Sauberkeit im Judentum und im Islam als wesentlicher Bestandteil der Religion
Shalom aleichem,
Judentum: Der gläubige Jude uriniert oder defäkiert im Badezimmer.
gläubige Jude wascht die Hände außerhalb des Badezimmers. Wenn es aber da kein Wasser ist, kann er diese auch im Badezimmer waschen und sie dann draußen trocknen.
Wenn der
gläubige Jude das Badezimmer verlässt, spricht er ein Gebet aus, das sich im jüdischen Glauben asher yatzar.
Er preist Gott, den Herrn der Schöpfung und des Universums, der alles
erschaffen hat. Gott heilt das Fleisch und wirkt Wunder. Darin drückt sich aus, wie der gläubige Jude alles Gott überlässt und ihm vertraut. Das Leben und die Sauberkeit sind dem Juden heilig. |
As-salam aleikum,
Der gläubige Muslim sucht sich auch einen geeigneten Platz mit Wasser, um Wenn der gläubige Muslim mit dem rechten Fuß das Badezimmer verlässt, spricht |
Wie aus dem Vergleich klar ersichtlich, gibt es in beiden Religionen klare
Sauberkeitsregeln, die auch den Toilettengang regeln. Denn die semitischen
Religionen sind gerade durch die Liebe zum Detail und die Regelung des gesamten
Lebens der Gläubigen, das Seele und Körper als Einheit umfasst,
Im Judentum wie im Islam gehören die Sauberkeit und die Reinheit zum Wesen
der Religion.
Daher frage ich mich:
Siehe diese paar Sekunden dieser Aufnahme:
weiß, dass die Sauberkeit im Judentum extreme Bedeutung hat und sagt über
diesen Soldaten, der neben die Wassertanks auf ihr Dach gepisst hat:
Das ist genau die Frage:
und Musliminnen und Muslime zum Thema freuen. Gerne auch Fragen in die sozialen
Medien stellen.
10. Dezember 2010 auf
Drinking Urine
Menschenrechtsverstoße der israelischen Armee gegen die besetzte,
palästinensische Bevölkerung vor einigen Jahren.
die Minderjährigen befanden, von denen nun die Rede ist:
Issa Qaraqe’e, the
Palestinian Minister of Detainee Affairs, revealed that Israeli soldiers
urinated on two Palestinian minors who they had kidnapped, then jailed, forced
to drink urine from a toilet, tortured and filmed while they were completely
Minister Qaraq’e said that
lawyer Hibah Masalhah visited the kids Mohammed Tariq Abed El-Latif Mekhemar,
13 years old, and Mohammad Naser Ali Ridwan, 13 years old, at the Rimonim
prison. After her visit she stated that the Israeli occupation soldiers had
forced both kids, Mekhemar and Radwan, residents of Beit Ur in the district of
Ramallah, to drink the urine from the toilet. The soldiers then urinated on
their faces while laughing and mocking them, another soldier shot pictures of
the kids while they were naked.
Attorney Masalhah who met
the kids in the Rimonim prison added that the children were arrested by the
“Israeli border police” (an IDF unit of criminals and drugs dealers who are
mostly Druze) near the apartheid wall in the village of Beit Ur (where they
live) on Route No. 443, in July 2010. The IDF soldiers beat the children
harshly, using guns and kicking them with their military boots on all over
their bodies, then covered their eyes, tied them up and transferred them to a Jewish
colony near the village of Beit Ur. Masalhah said that the IDF soldiers took
the children to a toilet and placed them naked in one room and put the air
conditioner on cold.
The children told their
lawyer Masalhah that the IDF soldier did not give them water and food, and when
they asked for water, the IDF urinated over their faces and ordered them to
open their mouths to drink. They then forced them to drink the water in the
toilet seat and took some pictures.
The children spent two days
naked in the toilet room at the squatter colony without food and water and they
forced repeatedly to drink urine during their staying. They were forbidden from
sleeping or putting their clothes on.
On the third day, the kids
were transferred from the toilet at the “Benjamina” colony (Beit Il military
base) where they were interrogated from 10 at night until 3 in the morning and
after that they were transferred to the Ofer military jail, where they spent
three months before being transferred to the Rimonim jail.
The lawyer stated that the
children are suffering deep psychological stress due drinking the urine of the
IDF and being filmed naked while the soldier were urinating over their faces
and bodies.
It should be noted that
many stories have been released in the past about IDF soldiers forcing
Palestinian youths to drink their urine. In Hebron, the IDF soldiers stationed
on Palestinian rooftops were urinating and dropping their feces in water tanks.
Several families were infected with typhoid as a result; I know personally from
the Jaber and Abu Monshar families which were infected with typhoid after
drinking water contaminated with IDF feces and urine, and many more cases were
related to me.
MENSCHLICHKEIT bitten, gar nicht um ETHIK oder ETHISCHE PERFEKTION, sondern um
ein MINDESTMASS an Respekt der MENSCHLICHKEIT und GESCHÖPFLICHKEIT des Anderen, der Monotheist ist wie einer selbst.