
Navyoti – For the Empowerment of Women in New Delhi

By Milena
Rampoldi and Denise Nanni, ProMosaik. Our last interview of today is with  Chandni of the foundation Navjyoti in India. We
talked to about women empowerment, and about the main problems of women in New
Delhi. The organisation empowers women by including their whole communities.

How was the Navjyoti
India Foundation born?
Navjyoti India Foundation was
started by 16 police officers of Delhi Police in 1987. The idea was conceived
by Dr. Kiran Bedi, the first woman IPS Officer of India and currently
Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry as crime prevention through welfare policing.
The organization was formally
registered on January 5, 1988. It was found that there was a strong nexus
between crime and drugs. Youth, women and children were involved in crime due
to lack of skills, unemployment, poverty, lack of education and disintegrated
families. Hence Navjyoti India foundation was born to enable the vulnerable
sections of the society towards the goal of self-reliance. Today, we have moved
beyond welfare policing to community empowerment.

In which
areas do you primarily work?
After 29 years of relentless
service, we work under three broad programs, Child Education, Skill Upgradation
and Community Development including women empowerment and environment.
What are the
main gender issues in New Delhi?
The main gender issues in New
Delhi are primarily related to health, education, discrimination in property
rights, safety and security, dowry and domestic violence. However, India has
made significant efforts in addressing gender inequalities through legal
reforms, government schemes and awareness programs.
Can you tell
me more about your program Women Empowerment?
The organization has reached
out to more than 1500 women by organizing them into Self Help Groups, a
microcredit program aimed at socio-economic empowerment of women. The women
especially in rural areas were confined to homes, financially dependent in
patriarchal society, many victims of domestic abuse, women empowerment program
has enabled for such women-mobility, financial stability and social
empowerment. These women today are amazing success stories in the form of
entrepreneurship, community leadership and social coalitions, all made possible
through right opportunities easily accessible to them.
Our women empowerment program
also provides family counseling and legal awareness to address varied issues
like domestic violence, marital maladjustment, dowry harassment, pre-marital
relationships, property disputes, etc and promotes harmony and resolution. The
project has benefitted more than 6000 families since inception.

Do you
cooperate with local authorities and institutions? If yes, how?
Navjyoti India Foundation
believes in collaboration, cooperation and taking collective responsibility to
prevent crime against women. Our founder, Dr Kiran Bedi has developed six Ps
plan of action for all contributing parts of society. Six Ps include People
(parents and principals), police, politicians, prosecution, pictures (media,
films, advertisings) and prisons. We work in tandem with all of them by
generating awareness and workshops with people, linkages with police,
empowering local self-governance in villages called Panchayat through training on gender-based issues, provide exposure
visit to women to courts and legal awareness, sensitizing community through
media and work on prison reforms through rehabilitation programs.