeli lobby “riots.” The
protest speakers for this “event” which should be held during the conference in
front of the Ökohaus will be the CDU major Uwe Becker, who unsuccessfully (!)
tried to avoid the conference, Michael Engelmeier of the German Socialist
Party, and the city councillor Jutta Ditfurth, of the ecological left and
philo-Semite like Volker Beck of the Green Party! Here the Crème de la Crème of
the German party Israel expert will meet to support the “Jewish  occupiers’ Apartheid State!”
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fact, the members of the Green Party should critically questions how certain
protagonists, like Volker Beck with his exaggerated support of the “Jewish
State” and other colleagues with their continuous anti-Russian and anti-Turkish
hatred have damaged the party with their moralising politics. Such politics
clearly show what makes the election results to go south. However, also the
Social and the Christian Democratic Party have to think about how long they
want to tolerate the illegal violations of international law by the “Jewish
State” in the name of “our special” relationship to Israel.
the coming election campaign fill the summer slump between leading culture,
burka prohibition, double passport, Turkey and Russia bashing, anti-Semitism?
Is a further Israelisation waiting for us? Shackle, facial recognition, flight
data authorisation: these are all provisions to foment the fear of terrorism.
But in reality they want to start a new Cold War to distract from our own
omissions. What has happened to Germany? Lobbyists, US think tanks, and the
Israel lobby have the media under control. There is a new, promising and
expanding movement “critics of Islam.” However, critics of Israel have no such
promising prospects. In fact, they do not exist anymore, because they are
denigrated as “haters of Israel” or anti-Semites.
The EU has just decided to adopt a new resolution
against the illegal occupation and settlement policies of the “Jewish State.”
But, if this just another empty gesture from a toothless tiger and does not
adopt boycott provisions, it will be useless resolution! 
A good start would be a ban of the “Jewish State” from
the European Song Context. The “Jewish State” is neither part of Europe nor
does the Netanyahu regime meet the criteria of the membership of the European
Broadcasting Union EBU. However, the correctness of the EBU raises doubts
because it accepted so many expectations. And in the end the ESC became a sad,
political farce in the more than corrupt Ukraine! 
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is behind the actual Israel lobby campaign that is always trying to denigrate
Muslim refugees and students as anti-Semites and see anti-Semitism everywhere.
Nothing is further from my intention than playing down the real anti-Semitism,
but we have to oppose to people who lump together anti-Zionism and
anti-Semitism. This unjustified equation only helps people like Lagodinsky,
Volker Beck, Jutta Ditfurth to denigrate Germany as a stronghold of
anti-Semitism and to denigrate as anti-Semites all who dare to criticise the “Jewish
State” and its illegal occupation politics. And this cannot be! Jews should not
have a special status, a special protection, or hypocritical solidarity.
Coexistence is only possible on equal terms and without a bad conscience for an
injustice the actual generation did not commit!

With new
injustice it will never be possible to hide, silence, tolerate, or what is even
worse to show solidarity with it.
is true that we all have an important responsibility, but that also involves
the German responsibility for Palestinian people and Palestine which is
illegally occupied by Jewish settlers. We must not allow German politicians to
always try to belittle this injustice with hesitant criticism. These “slimy
traces of submission“ wind their way through all parties. However, in the
meantime these slimy traces have already become a Tsunami which will hopefully
be dangerous for many of Israel’s friends!
daily we are flooded with articles of this kind, while the crimes of the Jewish
Apartheid State are silenced. In the German press, homicides are belittled as
self-defence by  “Jewish defence forces,”
while Palestinians are always stigmatised as terrorists!
say that they are a people who are resisting, who are so in despair and without
hope that they do not hesitate to risk their poor lives under occupation with
legal resistance. They are deprived of everything, of their property, their
land, their culture, and now even of their language. Every memory and
commemoration is prohibited to them and has to be eliminated, while the Jewish
occupiers regularly celebrate commemoration days and holidays. In the meantime,
the hypocrite community of states has accepted this situation so that the
Netanyahu can relax and openly dupe German politicians! All this in the name of
the “special” relationship among friends.
enough with the special relations and friendships. There is no reason of state
for the safety of the “Jewish State,” as long as this Judaisation is written on
the bloody Star of David Flag of Israel as being part of its reason of state!
this context, the Israeli historian Ilan Pappe by making reference to the
Nakba, after detailed researches of Israeli military archives, speaks about “ethnic
cleansing,” committed by the Jewish militias. Today, to the narrative
maintained by Israel of the “land without people for a people without land”
more than 12 million Palestinians are opposed. And 5.49 million of them are
refugees registered at UNWRA.
UN Resolution 194 (III), article 11, of 11 December 1948 guarantees Palestinian
refugees and their offsprings the right of return and the corresponding
compensation. However, this resolution has not been adopted up till now. There
are still 58 Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, in the
West Bank, and East Jerusalem. The situation in the densely populated refugee
camps is characterised by poverty, missing infrastructure, and unemployment.
The right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland and property, and
to get compensation for damages, as agreed in the UN Resolution 194, must not
be forgotten, but must be respected, protected and supported.

The Nakba is
not a single event, as it has been maintained up to now.
Even 69 years later, the Palestinian people are
oppressed by the Israeli occupation and its mechanisms like expulsion,
dispossession, colonisation, apartheid and other, daily violations of human
crimes were also committed in Gaza, when the “Jewish defence army” exterminated
whole Palestinian families and committed deadly attacks on civilians in the
densely populated residential areas with air strikes – always under the pretext
of “struggling against terrorism.”  Not
even hospital ships or other humanitarian support was sent to the blocked
population in Gaza during this dirty “Jewish massacre”! Was this not an omitted
assistance beyond any civilised behaviour? Is this the “Christian-Jewish
community of values”?
Walter Herrmann was accused because according to the
Court of Cologne he had “allegedly” shown war crimes opposed to international
law and humanity in an exposition of images from the “Israeli-Palestinian
regions of conflict” by showing dead, heavily injured and bleeding children and
young people from Gaza. At that time already I had written to him that it was
not Walter Herrmann and the Wailing Wall of Cologne which offended human
dignity, but the crimes against international law and humanity committed by the
“Jewish Defence Soldiers,” responsible for the murder of thousands of
civilians, who killed 450 Palestinian children in Gaza.
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What can we learn from this? If the media show them
useful images of the horrors of the war, then it is legitimate, but if it is
about photos showing the crimes of the “Jewish Defence Forces,” then this
offends youth protection and human dignity, to say nothing of an “unconditioned
solidarity” with the Palestinians! 
is all about the political knockout argument 
of the anti-Semitism accusation which in particular in Germany is very
successful. With dirty lies and defamations it opposed to ethical people who do
not want to be intimidated. And the result is always the same: the
pseudo-Zionists are heard, and control the media, while the critics of Israeli
politics are pilloried, and not even heard “publicly or legally.”
regarding the “Jewish occupiers’ state” the facts speak for themselves and are
undeniable. And this is the reason why the Israel lobby and its supporters
avoid dealing with critics who just show them facts! Let us stay on track!
There is no “balance” when it is about crimes against international law and
humanity. And genocide is a crime to oppose and which must not to be silenced
only because it is the “Jewish defence army” is involved.
State must not be remunerated with cooperation, youth exchanges, and armament
again, we come back to the German “special treatment” when it is about the “Jewish
State” and the regime of occupation. In the meantime, the long arm of Netanyahu
and the Israel lobby has extended to a media medusa expanding and acting
powerfully. In the meantime, philo-Semitism has gained such proportions that
every kind of criticism against Israel is interpreted as Jewish hatred so as to
gain control of public opinion. A new, additional and profitable field was
discovered for the Israel lobby: the Muslim refugees. And they warn us against
them because they are “anti-Semites.” What this means and the damage is has
caused is clear from the increasing prejudices against Islam and Muslims
amongst much of the German population. The creeping poison of prejudices
produces its effects, reinforced by politics and media.
is presented to German readers about Israel, Russia, Syria, and Turkey, has
already become a criminal act of news mutilation. What is recognisable as
aggressiveness and war-lustfulness, journalistic trolls, who work according to
the politicians’ will. While Erdogan and Putin are the enemy image, Israeli
politicians are always welcome.
with the “scissors in the head” and only a very “soft” criticism towards the
Jewish occupiers, and never too much, otherwise there is the threat of
anti-Semitism accusation or – what is even worse – the expulsion. It is
therefore not surprising that German media are losing readers and subscribers.
It pains me a lot that things have changed so much because I have known and
appreciated the printed media from my childhood. But how did media change? How
did my “beloved” Tagesschau changed? We cannot believe in anything, we have to
question everything. Political souffleur and lobbyists have radically changed
German media. They have the power. And they envoy it and do not mind paying for

While critical
voices have no chance when it is about the Jewish State” to be heard by
the  main media because the Israel lobby
does a good job to avoid it, for supporting voices for the reporting about
Russia or Turkey it is increasingly difficult to attract people’s attention.
has the right and obligation to obey, when injustice happens in our name!