
Gaza, a Philosophical Dictionary by Michael Buergermeister, commented by William Hanna

Hi all,

I would like to thank the author William Hanna for his review of our new publication by Michael Buergermeiter, Gaza, a Philosophical Dictionary.

Thanks for reading and sharing

Dr. phil. Milena Rampoldi – ProMosaik e.V.

It is no surprise
Michael Buergermeisters
Gaza: A Philosophical Dictionary, starts off with A for
the first of 26
alphabetically presented essays that dispassionately compel the reader to face
up to the harsh realities of the Palestinian people
s unjust and
inhumane persecution by an ever expanding state for the Jewish people. The
author wastes no time in raising the question of free speech by both asking
Why do I write or am I an Anti-Semite? and by accepting that he like any other writer seeking to tell
the truth about Palestine
will inevitably provoke hatred,
misunderstanding and accusations of anti-Semitism.
The authors C for Children essay
highlights Israel
deliberate targeting of Palestinian children who when not being shot or bombed
to death in operations such as Cast Lead and Protective Edge, are
subject to inhuman and degrading treatment,
harassment, arrest,
interrogation, and imprisonment without access to adult or legal council in
blatant contravention of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
H for Holocaust, J
for Judaism, O for Origins, R for Right of Return, X for Xenophobia, and Z for
just some of the well-focused snapshots of a decades-long conflict that started
with the Palestinian Nabka (Catastrophe) which witnessed the murder of
thousands and the terrorised expulsion of 750,000 who to this day remain as
stateless refugees unable to return home while any Jew, anywhere in the world
who has never before been to Israel has a right to return.
All the essays in
this collection are balanced, fair, and in no way anti-Semitic. They in fact
constitute the work of a man who has a genuine affection for Judaism and
perhaps even Israel but whose conscience and humanity prevent him from remaining
silent over the unconscionable inhumanity being perpetrated against the
Palestinian people to whom all Articles of The Universal Declaration of Human
Rights are with monotonous regularity

calumnious hypocrisy
being unjustly
Books such as this
should not only be essential reading for anyone even remotely concerned with
Palestine or human rights, but should also be included in school curricula
along with the prescribed reading of William Shakespeare and others whose books
do not help to prepare children for the realities of the modern World where
truth and justice are distorted by a corporate mass media serving the interests
of the Anglo-Zionist Political Corporate Military Industrial Complex.