
A New Article by William Hanna: The Gross Injustice Of Western Hypocrisy And Double Standards promotes Extremist Terrorist Retaliation

The Gross Injustice Of Western Hypocrisy And Double
Standards promotes Extremist Terrorist Retaliation
In keeping with the annual harvest
season ritual of olive tree burning, illegal Jewish settler groups have yet
again endeavoured to destroy the year’s crop with the objective of depriving
Palestinian farmers of their only means of livelihood and of forcing them out
of their homes so that their lands can be confiscated for more Jewish
settlement construction. One group of criminally insane settlers from the
illegal Jewish “centre of extremism” settlement of Yizhar set fire to a Palestinian
olive grove above Huwwara village, just outside of Nablus. While the
Palestinian villagers were fighting the fire, fate played a hand with a
change of
wind direction that spread the flames towards the hill-perched illegal
settlement thereby forcing the settlers to avoid damage to their own
buildings by fighting the fire they started. These Jewish racist settlers who
ardently believe they are God’s chosen people and far superior to the
Palestinian “beasts” who are unworthy of life, perceive no apparent conflict
between their criminal and inhumane conduct — deliberately destroying and
depriving other human beings of their livelihood — and the moral principles of
their Judaic religion. Even more despicable is the hypocritical and obsequious
acceptance of such illegal and immoral conduct by the rest of the world
including the West with its selective view of human rights.
Another characteristic of these land-thieving
supremacists is their unashamed overt barbarity which they practice with
applause and unrestrained delight as is evident from the following report and
video clip of settlers cheering as Israeli Defence Force soldiers — belonging
to “the world’s most moral army”arrest,
handcuff, and blindfold a mentally handicapped 12-year-old Palestinian boy for
allegedly throwing stones,7340,L-4582632,00.html. What is even more disturbing about this
Apartheid racist state is the inculcation of virulent racist hate by Israeli
parents of their children who in the following report and video clip
substantiate the reality that Israel’s ethical and moral compass has become
badly and perhaps irreversibly skewed. (
How can Jewish people in Diaspora
watch such video evidence without feeling any guilt, repugnance, or shame?
By continuing to tolerate Israel’s irrefutable and
ceaseless violation of Palestinian human rights, the West — for whatever reason
including lack of moral courage — becomes a de facto ally of an Apartheid
Zionist Israeli state and as such must expect to be subject to the same
universal opprobrium and terrorist retaliation. The most recent such example
has just occurred in Canada where a lone gunman killed a soldier at an Ottawa
war memorial before storming into the nearby parliament building. The attack —
the second this week targeting Canadian military personnel — came as Canadian
jets were to set to join the US-led bombing campaign against Islamist militants
in Iraq which, like Libya, once enjoyed relative peace and prosperity before
Israeli-instigated Western military intervention — regime change — imposed the
usual chaos and criminal destruction that is codenamed as “bringing democracy”
to the target country’s people upon whom “democracy” is rained with a carpet
bombing vengeance.
There was a time when Canada was globally respected for
its neutrality and deployment of Canadian forces to every UN peacekeeping
mission. That neutrality and humanitarian approach to international affairs,
however, is a thing of the past with Canadian forces now joining the most
dangerous ever terrorist alliance of the U.S. and Israel in fighting
“terrorism” by bombing the hell out of innocent civilian populations. Not so long
ago, young Canadians backpacking through Europe would have the Canadian red
maple leaf flag proudly emblazoned on their backpacks so as not to be “mistaken
for Americans.” That national pride and spirit of independence has since very
sadly — thanks to the Zionist bribing of traitor politicians like Prime
Minister Stephen Harper —been suffused by and surrendered to powerful
pro-Israeli lobby groups and a superpower neighbour nation whose aggressive
drive for world domination is fuelled by an Anglo-Zionist Political Corporate
Military Industrial Empire that is financially dependent on continual military
Pursuit of the aforementioned objective requires the
chimera of “terrorism” — no matter how ill-defined such a concept may be — to
be forever present. And in the event of there being no terrorist threat to our
high-principled Western “democracies,” then that champion of all that is good
and God-given, the U.S. and its accomplices will create, finance, and supply
the necessary groups such as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) so as to
justify more wars. The downside to the creation of such “terrorist” groups,
however, is that irrespective of how much you bomb them, they will ultimately
inflict defeat on Western democracies by forcing Western governments to enact
and impose draconian security measures that erode the freedoms and rights of
Western citizens. The loss of such freedoms and rights will then be employed as
a means of benefitting and protecting the one percent of the world’s population
who own almost half of the worlds wealth.
The latest example of the gradual erosion of ordinary
citizen freedoms comes with the predictable announcement in Canada by Prime
Minister Stephen “Israeli Stooge” Harper, that the government will expedite
plans to give more powers of detention and surveillance to security agencies in
response to the attack on Parliament. “They need to be much strengthened, and I
assure you, Mr. Speaker, that work which is already under way will be
expedited,” Harper said to the House of Commons.
Another downside to creating justification for constant
military conflicts is the enormous cost to  Western nations which can also
be seen as another victory for terrorism. While the U.S. government has been
expending vast recourses allegedly fighting terrorism at home and abroad, the
Census Bureau has just released figures showing that forty-seven percent of
Americans have incomes under twice the official poverty rate, making half of
the country either poor or near-poor. Despite the social implications of so
much superpower poverty and inequality, the American muzzled mass media has
greeted the news with the same silence as that accorded to the fact that more
than $3 billion of taxpayers money is annually given to the Apartheid state of
Israel so as to help finance its barbaric crimes against humanity. God Bless
America has a service to perform in the world and I believe it has it is in
large part the service of its own example. In our excessive involvement in the
affairs of other countries, we are not only living off our assets and denying
our own people the proper enjoyment of their resources; we are also denying the
world the example of a free society enjoying its freedom to the fullest. This
is regrettable indeed for a nation that aspires to teach democracy to other
nations, because, as Burke said, ‘Example is the school of mankind, and they
will learn at no other.’
are many respects in which America, if it can bring itself to act with the
magnanimity and the empathy appropriate to its size and power, can be an
intelligent example to the world. We have the opportunity to set an example of
generous understanding in our relations with China, of practical cooperation
for peace in our relations with Russia, of reliable and respectful partnership
in our relations with Western Europe, of material helpfulness without moral
presumption in our relations with the developing nations, of abstention from
the temptations of hegemony in our relations with Latin America, and of the
all-around advantages of minding one’s own business in our relations with
everybody. Most of all, we have the opportunity to serve as an example of
democracy to the world by the way in which we run our own society; America, in
the words of John Quincy Adams, should be ‘the well-wisher to the freedom and
independence of all’

but ‘the champion and vindicator only of
her own.’
we can bring ourselves so to act, we will have overcome the dangers of the
arrogance of power. It will involve, no doubt, the loss of certain glories, but
that seems a price worth paying for the probable rewards, which are the
happiness of America and the peace of the world.”
Senator William J. Fulbrights The
Arrogance of Power,
Random House,
If Western leaders and politicians can
always bear in mind that their first loyalty is to their constituents and their
country; if they can resist the temptation of succumbing to bribes and coercion
by special interest groups and foreign powers; if they can bring themselves
round to recognising the moral futility of resorting to hypocrisy and double
standards; if they can arrive at decisions and initiate policies in accordance
with the Articles of Universal Declaration of Human Rights; if they can ensure that
enforcement of those articles is not selective but applicable to all human
beings including the persecuted Palestinian people, then their even-handed
polices and insistence on equality and justice for all without exception will
do far more to defeat real terrorism than all their combined military might. You
can kill people, but you cannot kill the outrage that will always live on in
the face of injustice.