
William Hanna about the Israeli Nuclear Weapon Programme

Netanyahu failed to Mention How Israel 
Managed To Retain Its Nuclear Weapons Programme 
“It is interesting — but not surprising — to note that
in all the words written and uttered about the Kennedy assassination, Israel’s
intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never been mentioned. And yet a Mossad
motive is obvious. On this question, as on almost all others, American
reporters and commentators cannot bring themselves cast Israel in an
unfavourable light — despite the obvious fact that Mossad complicity is as
plausible as any of the other theories.”
Even before JFK was inaugurated,
the Israeli leadership was by no means enamoured with the prospect of having to
deal with the son of an anti-Semite. Though JFK’s father Joseph P. Kennedy
regarded some individual Jews with a degree of esteem, his opinion of Jews as a
people was by his own admission extremely unfavourable. So apart from unjustly
visiting the sins of the father on his son, Israeli leaders including Prime
Minister David Ben-Gurion, were also at loggerheads with JFK over several
important issues. The first was JFK’s desire to prevent a nuclear arms race in
the Middle East which on June 15, 1963 he reiterated in the last of a series of
insistent letters to Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. It has since
become apparent that there never was a “special relationship” between Israel
and JFK who had no doubt whatsoever that while Israel was masquerading as a
friend and ally of the U.S., it was simultaneously lying repeatedly about its
nuclear weapons development program.
On realising that JFK would not
budge on the issue, Ben-Gurion — who earnestly believed that possession of
nuclear weapons was essential for Israel’s survival — then decided to join
forces with Communist China. As both countries were bent on creating nuclear
programs, they began secretly developing their own nuclear capability through
intermediary Shaul Eisenberg, who was a partner of Mossad gun-runner and
accountant Tibor Rosenbaum. In his book Seeds of Fire: China and the Story
Behind the Attack on America
(Dandelion Books, 2001), Gordon Thomas exposes
how the Mossad and CSIS (Chinese secret service) had conspired on many
occasions to not only steal American military secrets, but to also to doctor
U.S. intelligence programs.
One of Israel’s most successful
spies in the U.S. was Jonathan Jay Pollard, a former civilian intelligence
analyst who in 1987 was convicted of spying for Israel and sentenced to life
imprisonment. Pollard’s case was later linked to that of Ben-ami Kadish,
another U.S. national who pleaded guilty to charges of passing classified
information to Israel in the same period. Israel granted Pollard citizenship in
1995 while continuing until 1998 to publicly deny that he was an Israeli spy.
There is constant lobbying for his release by Israeli activist groups and
high-profile Israeli politicians including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu who visited the convicted spy in prison in 2002 which was in the same
year that Pollard renounced his U.S. citizenship.
JFK’s letter to Ben-Gurion was
by no means friendly and stressed that as a professed ally, Israel should prove
“beyond a reasonable doubt” that as the Middle East’s Zionist enclave it was
not developing nuclear weapons. The letter had been duly cabled to Tel Aviv but
before it could be physically delivered by the U.S. ambassador, David
Ben-Gurion abruptly resigned for undisclosed personal reasons.
In view of the fact that the
Israelis routinely intercept communications and spy on the U.S., it may be safely
assumed that having learnt of the letter’s content, Ben-Gurion decided not only
to preempt the letter’s significance, but also to deprive JFK of an Israeli
government with which to negotiate. JFK had at the time simply sought what
Israel is now demanding of Iran: international inspections of its nuclear
facilities. Had JFK succeeded Israel would not have at some time between 1962
and 1964 produced the first of what is now a vast nuclear arsenal of some
200-400 warheads?
During that same 1962-63 period
Senator William J. Fulbright of Arkansas, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign
Relations, convened hearings on the legal status of the American Zionist
Council (AZC). The Committee uncovered evidence that the Jewish Agency, a
predecessor to the state of Israel, operated a massive network of financial
“conduits” which funnelled funds to U.S. Israel lobby groups. As a result,
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) ordered the AZC to openly register and
disclose all of its foreign funded lobbying activity in the United States. The
attempt was subsequently thwarted first by the Israel lobby itself and then by
the death of President Kennedy which lead to growing concerns regarding the
impact of the ever-growing Zionist influence on U.S. policy making decisions.
On April 15, 1973, Fulbright — who lost his Senate seat the following year —
had no qualms about boldly announcing on CBS Face the Nation that :
“Israel controls the U.S. Senate. The Senate is
subservient, much too much; we should be more concerned about U.S. interests
rather than doing the bidding of Israel. The great majority of the Senate of
the U.S. —somewhere around 80%— is completely in support of Israel; anything
Israel wants; Israel gets. This has been demonstrated time and again, and this
has made [foreign policy] difficult for our government.”
The probability of Mossad’s involvement in JFK’s
assassination was in 1994 clearly substantiated by Michael Collins Piper who in
his incisive book, Final Judgment: The Missing link in the JFK Assassination
(American Free Press, 2004) stated that:
“Israel’s Mossad was a primary (and critical) behind
the scenes player in the conspiracy that ended the life of JFK. Through its own
vast resources and through its international contacts in the intelligence
community and in organised crime, Israel had the means, it had the opportunity,
and it had the motive to play a major frontline role in the crime of the
century – and it did.”
It was Piper’s assertion that
Israel’s motive for the assassination was Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion’s
outrage at JFK’s opposition to Israel becoming a nuclear power, and that in his
final days as Prime Minister Ben-Gurion commanded the Mossad to become involved
in a plot to kill America’s president. JFK’s assassination served the dual
purpose of eliminating not only the threat to Israel’s nuclear ambitions, but
also the need for the AZC to register as a foreign agent. So when Vice
President Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) was sworn in as JFK’s successor, he wasted no
time in increasing Israel’s arms budget and also turned a blind eye to its
nuclear arms development program. A further blow to the integrity and
independence of the U.S. Senate occurred in November 1963, when Nicholas
Katzenbach replaced RFK as Attorney General with the result that the AZC evaded
registration and calculatingly morphed into the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC).
               A 1979 account of the House Select Committee on
Assassinations reported that on November 25, 1963, only 3 days after the JFK
assassination and before any formal federal investigation had been conducted,
Nicholas Katzenbach, then deputy attorney general, had written a memo to
presidential assistant Bill Moyers which lends credence to the existence of a
government cover-up: 
“The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the
assassin; that he had no confederates who are still at large; and that evidence
was such that he would have been convicted at trial . . . Speculation about
Oswald’s motivation ought to be cut off . . . Unfortunately the facts on Oswald
seem about too pat — too obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.) . . . We
need something to head off public speculation or Congressional hearings of the
wrong sort.”
Coming from an attorney who was
supposed to uphold the concept of innocence until proven otherwise, the memo
represents a profound betrayal of the ethical foundations on which judicial
systems have been built. The Committee’s final report implied that Katzenbach,
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, and others were the key actors behind the
creation of the Warren Commission. The report also stated that Hoover — whose
anathema for women was exceeded only by his dislike for Martin Luther King and
intense hatred of the Kennedys — told staff members on November 24, 1963 that he
and Katzenbach were anxious to have “something issued so we can convince the
public that Oswald is the real assassin.”
The above article is an
excerpt from the Hiramic Brotherhood of the Third Temple
William Hanna is
a freelance writer with recently published books the Hiramic Brotherhood of
the Third Temple
and The Tragedy of Palestine and its Children. Purchase
information, sample chapter, other articles, and contact details at: