
Lawsuit aims to block U.S. foreign aid to Israel – conference call

by, August 9, 2016.
lawsuit filed Monday in the D.C. federal district court challenges U.S.
foreign aid to Israel.

Center for Policy and Law is holding a conference call briefing about the
lawsuit August 11 at 10AM EST.
online to receive the conference call phone number, access code and briefing
materials at:
closes 9PM on August 10.

U.S. is finalizing a ten-year memorandum of understanding which will
reportedly boost aid to $4-5 billion per year. The director of the Institute
for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) in the suit challenges the
authority of the president and U.S. federal agencies to deliver such foreign
aid to Israel. Such aid violates longstanding bans on aid to non-signatories
to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) with nuclear weapons programs.
Since the bans went into effect U.S. foreign aid to Israel is
estimated to
be $234 billion
lawsuit reveals how in the mid-1970s during investigations into the illegal
diversion of weapons-grade uranium from U.S. contractor NUMEC to Israel,
Senators Stuart Symington and John Glenn amended the 1961 Foreign Assistance
Act to ban any aid to clandestine nuclear powers that were not NPT
signatories. Symington clarified
the legislative intent of the amendments:
“…if you wish to take
the dangerous and costly steps necessary to achieve a nuclear weapons option,
you cannot expect the United States to help underwrite that effort indirectly
or directly.”
Obama administration follows precedents established since the Ford
administration by ignoring internal agency and public domain information that
should trigger Symington & Glenn cutoffs and waiver provisions governing
foreign aid. The administration has gone further in criminalizing the flow of
such information from the federal government to the public.
2012 the Department of Energy under U.S. State Department authority passed a
secret gag law called “Guidance on
Release of Information relating to the Potential for an Israeli Nuclear
.” The gag law and related measures promote a
“nuclear ambiguity” policy toward Israel. The primary purpose of
the gag law is to unlawfully subvert Symington & Glenn arms export
controls, the suit alleges.
won unprecedented release of a Pentagon report about Israel’s nuclear weapons
program through a 2014
. A 2015 IRmep lawsuit dislodged CIA
about the NUMEC diversion.
is a Washington, DC-based nonprofit researching U.S. Middle East policy