Elisa Sassera: Art as Intercultural Dialogue
Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. – ProMosaik believes in art as a means to
promote peace and understanding among peoples, religions, and cultures. In the
interview with artist Elisa Sassera, living in three cultures, we would like to
show how important it is to extend our horizon beyond our small “world” to
aesthetically perceive our world as one, for all of us. For me personally, art
is a right, and at the same time an obligatory approach for us all to promote
harmony, peace, and human rights. To know more about the artist and her
work: www.elisasassera.com
and on facebook Elisa Sassera
Arte/ (in Italian). In the next future, Elisa is
opening a Reggio Emilia oriented Children Center in Cihangir, Istanbul.
Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. – ProMosaik believes in art as a means to
promote peace and understanding among peoples, religions, and cultures. In the
interview with artist Elisa Sassera, living in three cultures, we would like to
show how important it is to extend our horizon beyond our small “world” to
aesthetically perceive our world as one, for all of us. For me personally, art
is a right, and at the same time an obligatory approach for us all to promote
harmony, peace, and human rights. To know more about the artist and her
work: www.elisasassera.com
and on facebook Elisa Sassera
Arte/ (in Italian). In the next future, Elisa is
opening a Reggio Emilia oriented Children Center in Cihangir, Istanbul.
Milena Rampoldi: ProMosaik e.V. is convinced that
art and artistic expression are important means to work for dialogue between
cultures and religions. What do you think about it?
art and artistic expression are important means to work for dialogue between
cultures and religions. What do you think about it?
Elisa Sassera: As an Artist I strongly believe
that all forms of Arts are powerful and important tools to express reality, ideas,
emotions, to connect and communicate with people of all backgrounds and
different cultures, religions, believes and nationalities.
that all forms of Arts are powerful and important tools to express reality, ideas,
emotions, to connect and communicate with people of all backgrounds and
different cultures, religions, believes and nationalities.
MR: Why is it so important to promote artistic
and aesthetic competence from childhood?
and aesthetic competence from childhood?
Lock of accessibility to the Arts remains a challenge for most kids today, just
like it was for me. I know first-hand the benefits of being exposed to Arts and
Music at an early age. It opened my horizons and made me dream of a bigger
world and it got me out of my comfort zone.
Lock of accessibility to the Arts remains a challenge for most kids today, just
like it was for me. I know first-hand the benefits of being exposed to Arts and
Music at an early age. It opened my horizons and made me dream of a bigger
world and it got me out of my comfort zone.
MR: What are the main objectives of your art
The main goal is to be the children‘s Art and Life Inspirer based on my
experience as a Reggio Emilia oriented -Visual Artist between Italy, NYC and
now Istanbul.
The main goal is to be the children‘s Art and Life Inspirer based on my
experience as a Reggio Emilia oriented -Visual Artist between Italy, NYC and
now Istanbul.
my Art classes children can learn and experience the Italian culture, language,
Visual Arts techniques in addition to the English language.
my Art classes children can learn and experience the Italian culture, language,
Visual Arts techniques in addition to the English language.
Having the great opportunity to experience the
Arts helped me grow in an incredible way and this is why it is important for me
to expose children (including my two trilingual boys) to creativity as much as
they can.
Arts helped me grow in an incredible way and this is why it is important for me
to expose children (including my two trilingual boys) to creativity as much as
they can.
MR: What do art and artistic expression mean to
you personally?
you personally?
Art expression is for me the key to see and perceive reality, life and the
world in a positive, better and creative way!
Art expression is for me the key to see and perceive reality, life and the
world in a positive, better and creative way!
MR: How can we work for a peaceful multicultural
society by promoting art and artistic expression?
society by promoting art and artistic expression?
Educating students to the benefits of Visual Arts, Art History and all forms of
Art expressions beyond reading, writing and math, teaches them to be creative,
curious thinkers and help them to experience the world in a different way.
Educating students to the benefits of Visual Arts, Art History and all forms of
Art expressions beyond reading, writing and math, teaches them to be creative,
curious thinkers and help them to experience the world in a different way.
MR: How important is it to study the history of
art in different cultures and historical times to promote aesthetic awareness?
art in different cultures and historical times to promote aesthetic awareness?
ES: My hope is that more organizations and
Institutions will see the value of investing in Arts and Performing Arts
Institutions will see the value of investing in Arts and Performing Arts
parents let’s take advantage of everything that’s available and let’s use the
power of The Arts to enrich and positively alter the lives of our children.
parents let’s take advantage of everything that’s available and let’s use the
power of The Arts to enrich and positively alter the lives of our children.