
CCDO in Tanzania – for the eradication of poverty

By Denise Nanni and Milena Rampoldi,
ProMosaik. In the following let us go back to Tanzania with another interview
with Majaliwa Mbogella of the organization
CCDO, the Children Care Development Organization
, in the town of Iringa in
Tanzania. We talked about the main social and economic problems in the
countries, the rogramms for women and children the organization organizes. CCDO
is a grassroot organization focussing on education, and community empowerment.
Would like to thank Majaliwa for all the photos and so detailed answers to our

Give us some general information
about your organization.
The Children Care Development
Organization (CCDO) is a non- profit organization formed / founded on 13rd
April, 2010 under Non-Governmental Organization Act, 2002 with Registration No.
ooNGO/00003818 from the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children
of the United Republic of Tanzania and mandated to operate in Tanzania Mainland
in accordance with its governing Constitution. This is a National NGO.
Care Development Organization (CCDO) is located in Iringa town of Iringa region
in Tanzania. It is located between latitudes 6° 55¹ and 10 ° 30¹ south of the
Equator and between longitudes 33° 45¹ and 36° 55¹ east of Greenwich. To the
north of the region are Singida and Dodoma regions. It borders Morogoro region
in the east and Ruvuma region and via Lake Nyasa the Republic of Malawi.  
The CCDO it formed to address the main
economic and social issues faced by the most vulnerable children (MVC /OVC) and
poor rural marginalized women living under vivid poverty and injustice under
the following vision and mission statements;
strengthen local community through the promotion of education and access           to health care and information, in
the hope of building capacity and resilience within our more deprived sectors
To develop
sustainable livelihood and conservation programs within our region, whilst
promoting human rights, advocacy and positive life choices and decisions
To build a vibrant, efficient and sustainable Revolving Fund
Programme which will promote economic and social development of the
economically active poor people in Iringa Municipality and elsewhere, by building
their capacity through training and non-formal education and improving their
opportunities to access and to eradicate the root causes of poverty in local
communities so as to enable them attain self reliance and sustainability by
setting up viable / profitable micro business to generate income for their
families.  Therefore, CCDO
is dedicated to reducing poverty by helping the lowest income rural women, and
the economically active poor women in Iringa and Njombe Regions of Tanzania to
start or expand micro businesses.
Since its inception, CCDO has performed various activities
and such activities included:
1)     The primary problems in the area include the prevalence of
HIV/AIDS, poverty, drought in some areas, incapacitation due to illness, and a
growing number of orphaned and vulnerable children (OVCs). To combat these
problems, CCDO currently supports approximately 250 OVCs/ MVCs and 103 Women Living
with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) by fulfilling their nutritional and clinical needs and
providing them with small soft loans fund , counseling and referral hospital
services, tailoring and ICT training that is relevant to their needs, and
2)     Providing Healthcare to OVCs/ MVCs 
and PLWHAs
3)     Ensuring that 250 OVCs /MVCs Complete Basic Education
4)     Providing OVCs/ MVCs with Adequate and Secure Shelter
5)     Improving the Psychosocial Well-Being of 250/MVCs/  OVCs and 1500 PLWHAs
6)     Improving the Nutritional Status and Food Security of
7)     Fighting Social Stigma and Improving Legal Rights of OVCs/
MVCs  and PLWHAs
8)     Providing Home-Based Care services.
9)     Have trained 67 New Groups of 620
rural women clients.  The clients were reached in locations such as the
cub-Counties of Kihesa, Mtwivila, Gangilonga, Kwakilosa, Mlandege, Nduli,
Miyomboni, Ilala, Mlandege, Ipogolo, Igeleke, and Mkwawa wards inIringa
10)The rural women were able to access
the first cycle of loans of US $ 100 each.  Totaling US ($) 10,000.
11) Three of our Field Officers attended
one-week training workshop in Micro-Finance Best Practices organized by Tumaini
University at Iringa, Uganda Change Agent Association, and AMFIU –
Association of Micro Finance Institutions of Uganda.
12) Trained 35 women in business skills
and group management.
13) We are also involved in women and
youth energy saving and conservation projects including the project of tree
planting, climate change and environmental conservation around Ruaha National
Park and Kitulo National Park at Makete Rural District of Njombe Region of
14) Under the program Bake for Life from
Uganda Change Agent Association, we train rural women how to bake bread, bans,
pans and doughnuts as an income generating activity.
15) Under the program Reducing Community
Poverty through Practical ICT Solutions, we trained urban youth and children on
ICT poverty solutions programs.
16) Construction of CCDO  School
and Professional Development Center that is working to provide vocational
training skills to among most vulnerable girls known as early pregnancy girls
who failed to complete their Primary School Education and Secondary School (
are the main economic and social issues in Tanzania?
The youngsters in Tanzania have got economic and
social problems. The economic problem is lack of employment opportunities. Even
though youth population is dominant in the Country, there are no enough jobs to
absorb them and there is very high unemployment. As a result the youth do
involve in illegal activities such as theft, gangsters, kidnapping and so on to
sustain their lives. Common social problems are lack of recreation or
entertainment centers, inadequate social facilities (health, education, and
housing), etc. The lack of recreation center has led to engagement of youth in
bad habits such as chewing chat (local stimulant plant) and drinking alcohol.
In the study made by youth, sport and culture department of Iringa region 75%
of the youth indicated that the reason for problems caused by youth in the town
is lack of entertainment centers for them. The same study also shows that 66.7%
the youth spend their time chewing chat, as there is no place for recreation.
In the study 75% of the youth indicated that establishment of youth center
could alleviate the problems of the above-mentioned bad habits.
To observe the problems of youth one can easily
go to the streets of Iringa and observe the army of youth wondering joblessly.
In every streets of Iringa it is common to see them in a very large number
crowding the streets without any work .If these are mobilized in organized
manner, they can really bring about great change in their lives and in the
society. Youth at present is being scorched by HIV/AIDS. In Iringa town the
report from Iringa Government Hospital indicates that the pandemic is as high
as -11%. Besides 64% of the hospital HIV/AIDS patients occupy beds. The youth
are one of the prime victims of the pandemic. Thus it is essential to act as
soon as possible to reverse the deteriorating situation of the youth at least to
maintain the sustenance of our generation. Their potentials could be used for
the development of the nation if attention is paid to them. They could also
contribute to attainment of our development agenda that we are hoping to
The CCDO, currently it is involved in addressing
the main economic and social issues in Tanzania due to the current social,
economic and political issues due to the truth that;
1964, after Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged, and the newly independent Tanzania
was founded, its first president was the important Tanzanian leader, Julius
Nyerere. In 1967, Nyerere issued the Arusha Declaration calling for Tanzania to
adopt policies of egalitarianism, socialism, and self-reliance;-
1)     While the new policies resulted in
the building of new schools and the improvement of water delivery to various
parts of the country, the decision to establish communal farms was a disaster,
resulting in huge reductions in agricultural production.
2)     By the 1980s, it was clear that the
economic policies adopted by Tanzania in the Arusha Declaration had failed.
Nyerere resigned from the presidency in 1985 although he remained an important
political leader in the country. Tanzania suffered a large devaluation in its
currency, saw its education and healthcare systems nearly collapse and its
industrial production slow down. Tanzania’s economic crisis continued through
the early 1990s. Foreign donors to Tanzania blamed the country’s one-party
system and socialist policies for many of the problems. As a result of pressure
from foreign donors, Tanzania repealed its laws providing for a one-party
political system. Since then, a number of political parties have emerged in
Tanzania. But the country’s president continues to be the dominant political
3)     The last two presidents have been
pursuing economic reforms but the country is still one of the poorest countries
in Africa.
4)     In addition to politics, a number of
problems contribute to Tanzania’s poor economic condition. The country is
plagued by tsetse flies that inflict the people and animals of Tanzania.
5)     As a result, much of the population
lives on the border of the country, leaving much of the central land empty.
6)     Additionally, the population is
dramatically lacking in medical professionals, with only “1 doctor for every
229000 people.”
7)     Due to the prevalence of subsistence
farming, a huge part of the population lives in poverty.
8)     he reliance on agriculture is also
being affected, as “land degradation is reducing the productivity of soils in
many parts of Tanzania…Factors…include, among others, inappropriate cultivation
techniques; a growing population; growing energy requirements; overstocking;
and insecure land tenure.”
9)     Another issue affecting soil quality
is the shift from “long periods of fallow with short periods of farming” to
“long periods of farming with short fallow periods. This practice does not
allow sufficient time for revegetation and recovery of soil fertility,
Current and
future challenges and opportunities in Tanzania
has undergone impressive political and economic developments and improvements
in social welfare in recent years. However, the country continues to face
considerable development challenges, not least in essential areas such as
economic distribution, population growth, corruption and a stronger division
between party and state. At the same time, new opportunities are arising which
have the potential to become decisive for the necessary changes and reforms. 
Tanzania has been a macro-economic success story for
nearly two decades. The rate of economic growth increased from 3.5 pct. in the
1990s to 7 pct. in the 2000s. Despite the global financial crisis, growth rates
have been remarkably stable over the last decade, and they are expected to
continue or even increase in the foreseeable future. At the same time, the
country has experienced high population growth – from 11 million people in 1963
to around 45 million in 2012. Population growth remains high, at nearly 3 pct.
annually. If this growth rate continues, there will be 53 million Tanzanians in
2018 and 100 million in 2042.
Economic growth and decades of massive international aid
have created many good results, but it is important to recall that the growth
began from a very low starting point and that poverty in Tanzania has proven
extremely stubborn. With an annual GDP per capita of USD 532 (2011) and a Human
Development Index rank among the lowest 20%, Tanzania is one of the poorest 15
nations in the world. More than two-thirds of the population live below the
internationally recognized income poverty line of USD 1.25 per day and almost
90 pct. live on under two dollars per day. Around one-third live below the
“basic needs poverty line” corresponding to around USD 0.96 per day.1
Measured by this limit, official poverty levels declined slightly from 39% of
the population in 1992 to 34% in 2007, to 28% in 2012. Due to population
growth, however, this relative decrease still means that the actual number of
people living below the poverty line has remained relatively constant level of
11-12 million Tanzanians. Official surveys show a constant level of inequality
from 2001 to 2007 (Gini 0.35). Other calculations, however, show a 20% increase
in inequality in the same period.2 The degree of inequality can be illustrated
by the fact that the richest 20% of Tanzania’s population accounts for 42% of
total consumption, whereas the poorest 20% consume only 7%.
The modest reduction in poverty illustrates that economic
growth has not been sufficiently broad-based. Growth is concentrated in
telecommunications, financial services, retail trade, mining, tourism,
construction and manufacturing. While growth was formerly driven largely by
public spending and international aid, this is no longer the case. Growth today
is generated mainly by the private sector, but the sectors with the highest
rates of growth are predominantly capital-intensive and concentrated in large
urban areas. Growth has largely failed to affect the great challenges,
generating more employment and additional jobs in all parts of society and
improving incomes for the vast majority of the population.
One major cause for the lack of poverty reduction despite
economic growth is that Tanzania has not succeeded in raising productivity in agriculture
over the last decades. Tanzania remains predominantly agricultural, with three
quarters of the population living in rural areas. Eighty percent of Tanzania’s
poor live in rural households. Growth in the agricultural sector remains low,
at around 4% per year, and in the rural areas the growth in productivity can
barely keep up with population growth. The birth rates in rural areas are high
(6.1 births per woman compared to 3.7 in the urban areas).
While donors and the government have used significant
resources to improve the social sectors, similar necessary support has not been
given to agriculture and other productive sectors. Lack of secure land tenure
to ensure that the traditional users in the rural districts do not lose their
land is one of the most essential issues, constraining investments that could
enhance productivity. Processing of food and other agricultural produce and
other forms of manufacturing is also very limited in the rural areas creating
very few additional employment opportunities.
For the same reason, Tanzania is experiencing significant
out-migration of young people from low productivity agriculture to urban
informal service sectors, where productivity is just as low. Unemployment is
high and growing rapidly, especially in the urban areas and among youth. The
official unemployment rate is 12% and is highest in the cities, reaching 32% in
Dar es Salaam (2006). In addition, one-third of those employed are so-called
“working poor”: technically employed, but whose income is less than
the basic needs poverty line of USD 0.96 per day. They often work either in
farming or in the urban informal service sector in low-productivity, part-time
jobs. An estimated 700,000 new young job-seekers enter the labour market each
year, but only a fraction of them have a realistic possibility of obtaining a
stable job that can give them the possibility to provide for a family. The flow
from countryside to city of rural-urban migration will continue in years ahead,
and Dar es Salaam is already one of the fastest growing cities in Africa.
In sharp contrast to the largely stagnating extreme
poverty, Tanzania has seen the emergence of a small, but growing urban middle
class. It is a relatively small group, only around 10% of the population, but
it has growing purchasing power, substantial political influence, and it has
posed political and economic demands – for cheap electricity, imported goods,
and better urban social services and infra-structure in the urban areas. The
Government is working hard to meet these demands, through for instance, large
subsidies for cheap electricity, comprehensive tax exemptions to foreign and
national companies as well as government employees, and large non-taxed per
diem allowances for civil servants. These government’s attempts to satisfy the
middle class run the risk of further increasing, rather than reducing, the
inequality in society. This can threaten the continued peace and stability as
well as social cohesion in Tanzania.
With the recent discoveries of significant gas reserves
in addition to its already large mineral resources, Tanzania’s long-term
economic prospects appear promising, and these resources have already attracted
foreign investors. However, the benefits to be derived from the exploitation of
natural resources will not significantly materialize for another 10 years or
so, and it is crucial to ensure macroeconomic management. In recent years, the
Government has increased its use of both interest-bearing and low interest
concessional borrowing. As a result of the increased borrowing, Tanzania’s
public debt has jumped from 28% to 40% of GDP in only four years. The debt
continues to grow rapidly, with corresponding increase in debt servicing and
repayment. The country’s financial sustainability is not yet threatened, but
debt management has become increasingly more important, and there is a strong
need for significant strengthening of control of public investments. There is
especially a need for greater openness in public contracts and procurement. 
Poverty cannot be measured simply by examining income
distribution and distribution of assets alone. The official statistics focus
only on private consumption and therefore underestimate the importance of
consumption of public goods. The statistics thus underestimate the improvements
achieved in recent years. The Tanzanian government has chosen to spend
significant resources on provision of public goods to the population. As a
consequence, access to water, education and health services have improved
substantially over the last decades. As a result, Tanzania has moved up seven
places on the Human Development Index (HDI) from 2006 to 2013, an index
published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Tanzania has also
made progress in its efforts to meet the UN’s Millennium Development Goals
Tanzania has placed special emphasis on education, and
great improvements have been made in the population’s access to primary
education. Today, Tanzania is one of the few low-income countries that are
close to achieving universal primary education. Progress has also been made in
efforts to reduce inequalities between girls and boys in access to education
and in the struggle against HIV/AIDS, malaria and several other diseases. In
the health sector, general success has been achieved in extending access to
basic health services, and the results can be seen in the increasing number of
children who survive. There have been declines in both infant mortality rate
(the official child mortality rate) as well as in mortality for children under
five years of age. However, there continue to be major challenges in reducing
maternal mortality. Public spending on education has increased substantially in
recent years, whereas health expenditures have declined, both in absolute value
and as a share of the national budget.
Across all social sectors, there are major and sustained
needs to increase the quality of services offered. The massive expansion of
coverage and the attempt to reach out to everyone with education and health
services, has reduced the quality of services across the board. Recent studies
show comprehensive and persistent quality problems in both primary and
secondary education, the consequence being that pupils leave school with
entirely inadequate skills. In 2012, 60% of the students failed the public
secondary school examinations.
The quality of primary health care has been negatively
affected by a range of factors, including shortage and poor distribution of
health workers, poor access to essential medicines and poor infrastructure.
This situation is further affected by the rapidly growing population. One of
the signs that the quality of healthcare services is inadequate is seen in the
fact that there has been only a very slight increase in the proportion of
women, who give birth at a public health institution. In 2004, 47% of
Tanzania’s women gave birth in public health clinics. Six years later in 2010,
the proportion had increased to only 50%.
Over the past years, the government of Tanzania has
managed to reduce the proportion of unfilled health worker positions from 65%
in 2007 to 41% in 2011. This is a significant improvement, but it is still just
over half the positions which are occupied.
Access to social services continues to be unequally distributed.
For both health and education, there are significant disparities in access to
services and in the distribution of public expenditures to different groups in
society. This concerns differences between rich and poor, where one lives in
the country and differences between rural and urban areas. For example, the
number of nurses in the health services per capita is 30 times greater in the
best endowed district in the country than the worst. More than half of all
Tanzania’s physicians work in Dar es Salaam. It is therefore not surprising to
see that the proportion of women who choose to deliver their babies in health
clinics is also three times greater than in the rest of the country. This shows
how important it is to have strong focus on improving the quality and equal
access for the population to social services. These factors that have been
somewhat overlooked by the MDG’s focus on achieving as many targets as
From a regional perspective, Tanzania continues to have a
relatively positive human rights record. Tanzania has ratified most of the
international human rights instruments and established institutional frameworks
to support democratic governance and the implementation of human rights. After
the UN’s most recent Universal Periodic Review from 2011, the Tanzanian
government accepted several of the recommendations made by the review. This can
be seen as a sign of the Tanzanian government’s continued commitment to improve
the human rights situation. However, despite the positive general framework,
there remains considerable scope for very significant improvements in the
actual human rights situation for the population in general.
The constitution provides for basic civil and political
rights, including freedom of assembly and freedom of speech. Civil society and
media outlets have played a much greater role in domestic politics in recent
years, and this has led to increased surveillance of media by the government.
However, freedom of expression, access to information and media freedom are
regulated by outdated legislation, that enables the government to ban critical
newspapers, and several have been banned for various periods of time.
Self-censorship is also occurring. The judiciary remains largely independent,
but there has been concern over incidences of Tanzania not having lived up to
international standards of fair trial, while corruption continues to be a major
challenge. Lack of capacity and resource constraints, including legal, are a
further obstacle for the majority of citizens gaining effective access to the
rule of law, based on timely and just treatment of their cases. In addition,
there occur occasional incidents of mob justice and extra judicial killings.
While efforts have been made to promote the practical
implementation of economic, social and cultural rights, the full realization of
these rights continues to be a major challenge. Unemployment is high, and
international labour standards are not effectively implemented or enforced
effectively. Gender inequalities are deeply rooted in socio-cultural
traditions, and violence against women and children, including domestic
violence, female genital mutilation, and child labour continue to be
widespread. There is also widespread continuing concern over lack of secure
sexual and reproductive rights, the result of which are continued high rates of
preventable infant, under-five and maternal mortality. There are also very high
rates of teenage pregnancies, and women lack access to information and assistance
in family planning and other reproductive health care services.
Further, some minority groups like CCDOs (lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender and intersex), people with albinism and indigenous groups
continue to face discrimination in Tanzanian society.


In terms of good governance, Tanzania achieves average
scores in global rankings. One sign of progress is that citizens are beginning
to demand more insight and influence than previously. Citizens, parliament,
media and civil society are increasingly demanding that the government act
responsibly, and that it be accountable to the population. Tanzania has also
recently seen improvements in budget transparency and people’s access to information,
but the political environment continues to be dominated by a top-down approach.
The government is constantly challenged on issues of
effectiveness and rule of law, and the fight against corruption continues to be
one of Tanzania’s major challenges.
Decades of reforms in the public sector have resulted in
Tanzania scoring relatively better than most other African countries on Public
Financial Management (PFM). A wide range of laws, regulatory bodies and systems
have been enacted and implemented over the last 15 years. Procurement
regulation is of international standard, but it continues to be a challenge to
ensure compliance with these standards. Public budgets have become more
transparent and open, but the citizens’ active engagement in these issues
continues to be modest. The oversight capacity of the National Audit Office
continues to improve, and its reports are being discussed among the public and
in parliament, but following up the Audit Office’s recommendations continues to
be a challenge.
Over the past decade, the government has been successful
in increasing tax revenues, partly through more effective tax administration.
Collections correspond to almost 18% of GDP, which is high by African
standards. A challenge for the future is to revise tax policies so that the tax
burden is distributed more broadly in society. Of particular concern is the
large amount of tax exemptions, which is estimated to cause annual losses of
almost 4% of GDP. In addition, the complex and non-transparent system of exemptions
contributes to corruption. Rationalizing of the system and reducing the number
of exemptions requires a comprehensive technical and professional effort and
capacity, but political will and resolve are equally important.
Corruption remains a central and serious challenge for
Tanzania, in terms of both good governance and for the entire social
development. The levels of petty and grand corruption identified in
international and domestic surveys continue to be of considerable concern and
affect all sectors of the economy from public service delivery to natural
resource exploitation, industrial production and business. The formal
anti-corruption legislation and anti-corruption institutions in Tanzania are
comparable to those of most other African countries. Hence, in principle, there
should also be good possibilities to initiate a far more effective struggle
against corruption, but this requires a combination of political commitment and
increased engagement from the media, civil society and the parliament. There
have been some positive developments in recent years, but key challenges remain
in implementing and enforcing the legislation. Similarly, it is a great problem
that very few of the corruption cases end up being prosecuted in the courts.
New major opportunities and initiatives are underway.
Steps have been taken to implement legislation and to meet the standards
promoted by organizations such as the Children Care Development Organization
(CCDO) through its project of “Increasing Women’s Awareness on Good Governance
in Tanzania” under support from the African Women’s Development Fund (AWD), See
the attached Report for further information awareness regarding our
contribution to the promotion of women rights in Tanzania. This entails
strengthening of domestic revenue and financial management, and positive
developments within PFM reforms. Crucial, however, is a continued strengthening
of the systems and mechanisms for openness, accountability and transparency in
the public system. 
Tanzania is rich in natural resources and has one of the
highest forest covers in East and Southern Africa. The wildlife is rich, and
the tourism sector is growing rapidly, currently contributing with 18% of the
country’s GDP. The mining industry has experienced high, but greatly
fluctuating growth rates in the last decade with an annual average growth rate
of 15% per year. However, it should be noted that the growth departs from a low
base, and that the mining industry constitutes less than 5% of Tanzania’s GDP.
The government expects that the mining sector will grow to 10% of GDP by 2025.
Natural resources already account for a large proportion of Tanzania’s exports.
In 2010, mineral export alone accounted for almost one-third of Tanzania’s
total exports.
The recent discoveries of very large off-shore reserves
of natural gas and potentially oil will make the extraction industry in
Tanzania even more important. The expected intensified extraction, export and
domestic exploitation of Tanzania’s natural resources holds great economic
potential. It could contribute to solving the country’s long-standing energy
crisis and significantly boost domestic revenue. Current estimates are that
when gas exploitation reaches full production, incomes from extraction alone
will be more than three times current ODA to Tanzania. Over the short to medium
term, however, revenues from the natural gas will not be significant, and it is
possible that the government may choose to mortgage its future income in order
to satisfy short term needs. This tendency is already evident from the increase
in government borrowing.
Based on current experience from the mining industry,
there is no certainty that the exploitation of natural gas will generate large
numbers of new jobs, unless significant new policy measures are taken to ensure
this. The government is aware of the potential benefits to the nation’s
economic development if linkages between gas exploitation and the local economy
can be established, e.g. through local processing and subcontracting. Existing
tax policies are being reviewed in order to use international experience to
ensure national public revenues from exploitation of the gas reserves. In 2012,
Tanzania’s policies in the extraction sector were declared compliant with the
EITI standards, and implementation of the necessary legislation has begun.


Tanzania’s economy remains vulnerable to the environment.
The country has relied heavily on hydropower to meet its electricity needs, but
in recent years, electricity production generation has proven insufficient, due
partly to poor rainfall and depletion of hydro reservoirs. The impact of
climate variability Tanzania’s predominantly rainfall-based agriculture is also
very evident. Most of the country’s agriculture is directly dependent on annual
rainy seasons, and there is a close relationship between variations in the
amount of rainfall and differences in the country’s annual economic growth.
Agricultural production accounts for nearly half of Tanzania’s GDP, and reduced
agricultural productivity has already occurred as a result of changes in
rainfall patterns. In some regions, this has created problems for the total
food production and food security. In early 2013 Tanzania adopted its first
ever strategy to reduce the negative impact of climate change. 
us something about your microfinance program and why it focuses on women? What
about its impact?
project of CCDO Capacity Building and Women Empowerment Project focuses on
women due to the fact that, in recent years, governmental and non-governmental
organizations in developing countries have introduced microfinance programs
offering financial services to low income households especially targeting
women. In 2007, more than 100 million of the world’s poorest families received
microfinance and women made up 80 percent of the clients. The growth in the
number of very poor women reached has gone from 10.3 million at the end of 1999
to 88.7 million at the end of 2007 (Microcredit Summit Campaign 2009). This is
7.6 times increase in the number of poorest women. The increase represents
additional 78 million poorest women receiving microfinance in the last eight
years. Access to credit has received greater attention in the context of poverty
reduction and women’s empowerment objectives. The Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) were adopted by world leaders at the United Nations Millennium Summit in
2000. They set measurable and time bound goals, which range from combating
poverty, promoting gender equity and empowering women. With the aim to meet
MDGs, there has been an increasing expectation on the impact of microfinance
programs on women empowerment. 
in Tanzania women are still suffering from poverty income although most of the
microfinance borrowers are women. One can ask questions, “Why most microfinance
borrowers are women?” This is because formal sector commercial banks tend to
favor men, mainly because men run the larger business that commercial banks
favor. In addition, men tend to control the assets that bank seeks as
collateral. Thus, traditionally women have been disadvantaged in access to
credit and other financial services despite the fact that nearly 70% of the
world’s poor are women. Therefore, increase in the number of poorest women
receiving microfinance leads to good effect on poverty reduction. It may
deliver stronger development impacts. Blumberg (1989) finds that women tend to
be more concerned about children’s health and education than their husbands.
Children’s welfare improves as women’s earning power increases. It suggests
that lending to women yields greater social and economic impacts.
enables women not only to increase the bargaining power within households, but
also enables them to undertake income generating activities. It is estimated
that women-owned businesses account for over one-third of all firms, and they
are the majority of businesses in the informal sectors in developing countries.
They play a major role in creating jobs and generating income for low income
people. This means that expanding microfinance services for women may be the
key to alleviate poverty and attain sustainable economic growth in developing
countries. Then, I would like to raise one more basic and direct question; are microfinance
really helpful for women who are supposed to be the poorest of the poor?
Increasing women’s access to microfinance really enables them to undertake
income generating activities? Are there any differences in the impact of
microfinance on firm productivity based on the gender of the entrepreneurs?
Targeting women is efficient or not? This is the issues that is forcing the
CCDO to focus on women.
have been conducted a survey regarding the need of the project, in which we
used a questioner in which we targeted women families of small business
holder/stall holders/local stallholders/BPL/SHGs. The first survey was
conducted in 2012 in Iringa District and the second one was in 2014 in Iringa
Municipality where CCDO works. The survey area covers 11 rural villages in
these districts. Survey reveals a big need of microcredit project in both
districts where more than 40% population passing their life below poverty line
and very careless regarding their health and children education.
rural village economy such as the survey area, agriculture is major income
source of people. On average, people get employment in agriculture sector for
250 days a year. Rural poverty is concentrated among landless agriculture
workers and small farmers, who constitute 46% of the rural workforce. They are
suffering from vulnerability of income variation since agriculture depends on
natural conditions such as precipitation amount. It is also said that women
headed households in rural areas are worst affected by poverty. This micro-credit
project will be successful to empower women socially, making them aware of the
government scheme and so on. To provide credit is important to reduce poverty,
however, how to achieve sustainable livelihood improvement should be considered
at the same time. For example, fostering micro enterprises to generate income
activities should have been emphasized more.
between urban and rural areas is one of the important features of poverty in
Tanzania. This inequality is due to uneven division of natural resources. Poor
natural resource endowments and poor access to natural resources is one of the
most important causes of poverty. It is estimated that nearly two-thirds of
poor people in Tanzania are living in rural areas such as Iringa district,
Kilolo, Mufindi, Njombe, Makete and Ludewa states. It is also said that
Tanzania’s richest states have incomes that are five times higher than those of
the poorest states. The reason that poverty concentrates on rural area is that
rural Tanzanian primarily depend on agriculture income, which is highly
dependent on natural condition such as precipitation amount. Inadequate rain
and improper irrigation facilities can obviously cause low and sometimes no
production of crops. To cope with this, it is better to diversify the risks. It
will be essential for Tanzania to facilitate nonfarm entrepreneurship to get
the rural economy moving. Encouraging policies that promote competition in
agricultural marketing will also ensure that farmers receive better prices.
the CCDO microfinance program it focuses on women empowerment through the
introduction of agribusiness development activities in terms of horticulture,
maize and rice production since f
emale smallholder rice and maize farmers in
Tanzania face many challenges. The majorities of women in rural areas are the
main producers in agriculture, but most still live in poverty because they do
not benefit from what they produce and also they still use old agricultural
technologies like hand hoes. This is due to socio-economic gender inequalities
that deny women equal resource ownership and control, and to joint decision
making, coupled with inadequate education on family planning and the burden of
a heavy workload limiting social and personal time.
Due to gender
inequality, women’s status is very low, they are overwhelmingly more
disadvantaged than men, and face continuous discrimination. These inequalities
are not only a threat to women’s basic human rights, but also pose a serious
threat to the social and economic development of societies. (Gender Assessment
Report, 2015).
At the
beginning of the Empowerment of Women Smallholder Farmers in the Rice Value
Chain project, CCDO conducted baseline surveys and observed the following
challenges and gaps between men and women in social and economic activities:
1)     Women
constitute most of the labour force in rice production and related activities
including planting, irrigating, weeding, harvesting, threshing, winnowing, and
sorting. Men who do engage in those activities put in fewer hours compared to
2)     Men
are mostly the ones involved in the selling of the crops and deciding how
income is to be used. Women’s financial gain is not comparative with the labour
they provide. As men dominate in the milling industry, as middle agents, for
the sale of fertilizer and other inputs, and on irrigation schemes and water
management boards, the decisions made in these arenas tend to favour the
interests of men more than women.
3)     Men
tend to be more skilled and knowledgeable about farming technology than women.
• Across all project areas it was evident that men have more access to and
control of resources and benefits, when compared to women. Men are also the
main decision makers, especially in determining what resources to have, what crops
to grow and the use of income in the family. In a few families, women and men
discussed this together, but the men still make the final decision. It was
clear from the assessment that overall it is men who have the last say.
4)     The
baseline also revealed that there are customary laws, norms, beliefs and
practices that determine the extent to which women can access, own and control
resources and benefits in the community.
In spite of
their immense contribution women have not tangibly benefited from the dividends
of the rice sector in the Project areas. This is due to the strong cultural and
traditional inhibitions that give the men the upper hand in bargaining,
negotiating and selling the rice. Also women continue to shoulder the largest
burden of care at household level as well as face the consequences of poor
health due to highly manual and labour intensive activities (Gender Assessment
Report for the Women Empowerment, 2015).
Further, the
predominately patriarchal culture dictates inequitable gender roles in the
ownership of land and household decision making. Women’s equitable access to
and ownership of land is supported by the legal framework (Village Land Act,
1999) but, due to customary practices, land ownership by women is limited.
Women only own 19% of titled land, and in turn
this limits their access to collateral and to finance (World Bank 2007). Local
Government is the main extension service provider, but women’s access to
extension services is deterred as these extension services are male dominated
and corruption is pervasive. There remains widespread gender discrimination,
making it more difficult for women to practice agriculture and other
activities. Unstructured rice markets and a male dominated buyers’ market, also
prevents women’s participation. (Policy Analysis Report on Women Empowerment,
Therefore, our CCDO future plans are:
1)     To establish the CCDO Women
Recreation Business and Resource Development Center
2)   To
request our humanitarian donors who are considered as givers to assist us only
1 tractor for cultivating our purchased 20 acres of land at Kilolo Rural
District at Ukumbi ward for horticultural and maize production project since we
have identified a potential markets for maize, onions, cucumber, tomatoes, beans
and green vegetables from (Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe countries), Dar es Salaam,
Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Mbeya, Iringa, Dodoma and Morogoro regions of Tanzania.
3)     To expand our Revolving Fund Program
to target all the clients we train and to have continuous follow up.  With
more financial and logistical support we hope to increase numbers of groups to
be trained monthly and to access more rural areas to reach more women.
4)     To expand our capacity building /
training program to gain more capacity by recruiting more field/ training staff. 
Also to acquire more equipment for training, such as video, camera, digital
camera, overhead slide project, etc.
5)     To add the widows and orphan
empowerment component on Revolving Fund Program to Widows, orphans and / or
orphan households to be assisted / empowered to be self reliant:
6)     To introduce new products / services
such as health insurance scheme (micro-care) for micro-credit clients in
conjunction with relevant service providers.
7)     To take up insurance scheme for our
Revolving Fund Program so as to ensure and maximize all our local repayments to
8)     To expand to neighboring districts
of Iringa Rural district, Kilolo and Mufindi district by the year 2017.
9)     Service additional 6000 Rural Poor
women clients in the year 2018 directly with:
i)    Training
in basic business skills and
ii)   Provide and extend to them Revolving
Fund to invest in their agricultural micro-enterprises.
iii) To build our capacity to provide more services to the
low income local women, more efficiently.  To increase numbers of rural
beneficiaries who will have access to our much needed services.
iv) Expand our outreach.  We shall be able to expand
our geographical coverage to more remote sub-counties in more remote areas
where there is greatest need for empowerment of poor rural women – where credit
and business skills are much needed.
v) Promoting the grassroots women in the economic and social
development of their lives e.g. developing and replicating new models for
community investment.
vi) Introduce financial products and services to the
targeted communities.
vii) Acquire enough materials for training and business counseling.
Key outcomes/
change realized /impacts targets:
1)     Women
challenge inequality as change makers for social and economical change.
2)     Women
producer groups promote sustainable growth of women agribusiness farming as a
3)     Women
maize, horticultural crops and rice farmers competitively access markets.
4)     Women
rice farmers influence policies for a conducive environment for rice farming as
a business.
5)     Increased knowledge and skills of volunteers peer educators on
issues related to civic education in Tanzania.
6)     Increased women and community with knowledge and skills and make
informed decisions and responsible choices about civic issues and the Tanzania
general election.
7)     Around 100,000 men and women sensitized on  good governance and human rights issues, and
educated on access to information and freedom of expression through community
based events
8)     40,000 students and teachers of secondary schools and colleges
have enhanced understanding of fundamental human rights and women awareness on
good governance.
9)     50 media persons trained on human rights and women awareness on
good governance issues, freedom of expression, access to information and how to
report human rights violations against women 
and effective follow up
10)50 lawyers trained on human rights and women awareness on good
governance issues, and freedom of expression and access to information 
11) 200 Human Rights Forum members trained on women awareness on good
governance and human rights issues, freedom of expression, and access to
information and how to monitor human rights situation and support victims of HR
12) Capacity building of 150 representatives of local government on
access to information and transparency and accountability. Therefore, a good example
on how we  transform the mindsets of our
Tanzanian women you can read below of what one of our Executive Ward Councilor
Ms. Sarah Barutwa from Iniho ward at Makete District of Njombe where we implemented
our project of increasing women’s awareness on good governance in Tanzania
explained below;
“I decided to get involved in
politics to be a voice for the women and children who were left behind and not
catered for in local decision making because of lack of representation and
participation. I contested with a man as a district counselor and I made it. I
was a widow, so no one stopped my ambition……However, my experience in local
council as a chairperson on the health committee, was not easy…I was faced with
many challenges. Personally I lacked the courage and confidence to speak, I
lacked relevant knowledge and skills to deliberate issues effectively, women
issues were not given priority and attention in the council. Plus, male leaders
and other men intimidated and called us names—they booed when we spoke! The
pressures were too much: high expectation from the community, deliberate under
budgeting of women‘s code, disunity and intrigue in the local council.
Sometimes invitation letters to council meetings were withheld or deliberately
sent late so that we were not prepared enough; minutes were altered if what was
discussed did not favor the corrupt officials and the like. This meant that we
women and other marginalized groups were not getting what we wanted by
participation in leadership. It is at this time that CCDO carried out a mini
study on effectiveness and challenges faced by local leaders representing
vulnerable groups in local council. They later trained us—sharing information
and skills that built our capacity and confidence., Through this we became more
organized with a stronger united voice and we were able to ensure that policies
and programs that benefited the poor especially women and children were given
due consideration and priority. We got safe water to poor women and families
through the provision of boreholes and protected wells in the community; we
made sure the construction of schools included pit latrines and many other
basic services. …Based on this experience, my recommendation is that local
council leaders representing vulnerable groups need to be assisted to
effectively participate and influence policy in favor of the poor people. They
also need to be encouraged to interact with their electorate so that they can
be informed of the most priority needs”. By Sarah Barutwa – a member of Makete
District Council.
Yes, the CCDO planned  projects are cooperative with local
authorities such as Iringa District and Makete District Councils, Iringa
Municipal Council, Kilolo Rural District Council) and institutions such as the
University of Iringa and Iringa Mercy Organization, Mkwawa University at
Iringa, Women Producer Groups to facilitate social and economic empowerment.
Project activities give women more voice and decision making power in their
communities and households, as well as organizing women, and brokering trade
relationships between their groups and rice / maize buyers/processors. Normally
we cooperative with our local authorities and institutions through community
symposium with local authorities, politicians, religious institutions, NGOs,
CBOs and institutions, conducting workshops, trainings, group discussion,
debate forums discussions, project designing and formulation,  local community fundraising sharing
strategies through gospel events, musicians events participation, tree planting
local and national campaigns  and
HIV/AIDS Prevention campaigns.
Empowering women maize and rice farmers to
challenge inequalities and influence change in control and ownership of
productive assets and income was addressed as follows: Facilitate women to recognize
their subordination, have a sense of rights, and organize for collective action
through Women Producer Groups; brokering market linkages such as moving the
market to women through Village based Contact farming, and access to
agro-services and productive resources through cooperatives, producer
associations, processors and government to increase women’s access to
agro-services and productive resources.
Being the CCDO Chairperson and Founder I experienced
many challenges in running NGOsand also on how to develop the most effective
ways in fostering community empowerment in Tanzania can that can be seen in
various strategies of promoting education as an
empowering tool might help people to change the conditions of their lives by taking
action while having knowledge and skills of a trade that will make them
competitive in the particular productive field. Empowering dominant culture in
taking action to do something about poverty as their own concern, as well. This
is due to the truth that, giving more power through education, information,
coaching and counseling, and  amplify the
possibilities to get or create a job or business, trough micro-credits, access
to ICT networks is the best way to achieve poverty eradication. Empowering have
to also mean give the primary needs to someone: water, food, house,
communications, energy, job, health.
I belief that empowering people can help eradicate poverty because those who
have been empowered will become self-reliance from their skills that they have
learned, they can have jobs which they will use to take of their family. If
there is no one in the family could afford to take care of the children and
other relatives the poverty will increase, so by empowering one person you have
safe many lives.  This is because poverty
is an essential part of many social settings. Unfortunately but apparently it
is one source of the growth of national economies as we see it today, which can
be best observed in BRIC countries. Empowering people  could be a strategy to improve the income
status at the bottom line by making people aware of their rights, sometimes
there real productivity, their power as the stand united, etc. This may have consequences
counteracting growth to some extent, which is not a reason to skip empowerment,
but maybe stop the fixation on GDP growth.
empowering people is critical for achieving poverty eradication. They need to
be made aware of their rights and entitlements, equipped with skills to make
informed choice and negotiate for their rights and have access to resources for
their development, since empowering people to have the control and ownership of
their lives, requires an array of opportunities to choose and decide. These
empowering people are the actors of their own development.
marginalized groups such as women, persons with disabilities, aboriginal
people, elderly people, etc. to develop income-generation activities is probably
a starting point, but efforts should go beyond economic considerations to
explore sound mechanisms for increased and inclusive participation, including
monitoring accountability of decision-makers. Poverty reduction is a complex
undertaking because of the multifaceted nature of poverty, one of them being
the unequal access to wealth and basic services and commodities in several
societies or countries, which point to some roots causes of inequalities.
Reducing poverty therefore also means addressing governance issues by
challenging the adequacy of policy-making and accountability mechanisms
existing institutions.
implies the recognition that anyone can make the difference in his/her life and
other people’s lives. In many countries of the world, governments do not/cannot
allocate sufficient resources/capacities to efficiently support programmes
aiming at poverty reduction. In this context, civil society organizations,
including a wide range of organizations, may take over this responsibility and
promote/support self-help institutions, volunteer organizations, groups of
interest, in order to fight poverty eradication. Depending on the level of
organization and capacity to articulate needs to address them, the civil
society can play a critical role in achieving poverty eradication. However, the
civil society cannot operate in a vacuum or in isolation. There has to be a
network and connection with both government institutions, private sector,
international organizations, etc..
people are empowered they are equipped with skills and knowledge with which
they will be able to earn a living. In this way, they will both be able to get
paid employment or start up a business and earn an income. Earning income is
the first step towards poverty eradication.
people to achieve poverty eradication implies developing clearer and more
consistent coverage polices that appropriately address the unique needs of
individuals with disabilities. Enabling persons with disabilities to live
independently and participating in all aspect of life and ensure them access to
transportation, information communication technologies and other public
facilities and services and eliminating obstacles and barriers to
accessibility. To empower their mental capacity, education is the main key to
eradicate poverty, therefore the key
ensuring an inclusive education system at all levels and long learning.
Empowering persons with disability to develop their talents, creativity, mental
and physical abilities, in other words their fullest potential
people can help to achieve a sustained economic growth and sustainable
development, through education, health care and employment. They, also, have
the potential to integrate economic, cultural and social policies to achieve a
better life for all. Hence, empowerment makes people powerful, able and active
to participate. Then they will get the power and the ability to work for
poverty eradication.
In the
cooperative movement we believe that through the support of the dignity of the
individual and the support of the group as a whole, much more can be achieved
in poverty reduction. Often the strength in numbers achieved through a
cooperative effort can spell the difference between a farmer unable to sell
his/her products or being able to compete in the market place by having
financial, and group support for purchasing needed equipment, getting goods and
services to market. Cooperatives are the ultimate form of
“empowerment” through the use of a values based business model.
empowering people living in poverty to be part of the solution, we could move
from abstract thought into real action by providing individuals, families, and
communities with what they need to succeed. The decision for a person living in
sub-Saharan Africa may be drastically different than that of a person living in
South America, but, by allowing access to the decision making process, the
persons affected by policy and action would have an ability to have an input
into what is needed.
If you
empower people it means you are helping them achieve some things such as the
required education to gain employment or get the require capital to start
business of your own.
would help using people’s experience and knowledge, tapping and channeling
their energy, intelligence and capacity positively. Empowerment can come
through community mobilization and volunteer efforts that are based on bottom
up efforts, allowing communities to identify and formulate their priorities.
Empowerment starts from the individual who needs to trust in his/her
capacities. People, who have not gone through formal education, often totally
underestimate how much they know, just because they don’t speak the
sophisticated language and can’t write it down in the same way as the ones with
an academic background. People, who have contributed to identifying problems
and developing priorities, feel moe responsible for the delivery and
sustainability of the solutions developed. Empowerment leads to ownership and increases
accountability as people are more interested in the delivery of results that
they have themselves contributed to identifying.
people means enabling their access to the structures and knowledge which
support a minimum income and standard of living. Many women do not have access
to the value of their care giving work: ensuring financial supports for
caregivers would help to eradicate poverty of women and men caregivers.
maintain control over the financial aspect of their lives, skills acquisition
remains the basis for poverty eradication. A level above skills acquisition,
there should be a tutorials classes on how to covert learnt skills to a
marketable one and a source of income generation. At the tip of their
empowerment cycle, a course on financial literacy should be taught them. This
will mark the pinnacle of their empowerment. Creating a system where empowered
people also feel the need to empower others will lead to poverty eradication
In my
view, education is the best way to eradicate poverty. Educated people are able
to achieve their goals in a much better way and that is usually the way in
which the poverty cycle can be broken.
individuals and communities is necessary to attain equal distribution of
available resources so that a few do not benefit from the labor of many. Each
human has the right to share natural resources and participate in gainful work;
however, these rights are not honored in all Nations. Laws, policies and
practices have restricted fair access to resources needed to sustain families,
reserving opportunities for a privileged few. Empowering people means
engaging all
persons in economic activity.
has God given gifts and if all can tap into their gifts and are given the resources/opportunities
to use and share them for the common good, all will have what’s needed, not
necessarily wanted.
continuance of poverty and the growing inequality that we experience today has
much to do with power relations between individual and groups in society –
those who have and those who don’t have. Empowering people through human rights
training, the implementation of human rights based policies and programmes –
e.g. implementation of the social protection floor at national level guaranteeing
basic services and minimum income by right, closing the gap between the haves
and the have not respecting persons as persons and upholding human rights could
contribute much to poverty  empowering
people is absolutely essential, we much acknowledge and recognize that poverty
eradication will take place by focusing only on the persons living in poverty,
but rather change of mindset, perception attitudes and actions of all people
towards poverty eradication will change the structures and systems that perpetuate
poverty. Every person must be ’empowered’ to eradicate poverty.