
The Feminist Library in London – a safe place where women can be themselves

By Milena
Rampoldi, ProMosaik. In the following my interview with Sarah O’Mahoney -Admin worker and Lorna Harrington – volunteer for the Bookshop and events
of the Feminist Library in London. I asked them questions about feminism and
about the Feminist Library existing since 1975. Would like to thank them for their precious inputs about the importance of feminist history, and feminist struggle.
Rampoldi: What does feminism mean to you?
Sarah O’Mahoney:
Feminism is about equality and letting women voices be heard. Balancing out the
patriarchal nature of the world as it is at the moment.
Lorna Harrington: Being a feminist to me is about having
confidence and not seeing being a woman as a barrier or weakness to what I want
to do but rather a strength and something to be celebrated. Certainly my time
volunteering at the feminist library has helped by self esteem and
made me feel valued as a woman.
Rampoldi: ProMosaik thinks that feminism is to be seen a feminisms, because
every culture and religion has its own way of considering feminist struggle.
What do you think about it?
Sarah O’Mahoney:
O I think there are different levels of struggle depending on the
situation/country/work/class/race of individual women but the underlying theme
is the same- equality and respect and peace for all.
Rampoldi: What is the main objective of Feminist Library?
Lorna Harrington: In my opinion, other than preserving feminist
history through books and other publications, the feminist  library is
a safe place where women can be themselves without the judgement,
stereotypes and stigmas associated with being a feminist or even just being a
woman! From personal experience it is also a great place to meet like
minded women in real life.
Rampoldi: Tell us about the most important steps of the history of your Library.
Sarah O’Mahoney: The Feminist Library was founded as the
Women’s Research and Resources Centre in 1975 by a group of women concerned
about the future of the Fawcett Library to ensure that the history
of the women’s liberation
 survived. The founders included feminist academics
like Diana Leonard and Leonore Davidoff.
The library started out as a small collection of contemporary
material, but is now considered to be most significant library of feminist
material in England, containing some 7500 books, of which around 5000 are
non-fiction, 500 poetry publications, and 1500 periodical titles, many self-published,
spanning over about 85 metres of shelving.There is also a large number of
pamphlets, currently held at the Bishopsgate Institute.[4]
The library faced a financial crisis in 2003 when Lambeth Council
dramatically increased the rent on the building housing the collections.[5]
Four years later, in 2007, the management committee called an
emergency meeting as a final attempt to gather support. Fortunately, the
meeting was well attended and the library was saved, although it still
struggles today, depending on grants to survive. Opening hours have increased
in 2013 – 2014 but are still dependent on the availability of volunteers.
for Tomorrow]
In January 2010, the library announced that it had received a
grant from Awards for All,[6] which it intended to use to train
volunteers in radical librarianship, using the library itself as a resource. In
March 2010, fifteen volunteers were chosen from many applicants and they began
working at the library in April 2010. One of the trainees is writing an
anonymous blog about her experiences.[7]
Earlier in 2016 we were again in crisis as we were again
threatened with a rent increase and faced eviction.
However due to a very successful Save The Feminist Library
campaign and much appreciated support from all around the world we have now negotiated
with Southwark Council to remain in the building until new premises are ready
for us to move into next year.
Milena Rampoldi: How
can people support your Library?
Lorna Harrington: From my point of view, coming and visiting the
library and using the space, for whatever reason is imperative. Obviously
donating and volunteering is just as important but as a volunteer it is always
great to have people popping in. After all it’s not just a library it is a
community space so it’s always good to see people making use of our fabulous resource.
I particularly like how the library has a laid back feel so anyone who feels
intimidated by academic or public libraries can be assured they will received a
warm welcome here.
Milena Rampoldi: How
important is an intercultural perspective in Feminism today in our
multi-cultural world?
Lorna Harrington: I think this is really important, as it is
through the coming together of feminists from different cultures that we
 can learn a lot not only about others but also ourselves. Being able
to share our stories with like minded people, gives us strength and hope
through our feminist struggles. As women are often silenced in society,
particularly those from minority groups, it is vital that we as feminists come
together and support each other.
Milena Rampoldi: What
are the objectives of Feminist Library for the near future?
Sarah O’Mahoney: We want to continue offering an accessible space
for women to come and use and to grow our collection pulling on all the amazing
new writings and self made zines that women and girls are producing today. We
hope to do more outreach work in schools and colleges and offer more empowering
workshops and events that inspire and encourage women to campaign for what is
important to them and to let their voices be heard. The world needs us all to
be heard.