
Hedy Epstein – A lovely Woman passed away

by Mazin Qumsyeh, May 26, 2016.
Pioneers to draw parallel of actions of Nazis and
Zionists and speak out for justice for the native Palestinians were Holocaust
survivors both inside “Israel” (like Shahak and Davis) and outside like Hajo
Meyer and Hedy Epstein. Hedy just passed away and I knew her for almost 20
years as one of the most principled dedicated and hardworking individuals. I
hesitated to ask her to join our wheels of justice bus tour in 2002 because of
her age (then in her 80s) but she did not hesitate in accepting and she was
just marvelous. She spoke out with authority and knowledge about the ethnic
cleansing and the massacres committed in Palestine by Zionists. She also joined
the boats trying to break the siege on Gaza. When she was in her late 80s she
was strip searched and poked by Israeli security forces at Lod (renamed “Ben
Gurion”) Airport. Please browse her website here to know more about this
remarkable woman: