
Antisemitismus unterstützt nur den Zionismus

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,
diesen Satz habe ich mir nicht selbst ausgedacht…
er stammt von Herzl selbst….

Herzl sah im Antisemitismus in Europa gerade seinen besten Freund, um den Zionismus und das Ideal des nationalen zionistischen Staates auf Kosten der Palästinenser zu stärken… Herzl hätte sich auch mit einem jüdischen Staat in Uganda zufriedengegeben. Das sollten wir auch nicht vergessen.

Sehen Sie mal hier, was gläubige Rabbiner schreiben:

Anbei ein Ausschnitt, den wir von ProMosaik e.V. ausschlaggebend finden, um Menschen klar zu vermitteln, was was ist… Die wahren, gläubigen Leben bis heute im Exil oder in Frieden mit ihren arabischen Nachbarn. Das ist die Realität des Judentum… Aber vor lauter Propaganda sind die Menschen in Europa blind geworden…

Dieser Kommentar eines Rabbiners sollen Ihnen die Augen aufmachen

Shalom! Salam!

Die Redaktion von ProMosaik e.V.

Zionism was originally proposed as a “solution to the Jewish problem”
and today we see more than ever just what a solution it was. Zionism
today has become the central cause of anti-Semitism around the world.

Blurring the boundaries between Jews and Zionists, anti-Israel
demonstrations quickly turn into anti-Jewish demonstrations, with
violent attacks on purely Jewish targets like synagogues and kosher

By calling themselves “Israel” and “the Jewish state” the Zionists
encourage this confusion. And then they reap the benefits by absorbing
hundreds of new immigrants. They capitalize on these incidents to hammer
home their lesson that their state is an “insurance policy” for world
Jewry – a place to run when anti-Semitism breaks out again.

The Zionist visionary Theodor Herzl was the first to realize that
anti-Semitism would benefit Zionism, as he wrote, “The anti-Semites will
become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our
allies.” Anti-Semites would provide the push necessary to get Jews to
move to the Zionist state.

Thus, those who target Jews around the world are only helping
to actualize Herzl’s plan. The Zionist state receives these Jewish
immigrants with open arms and settles many of them in the West Bank,
where they become instruments of the state in its war against the

In contrast, true Judaism teaches us to live peacefully in exile
until the messiah comes. We are to be loyal citizens of our home
countries, as the prophet Jeremiah says, “Seek the peace of the city to
which I have exiled you, and pray on its behalf to G-d, for with its
peace will you have peace.”

Furthermore, we must make it clear to our neighbors everywhere that
not all Jews are Zionists, not all Jews support the State of Israel and
not all Jews support Israeli army operations like the current one.

May there be peace in the Middle East and throughout the world, and
may Jews and Muslims live together once again in harmony as in times

Hier noch ein Bild von Rabbi Amram Blau, dem Gründer von Neturei Karta