ProMosaik e.V. interviews the Author William Hanna
How did you become a political thinker and why?
I am not intellectually qualified to
be regarded as a “thinker” in
either politics or religion. My interest in both these subjects has always been
limited to observing their negative effect on humanity. One does not have to be
an Albert Einstein to recognise the hypocrisy of our Western diplomacy, or the
current barbarity of the Zionist/Judaeo-inspired genocide of the Palestinian
people. My honest view of both politics and religion — and
the lowlife war criminals like Tony Blair who purvey them — has always been one of contempt without limit.
be regarded as a “thinker” in
either politics or religion. My interest in both these subjects has always been
limited to observing their negative effect on humanity. One does not have to be
an Albert Einstein to recognise the hypocrisy of our Western diplomacy, or the
current barbarity of the Zionist/Judaeo-inspired genocide of the Palestinian
people. My honest view of both politics and religion — and
the lowlife war criminals like Tony Blair who purvey them — has always been one of contempt without limit.
war results from the struggle for markets and spheres of influence, and every
war is sold to the public by professional liars and totally sincere religious
maniacs, as a Holy Crusade to save God and Goodness from Satan and Evil.”
war results from the struggle for markets and spheres of influence, and every
war is sold to the public by professional liars and totally sincere religious
maniacs, as a Holy Crusade to save God and Goodness from Satan and Evil.”
Robert Anton Wilson (1932-2007),
American author and polymath.
American author and polymath.
What is your opinion of the relationship between Judaism
and Zionism?
and Zionism?
The relationship between Judaism and
Zionism is at best a tenuous one based on feelings of guilt. Zionism’s
use of the Holocaust as a weapon is not restricted to non-Jews, it is also used
with calculated cynicism to solicit support from Jews in diaspora. Reminders of
the Holocaust accompanied by refrains of “by supporting Israel you will be
helping to save Jewish lives,”
are an emotive and powerful
combination that hardly ever fail to tug at Jewish heartstrings. Zionism cannot
claim and pretend to be representing Jews while simultaneously violating the
core ethics and values of Judaism.
Zionism is at best a tenuous one based on feelings of guilt. Zionism’s
use of the Holocaust as a weapon is not restricted to non-Jews, it is also used
with calculated cynicism to solicit support from Jews in diaspora. Reminders of
the Holocaust accompanied by refrains of “by supporting Israel you will be
helping to save Jewish lives,”
are an emotive and powerful
combination that hardly ever fail to tug at Jewish heartstrings. Zionism cannot
claim and pretend to be representing Jews while simultaneously violating the
core ethics and values of Judaism.
To begin with, the Talmudic conception
of mankind is one of unity acquiring its character from a common origin and
destiny. The basic components of this doctrine are set out in the Bible which
traces the origins of the human race to a single person who is formed in God’s
own image. It is in the Talmud that this doctrine is further developed with the
question of “why
did the Creator form all life from a single ancestor?” To
which the reply is “that the families of mankind shall
not lord one over the other with the claim of being sprung from superior stock
. . . that all men, saints and sinners alike, may recognize their common
kinship in the collective human family.”
of mankind is one of unity acquiring its character from a common origin and
destiny. The basic components of this doctrine are set out in the Bible which
traces the origins of the human race to a single person who is formed in God’s
own image. It is in the Talmud that this doctrine is further developed with the
question of “why
did the Creator form all life from a single ancestor?” To
which the reply is “that the families of mankind shall
not lord one over the other with the claim of being sprung from superior stock
. . . that all men, saints and sinners alike, may recognize their common
kinship in the collective human family.”
While human behavior may vary
infinitely, the underlying nature of humans is essentially the same. Man as an earthly creature is at
the same time a child of God infused with a divine spirit. The appraisal of moral categories suggests that
all people are endowed with tendencies to view in their own persons the
ultimate conclusion of their seeking transcendence
towards which they are but contributing instruments. From these two tendencies
flow good and evil which in varying degrees exist within every individual as
part of his or her inherent means for life. Furthermore, the Talmud advises
that one will discover that “even the greatest of sinners” abounds in good deeds as does a pomegranate abound in
seeds. Alternatively, even the greatest saints have their share of moral
imperfections because all human beings are cut from the same cloth and there
are no distinctions between them.
infinitely, the underlying nature of humans is essentially the same. Man as an earthly creature is at
the same time a child of God infused with a divine spirit. The appraisal of moral categories suggests that
all people are endowed with tendencies to view in their own persons the
ultimate conclusion of their seeking transcendence
towards which they are but contributing instruments. From these two tendencies
flow good and evil which in varying degrees exist within every individual as
part of his or her inherent means for life. Furthermore, the Talmud advises
that one will discover that “even the greatest of sinners” abounds in good deeds as does a pomegranate abound in
seeds. Alternatively, even the greatest saints have their share of moral
imperfections because all human beings are cut from the same cloth and there
are no distinctions between them.
The sanctity of
life is intrinsic to the individual irrespective of national origin, religious
affiliation, or social status, and as one Talmudist commented: “Heaven
and earth I call to witness, whether it be an Israelite or pagan, man or woman,
slave or maidservant, according to the work of every human being doth the Holy
Spirit rest upon him.” It
followed therefore that non-Jews living in Jewish communities were to enjoy all
the same benefits as their Jewish counterparts. While Jews were, according to
the rabbis, ordained to support their needy, visit their sick, and bury their
dead, they were equally “obligated to feed
non-Jews residing among us even as we feed Jews; we are obligated to visit
their sick even as we visit the Jewish sick; we are obligated to attend to the
burial of their dead, even as we attend to the burial of Jewish dead.” This
rabbinic requirement was based on the premise that those were “the
ways of peace.”
life is intrinsic to the individual irrespective of national origin, religious
affiliation, or social status, and as one Talmudist commented: “Heaven
and earth I call to witness, whether it be an Israelite or pagan, man or woman,
slave or maidservant, according to the work of every human being doth the Holy
Spirit rest upon him.” It
followed therefore that non-Jews living in Jewish communities were to enjoy all
the same benefits as their Jewish counterparts. While Jews were, according to
the rabbis, ordained to support their needy, visit their sick, and bury their
dead, they were equally “obligated to feed
non-Jews residing among us even as we feed Jews; we are obligated to visit
their sick even as we visit the Jewish sick; we are obligated to attend to the
burial of their dead, even as we attend to the burial of Jewish dead.” This
rabbinic requirement was based on the premise that those were “the
ways of peace.”
From this it followed that the supreme sanctity of all human life is pertinent to man’s place in
the universe: “He who destroys one person has dealt a blow at the entire universe, and
similarly, he who makes life livable for one person has sustained the whole
world.” All law,
civil and religious, has as its purpose the promotion of human life, and when
it ceases to serve that end it becomes obsolete and is superseded. The question
that all Jews must now honestly ask themselves is whether Judaism is becoming
obsolete and being superseded by Zionism.
the universe: “He who destroys one person has dealt a blow at the entire universe, and
similarly, he who makes life livable for one person has sustained the whole
world.” All law,
civil and religious, has as its purpose the promotion of human life, and when
it ceases to serve that end it becomes obsolete and is superseded. The question
that all Jews must now honestly ask themselves is whether Judaism is becoming
obsolete and being superseded by Zionism.
How do you personally
judge what is going on in Gaza?
judge what is going on in Gaza?
The current and long ongoing events
in Gaza are the result of a marriage of convenience between paranoid Zionist
political leaders and a settler movement driven by extremist religious parties.
Together they want (even though it is not theirs to have) an Apartheid “Greater” Israeli state devoid of Palestinians and the fulfilment of
a Biblical prophecy calling for the building of a Third Jewish Temple on Temple
Mount — the site where the Islamic Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa
Mosque have stood since 691 and 705 respectively. If you visit the Temple
Institute website you will be astonished at the extent of the preparations that
have already been carried out in anticipation of this great event. You will
also be horrified by the realisation that pursuance of this Judaic dream would
probably lead to a regional or even global conflict with weapons of mass
destruction culminating in a nuclear holocaust. But what does that matter so
long as this marriage of convenience can drive out the Palestinians and fulfil
some mythical commandment from the realms of Biblical fantasy. But in order for
the barbaric Zionists and the deranged religious extremists to achieve their
goal, the land must first be cleared of all Palestinian buildings and their
inhabitants who are after all —
at least according to Israelis — not human beings, but beasts. If these are “God’s
Chosen People,” then who in hell is going to save humanity?
in Gaza are the result of a marriage of convenience between paranoid Zionist
political leaders and a settler movement driven by extremist religious parties.
Together they want (even though it is not theirs to have) an Apartheid “Greater” Israeli state devoid of Palestinians and the fulfilment of
a Biblical prophecy calling for the building of a Third Jewish Temple on Temple
Mount — the site where the Islamic Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa
Mosque have stood since 691 and 705 respectively. If you visit the Temple
Institute website you will be astonished at the extent of the preparations that
have already been carried out in anticipation of this great event. You will
also be horrified by the realisation that pursuance of this Judaic dream would
probably lead to a regional or even global conflict with weapons of mass
destruction culminating in a nuclear holocaust. But what does that matter so
long as this marriage of convenience can drive out the Palestinians and fulfil
some mythical commandment from the realms of Biblical fantasy. But in order for
the barbaric Zionists and the deranged religious extremists to achieve their
goal, the land must first be cleared of all Palestinian buildings and their
inhabitants who are after all —
at least according to Israelis — not human beings, but beasts. If these are “God’s
Chosen People,” then who in hell is going to save humanity?
What do you think Jews can do for peace at this moment and
Jews in diaspora (especially in
America), who are very resourceful and have access to vast worldwide financial
resources, could, if they wished, bring about peace in Palestine within a
matter of days. All they have to do is to say “enough, already” and make it categorically clear to Israel’s
savage and deranged Zionists that all Jewish support — financial
and otherwise — will cease unless Israel immediately begins to respect
international law; begins to abide by the Declaration of Human Rights; and
begins to enforce all UN Resolutions starting with the November 1947 Resolution
181 calling for the creation of independent Arab and Israeli states, and ending
with the March 2012 Resolution 66/225 relating to Permanent sovereignty of the
Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East
Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their
natural resources. Zionism can (with iniquitous U.S. support) contemptuously
ignore condemnation by the rest of the world, but it could not ignore the the
universal condemnation of the Jewish people it claims to represent.
America), who are very resourceful and have access to vast worldwide financial
resources, could, if they wished, bring about peace in Palestine within a
matter of days. All they have to do is to say “enough, already” and make it categorically clear to Israel’s
savage and deranged Zionists that all Jewish support — financial
and otherwise — will cease unless Israel immediately begins to respect
international law; begins to abide by the Declaration of Human Rights; and
begins to enforce all UN Resolutions starting with the November 1947 Resolution
181 calling for the creation of independent Arab and Israeli states, and ending
with the March 2012 Resolution 66/225 relating to Permanent sovereignty of the
Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East
Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their
natural resources. Zionism can (with iniquitous U.S. support) contemptuously
ignore condemnation by the rest of the world, but it could not ignore the the
universal condemnation of the Jewish people it claims to represent.
do you think should change in U.S. politics?
do you think should change in U.S. politics?
Mark Twain quote of “we have the best government that
money can buy” was true then and is even truer now as witnessed by several
events starting with the Republican Jewish Conference in Las Vegas in late
March of this year where hopefuls for the 2016 presidential campaign such as
former Florida governor Jeb Bush, Gov. Chris Christie, Gov. John Kasich, and
Gov. Scott Walker turned up to court big spenders including Jewish casino owner
Sheldon Adelson who in the 2012 election spent $100 million of which $20
million was wasted on the losing Republican primary candidate Newt “and
I think that we’ve invented the Palestinian people” Gingrich.
Mark Twain quote of “we have the best government that
money can buy” was true then and is even truer now as witnessed by several
events starting with the Republican Jewish Conference in Las Vegas in late
March of this year where hopefuls for the 2016 presidential campaign such as
former Florida governor Jeb Bush, Gov. Chris Christie, Gov. John Kasich, and
Gov. Scott Walker turned up to court big spenders including Jewish casino owner
Sheldon Adelson who in the 2012 election spent $100 million of which $20
million was wasted on the losing Republican primary candidate Newt “and
I think that we’ve invented the Palestinian people” Gingrich.
A few days later at the beginning of
April, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down limits on individual campaign
contributions, ruling that federal caps on combined donations to candidates, parties
and political action committees are an unconstitutional infringement on free speech.
In other words, the very rich like Adelson (who to date had donated $180
million to the Birthright Israel Foundation) and the Kock brothers (sons of
Fred C. Kock, founder of Kock industries, the second largest privately held
company in the U.S.) can go shopping for political candidates over whom they
will subsequently have complete control. That is what should, but never will
change in U.S. politics.
April, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down limits on individual campaign
contributions, ruling that federal caps on combined donations to candidates, parties
and political action committees are an unconstitutional infringement on free speech.
In other words, the very rich like Adelson (who to date had donated $180
million to the Birthright Israel Foundation) and the Kock brothers (sons of
Fred C. Kock, founder of Kock industries, the second largest privately held
company in the U.S.) can go shopping for political candidates over whom they
will subsequently have complete control. That is what should, but never will
change in U.S. politics.
What is your hope for the future?
After having observed and been a
rather inept member of mankind for many decades — I
admit to how inept or for how long —
I sincerely regret having to say that
I see no future for humanity unless people everywhere wake up from their religiopolitical-induced
slumber and realise that their wellbeing (and that of their children in the
future) cannot be entrusted to either church or state. People must take a
weekly timeout from their mundane and selfish lives in the rat race to reflect
on the purpose and quality of their existence; to reflect on their lack of
participation in the democratic process that affects the extent of their
freedom as citizens; to reflect on their failure to remain alert and
knowledgeable so as to make their leaders accountable for unaccountable conduct
in the affairs of state; and to reflect on the morality of their indifference
to the suffering of others as is the case with the current genocide of the
Palestinian people. It is only by ensuring human rights for others that we can
guarantee human rights for ourselves.
rather inept member of mankind for many decades — I
admit to how inept or for how long —
I sincerely regret having to say that
I see no future for humanity unless people everywhere wake up from their religiopolitical-induced
slumber and realise that their wellbeing (and that of their children in the
future) cannot be entrusted to either church or state. People must take a
weekly timeout from their mundane and selfish lives in the rat race to reflect
on the purpose and quality of their existence; to reflect on their lack of
participation in the democratic process that affects the extent of their
freedom as citizens; to reflect on their failure to remain alert and
knowledgeable so as to make their leaders accountable for unaccountable conduct
in the affairs of state; and to reflect on the morality of their indifference
to the suffering of others as is the case with the current genocide of the
Palestinian people. It is only by ensuring human rights for others that we can
guarantee human rights for ourselves.
man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in
the darkness of destructive selfishness.”
man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in
the darkness of destructive selfishness.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
(1929-1968) African-American Civil Rights leader.
(1929-1968) African-American Civil Rights leader.
are the principles for an authentic inter religious dialogue between the three
monotheistic religions?
are the principles for an authentic inter religious dialogue between the three
monotheistic religions?
This is a tricky one to answer
because as an atheist I can only point out that apart from the concept of
monotheism, these three invented religions have throughout history had only one
other thing in common —
an intense and often murderous hate
for each other. Consequently if they fervently believe that their version of
God is the one and only true one, then there can be no common ground or principle
on which to base genuine inter-religious dialogue.
because as an atheist I can only point out that apart from the concept of
monotheism, these three invented religions have throughout history had only one
other thing in common —
an intense and often murderous hate
for each other. Consequently if they fervently believe that their version of
God is the one and only true one, then there can be no common ground or principle
on which to base genuine inter-religious dialogue.
cannot make a worm, yet he will make gods by the dozen.”
cannot make a worm, yet he will make gods by the dozen.”
Michel de
Montaigne (1533-1592), influential French Renaissance writer.
Montaigne (1533-1592), influential French Renaissance writer.