
A new article by William Hanna about Eretz Yisrael HaShlema

They invented The Jewish People Who Are Now In The
Process Of Inventing A Nation, But At What And Whose Cost?
        Eretz Yisrael HaShlema / Greater Israel

“Dominated by Zionism’s particular concept of nationality, the
State of Israel still refuses, sixty years after its establishment, to see
itself as a republic that serves its citizens. One quarter of the citizens are
not categorized as Jews, and the laws of the state imply that Israel is not
their state nor do they own it. The state has also avoided integrating the
local inhabitants into the superculture it has created, and has instead
deliberately excluded them. Israel has also refused to be a consociational
democracy (like Switzerland or Belgium) or a multicultural democracy (like
Great Britain or the Netherlands)—that is to say, a state that accepts its
diversity while serving its inhabitants. Instead, Israel insists on seeing
itself as a Jewish state belonging to all the Jews in the world, even though
they are no longer persecuted refugees but full citizens of the countries in
which they choose to reside. The excuse for this grave violation of a basic
principle of modern democracy, and for the preservation of an unbridled
ethnocracy that grossly discriminates against certain of its citizens, rests on
the active myth of an eternal nation that must ultimately forgather in its
ancestral land.” 
Shlomo Sand
In his scholarly book The Invention of
the Jewish People —
a fascinating and controversial study of Jewish
historiographyTel Aviv University professor of history Shlomo Sand
challenges biblical and conventional claims that Israel has a moral right to
define itself as an explicitly exclusive Jewish society in which non-Jews
including Palestinians are marginalised and deliberately discriminated against.
Sand asserts that Jews — both those who are Israeli or citizens of other
countries — are not the direct descendants of the ancient people who originally
inhabited the Kingdom of Judea during the First and Second Temple periods but
are mostly Mediterranean Basin and periphery people who converted to Judaism
over the course of history.
Sand disputes whether the Jewish People
ever existed as a common origin national group in the Land of Israel/Palestine
and concludes that they should be regarded only as a religious community
consisting of a farrago of individual or group converts without any historical
right to establish an independent Jewish state in the Holy Land because they
are not really a “people” in the sense of having a common ethnic origin and
national heritage that entitles them to having a legitimate political claim
over what today constitutes Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories,
including Jerusalem. Furthermore, he asserts that Zionist historians are
ideologues — responsible for introducing the mythical conception of the Jewish
People as an ancient race — and charges them with a racist mindset that without
reasoned debate dismisses as “a hater of Israel” anyone who dares to aver that
the world’s Jews have never constituted, and still do not constitute a people
or a nation.
Yet despite such justifiable doubts, the
biblical assertion still persists that God chose Abraham to be the father of a
people that were special and would be an example to the rest of the world — an
example which presumably includes Israel’s six decades of barbaric crimes
against humanity.  Jewish history is regarded by many scholars as having
begun with the Exodus from Egypt and that anything previous to that event in
the Bible was a collection of syncretic mythologies based on numerous
non-Jewish sources. 
Though it is possible that some Jews may
have been expelled from ancient Egypt because of a plague, it is highly
unlikely that the number expelled was anywhere near the number that was
subsequently claimed by Jewish scribes. According to the various parts of the
narrative in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, it was
in c. 1300 BCE that Moses parted the Red Sea waters and led 600,000 oppressed
Israelite slaves through the wilderness for 40 years — imagine the logistics
that would have been required under the best of conditions, let alone in the
wilderness — before settling in the promised land. Unfortunately there is no
mention or record of this Exodus in ancient Egyptian history and had such a
momentous event actually occurred — 600,000 people would in those days have
represented at least a quarter of the Egyptian population — then surely it
would have warranted being diligently recorded or at least mentioned. So while
the Exodus story is discounted by Egyptologists, archaeologists and even Jewish
scholars, it has nonetheless served to historically cast Jews as the perennial
victims. As for the narrative of Moses parting the waters, this was undoubtedly
copied from the legend of Egyptian Goddess Isis who on learning of the location
of the chest containing the remains of her murdered husband Osiris, parted the
waters for her journey to Byblos in Lebanon — thereby also providing the story
line for Bindumati (Kali as the mother of bindu or Spark of Life) who
miraculously crossed the River Ganges.
Even the name Moses, was Egyptian as in Thutmose or
Ahmoses, and meant “unfathered son of a princess”
with the Moses myth being modelled on the Egyptian demigod
Heracles of  Canopus

Ancient Egyptian coastal town located on
the River Nile Delta

who was drawn from an arc in the Nile
bulrushes, grew up to perform many great deeds, and eventually died on a
mountaintop. Moses
s fortuitous meeting with Sinais god the Chaldean
moon-god Sin

suggests that the Jews attempted to settle
in that god
s Cainite-Midianite mining community on the Sinai
Peninsula, or land of Sinim (“Land of the Moon”) whose consort was Mother
Inana, who annually turned Sumer
s (present-day
Iraq) waters into blood. Moses, who climbed the holy mountain where Sin dwelt,
divulged that Sin was the same as the God of Abraham who apparently did not
know him by that name (Exodus 6:3). Ancient documents show that the name Abraham
was itself a synonym for Ab-Sin, or “Moon-Father.”
Abrahams God (Father
Brahm) introduced himself to Moses with the words “I Am That I Am.”
thereby echoing the Brahmanic Tat sats “I Am That
that Is.”

He also commanded, “Put off thy shoes from
off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground,”
(Exodus 3:5). The removal of footwear was an ancient
Hindu custom

also attributed to ancient Egyptian and
Roman witches

which in India is still practiced in
temples where worshippers go barefoot because of the belief that emanations
from the holy ground can enter the body via the feet.
The narrative of Moses allegedly being given the
tablets of stone was borrowed from the Canaanite god Baal-Berith, “God
of the Covenant”

later to be regarded as a devil by
Christian demonology

and the tabletsTen Commandments followed the commandments of the
Buddhist Decalogue. In ancient times such commandments were generally given by
a deity on a mountain top as was the case with the Greek Titan Queen of heaven,
Mother Rhea of Mount Dicte (in Crete), and Zoroaster who received his tablets
on a mountaintop from Ahuru Mazda.
People are still being misled into believing that Moses
wrote the Pentateuch (first five books of the Old Testament) despite the fact
that scholars have long known that they were written by priestly scribes in
Jerusalem late in the post-exilic period
the end of Jewish exile in Babylon in 538 BCE and 1 CE
with a view to creating a mythic history for their
nation based on the customs, pronouncements and legends of others. Because the
character of Moses was conceived with a non-Jewish name and a selection of
different myths, he remains shrouded in mystery that casts doubt on his actual
Other groundless Judaic traditions include the common
assumption that the hexagram, with its two intersecting equilateral triangles,
has been the emblem of Judaism since the time of David or Solomon. Though
variously known as the Magen David (Shield of David), Star of David, or Solomon
s Seal, the hexagram had nothing to do with either of
them and was not even mentioned by Judaic scribes until the twelfth century.
Furthermore its official acceptance as the Judaic emblem did not occur until
the seventeenth century after it had been part of the medieval Cabala
s system of sex worship. 
The symbol originally represented the union between
males and females in Tantric Hinduism, with the upward pointing triangle
representing the former and the downward representing the latter. The borrowing
of this Tantric Hindu symbol was only a very small part of a lengthy and
concerted effort by religious scribes to create a Jewish nation whose mythic
history incorporated the traditions, maxims and legends of other religions and
nations. Unfortunately Judaism has never been content to be just a religion, it
has also always wanted its adherents to regard themselves, and to be regarded
by others as a distinct race whom God had chosen. By growing up and living in
accordance with such a premise
those who
believe they are “superior” by virtue of having been allegedly chosen by

will invariably create a barrier between
themselves and the less fortunate “unchosen”
will neither regard their assumed “supremacy” with respect nor shower them with
brotherly love.
Nonetheless Jews have every right in accordance with the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights — rights which Israeli Jews and their
supporters deny to Palestinians — to worship the God and practice the religion
of their choice. If in pursuing that religious choice, however, Jews ghettoise
themselves and remain aloof from others; if they continue to tolerate — either
by their direct support or silence — Israel’s racist and barbaric criminality;
and if they do not unconditionally demand respect for the rights of the
Palestinian people, then they will have no justification for complaints when
others regard them with suspicion and contempt. To invent or reinvent a
“people” is not a crime. But to invent a nation at any moral or material cost
to others; at any or by any Machiavellian or racist means; at any length including
the ethnic cleansing of another people, is without doubt abhorrent and immoral
and renders as grossly hypocritical and false all the magnificent attributes
that jews with a great deal of pride claim for themselves.
It is time for all Jews — and especially those ridden
with the Zionist viral disease — to fully comprehend that the excesses of
Zionist Apartheid Israel’s avaricious, dishonest, racist, and murderous conduct
will ultimately cause Israel to self-destruct and this time there will be no Holocaust
on which to lay the blame; no holocaust with which to blackmail the rest of the
world into subservient tolerance for its iniquitous crimes; no Holocaust to
generate endless reparations; and no Holocaust apart from the accumulative
result of its own horrendous crimes: crimes committed to perpetuate the myth of
its identity as a democratic nation serving as a homeland for a distinct people
who exist in accordance with all of the high-principled Talmudic ethics
including the Unity of Mankind which as a concept deserves to be placed on the
highest of moral grounds as is befitting a people chosen by God Himself.
“I am
often ashamed of Israel, particularly when I witness evidence of its cruel
military colonisation, with its weak and defenceless victims who are not part
of the “chosen people.”