
Resistance becomes a duty, if freedom of opinion is threatened!

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski,
Sicht vom Hochblauen, 29 November 2017, English Translation by Milena Rampoldi,
The occupying
“Jewish State’s” politics of discrimination is something you are not allowed to
talk about in the German media, in public, or in political events. Thanks to
the Israel lobby the term “occupation” has become a non-existent bad word not
to be mentioned. What we experience at the moment and is particularly present
here in Germany is the fact that the term “occupation,” when it is about the “Jewish
State,” is substituted by “anti-Semitism.” This creates an oppressive fearful
mood which is intended to stop our engagement for the liberation of Palestine
from the illegal Jewish-Zionist occupation. The Israel lobby and its numerous
use all means to get the prerogative of interpretation in the media and in
official politics; they determine what has to be said and pillory alleged
That goes so
far that Jewish and Jewish-Israeli lectors and activists of obscure Israel
supporters are labelled as anti-Semites and “State enemies.” This new German
anti-Semitism against Jewish citizens should be a horrifying déjà-vu for
everyone. A couple of days ago, a “Young Forum” of the German-Israeli Society
in Heidelberg forced the cancellation of an invitation to the known Israeli
peace activist and founder of the Israeli Committee against Home destructions
(ICAHD), Prof. Jeff Halper, with infamous defamations and scurrilous
accusations of anti-Semitism, to the “Forum of International Security” at the
University of Heidelberg. We have to hope that the adult evening classes will
not also bow to these occupation lobbyists.
This is just
one of many similar cases here in Germany. The whole thing seems to be
epidemic. Self-proclaimed hunters of anti-Semites act in a targeted manner and
try to attack Jewish activists in particular. And this is more than logical,
because Jewish activists from the “Jewish State” like Jeff Halper, Gideon Levy,
Moshe Zuckermann or Palestinian activists like Ahmed Schokry know perfectly
what they are talking about.
Even if the “Jewish
State” and its international lobby would like to avoid it, we have to speak the
truth about the internationally shunned crimes against international law and
human rights, committed by the Zionist occupiers‘ regime, and this without
being defamed as anti-Semites. And who, if not Jewish and Jewish-Israeli
activists are obliged to do this? We have to keep in mind that Zionists do not
fear anything but the truth. Therefore they avoid discussions between Israel
critics and Israel supporters. While Israel lobbyists find their voice in the
press and in the public media, even known and famous critics of Israeli
occupation prefer not to speak because they are afraid of being called
This makes me
think about the President of the Central Council of Jews, Josef Schuster. Last
Sunday, 27 November, he called the general manager of Axel Springer SE, Mathias
Döpfner, to support “non-Jewish Zionists.” This “highest” decision-making
committee of the Central Council is so unified to try to lump anti-Zionism, “anti-Israeli,”
and anti-Semitism together.
distracted from the right anti-Semitism and fantasized a left-wing
anti-Semitism, often camouflaged as “anti-Zionism.” With this declaration he
accused critics of Israel and Zionism of having basic anti-Semitic emotions and
resentments. Of course, according to him, even the BDS movement and the product
boycott is nothing else than “pure anti-Semitism!” Clearly, he did not spend
one word about the decade-long illegal occupation, the daily land grab, and the
deprivation of rights of the Palestinian people.
It is really touching
how sensitive his reaction is when it is about the occupiers‘ state, while his “Armada”
is on the front side when it is about his favorite enemies Russia or Iran to
implement boycott calls and measures.
So there is
nothing to wonder about if the general manager then talks about the “phenomenon”
of Muslim anti-Semitism as an alleged development having reached a totally new
dimension after the immigration from Muslim countries. He talks about it by
calling it an alleged political taboo subject almost never discussed in
Germany. Of course, this is totally wrong, because the Springer media
synchronically defame Muslim immigrants as anti-Semites. However, refugees
coming from Muslim countries exactly know how their brothers and sisters are
treated by Israel. This is not anti-Semitism, but a totally legitimate
anti-Zionism, and an opposition to occupation! Your reminder, Mr. Döpfner, that
Germany has to deal with this reality and that there is no tolerance towards
intolerance, is an insult!
At the moment
in Germany I just know one TABOO SUBJECT; and it is the “Jewish State” and its
illegal occupation politics and the international Israel lobby pretending to
talk for all Jews. In the meantime, the 
particularly contagious and dangerous 
virus of the “accusation of anti-Semitism” has also involved politicians
and parties just repeating without any reasoning what is told to them. In the
meantime, it is not just the right-wing party AfD diffusing this right-wing
ideology together with other spiritual arsonists like Beck, Broder, Weinthal,
Sarrazin, Pirinci, Hamed Abdel-Samad, IM-Victoria=Anetta Kahane and many
others. And more and more supporters come from media and politics so that we
should ALL worry about this situation.
right-wing party AfD strongly supports Israel and the Jews. The liberal party
FDP is getting closer to the AfD. The President of the Central Council of the
Jews in Germany was one of the first to warn about refugees and Muslim
anti-Semitism. So this Republic has become a country of moral cowards. Mr. Döpfner,
if you call for a hard line of the constitutional state and a strong political
leadership within society which do not show any spirit of compromise concerning
this matter, then your attitude is more than hypocritical.
However, your
media try to intimidate and stigmatize people with moral courage. Brave and
moral citizens struggling for freedom of opinion are defamed and denigrated
when it is about the “Jewish State.” And also your love for Jews has its limits
because you distinguish between good and bad Jews. Newspapers like Bild, Welt
and Co. have always been dangerous propaganda papers in Germany. This
philo-Semite brain washing has already caused enough trouble. It is true that
Germany has developed into a tolerant and multi-cultural country where also
Jews can live again . . . Just think about Berlin . . . However, this tolerance
is in danger because of your attitude! This uncritical closeness to the “Jewish
occupiers’ state” and to the Israel lobby is dangerous and easily
comprehensible. Let us hope that readers will think and not fall into this
propaganda trap as they can get their information elsewhere. There are many
serious sources.
After your
performance in the Jewish council board the “big chief” of the Central Council
Schuster repeated that the media are also responsible for the “increasing” hatred
of Israel, and that Germany has to comply with its “historic responsibility” towards
the “Jewish State.” In addition, he said that the double standard of many media
and the “Israel-related anti-Semitism” are insufficiently perceived and that
hatred of Israel is not sufficiently dealt with.
Mr. Schuster
is seriously concerned about it. It is a fact that actually there is a
concerted action of media defamation against Israel critics, BDS supporters and
events dealing with this matter. Let us just think about the Karlspreis award
to journalist Ken Jebsen in Berlin the left-wing politician Lederer, a strong
supporter of the Israel lobby, is trying to avoid with all means by opposing to
freedom of opinion!
For decades
now, the representatives of the “Jewish State” and their diaspora supporters,
who were always involved into background discussions in editorial departments,
have been swearing media to the “love of Israel.” And this situation has enhanced
so much that in the meantime no public channel dares to oppose this lobby. So
the director of the channel feels more obliged towards the lobbyists than
towards the paying public. Just let us think about the WDR director Tom Buhrow
who felt obliged to cancel the broadcast of a Roger Waters (a wonderful
musician and a very famous BDS and Palestine activist) concert because the
Israel lobby had called for it.

Buhrow bowed to the Israel lobbyist Malca Goldstein-Wolf who normally moves
under obscure blogs like Buurman’s blog “Tapfer im nirgendwo,” the infamous “Broder
Achse,” and cancelled the presentation of Roger Waters. In Germany, we have
already sunk so deep that only because of malicious suspicions of a lobbyist a
music event is cancelled. Buhrow’s “clear attitude” should really give us all
food for thought: Instead of researching about Roger Waters and his political
ideas and then drawing his own conclusions, he just cowardly backed away
because of malicious suspicions of a lobbyist. This is the situation of our
public television citizens pay for to get one poor opinion instead of a variety
of opinions! In the meantime, various ARD sections have become part of this
boycott initiative. Here clear positions for the Israel lobby are taken. And
this is scandalous. Roger Water’s actions are an important sign and not
anti-Semitic at all, but the artistic and political engagement for freedom in
Palestine and for the end of the illegal occupation. It would be a dream if we
had similar initiatives and artists in Germany! (1)–wdr-stoppt-support-fuer-roger-waters-28960396
We see the
effects of this strong pressure by the Central Council and its many motivated
supporters. When Schuster expressly thanks Döpfner for his constant solidarity
with Israel and his continuous engagement against anti-Semitism, he is
insurmountable in his hypocrisy. In fact, the Springer group is a typical
German example about how people try to compensate the old anti-Semitism with a
philo-Semitism which is nothing else than a new anti-Semitism!
President Schuster, we have a historical responsibility including the
Palestinian people who were not responsible for the Holocaust and despite of
this have been living for decades under a merciless Israeli occupation.
We have had
enough of your calumny campaigns against critical Jews. We also do not need any
person in charge for “anti-Semitism” or a strange definition of anti-Semitism, criminalizing
any Israel critic defined as hater of Jews. We do not need any new ban on
speaking against Jewish speakers, no withdrawal of public spaces, by the
successors of the perpetrator generation, as we had all that in the past of our
German cities already.
We have to
put an end to the reason of state to support Netanyahu’s state terror regime
driving the “Jewish State” and Palestine to a murderous edge to save its own
corrupt hegemonic power.
Resistance is
an obligation if freedom of opinion is threatened, and if Islam hatred,
anti-Muslim racism and philo-Semitism becomes German reason of state and the