
Violence against women

Violence against women and girls is often presented as a tragic isolated event or the side effect of war and armed conflict. It is not.
Around the world, the most dangerous place for a woman is not living through war or walking alone on city streets – although these can be hazardous and brutal places. Instead, the most dangerous place for a woman is in her own home.
More than 1.2 billion women – one third of women in the world – have experienced physical or sexual violence or both at the hands of their husband, partner or boyfriend.
In South East Asia, the figure is even higher with nearly 40% of women experiencing violence. In addition, 30 years of female infanticide and feticide in Asia are now estimated to have resulted in 163 million ‘missing’ girls. And to make the population imbalance even worse, women and girls make up 75% of people trafficked across national borders annually.