Jerusalem – The Israeli Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, MK Tzipi Hotovely from the Likud party has recently made statements claiming that there is no Israeli occupation because “there is no Palestinian state.”
Hotovely, speaking at the Israeli parliament (Knesset) on Friday said that occupation means occupying a sovereign state and that “there was never a Palestinian state,” instead, “Jordan ruled over the territories against the law.”
Hotovely continued her speech by saying that Israelis have been fighting for independence through “legal defensive wars” after they “returned to the land of [their] forefathers, adding that the “Palestinian narrative negates the existence of Israel.”
Hotovely concludes by saying that Israel “has the obligation to refute the industry of lies” and speak the historic truth.
This rhetoric came shortly after the extremist right wing lawmaker, Anat Berko, has said that there has never been a Palestinian state because the letter “P” does not exist in Arabic language.
These claims sparked sarcasm amongst local and international activists, since the word “Palestine” is pronounced with an “F” in both Arabic and Hebrew.
Israel, which has been established on Palestinian land in 1947, has maintained a brutal military occupation on the occupied West Bank, which included illegal settlement expansion, kidnappings, home demolitions, executions and controls the movement of Palestinians within the West Bank by placing hunderds of checkpoints between the West Bank cities and villages.