
Ein Hilferuf für den Winter in Gaza

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,
Gestern erreichte die folgende
Iniziative aus Gaza unsere Redaktion mit der Bitte um Unterstützung.
Wir möchten Sie alle bitten, die
Iniziative an Ihre Bekannten und Freunde weiterzuleiten und sie auch in den
sozialen Medien zu teilen.
Dr. phil. Milena Rampoldi
Redaktion von ProMosaik e.V.
Warm Winter for Children in Gaza
We seek of your contribution to
make this winter warmer for the children in Gaza.
This project targets 100
Palestinian families of Shejaeya, whose homes were destroyed by the last
Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip.  They
suffer from lack of clothing, mattresses, and blankets. In fact, this project
will reduce the diseases that will infect children because of the sharp cold
winter coming soon to Gaza.
The following services will be provided
by the project: 
blankets for every family.
mattresses for every family.
The financial cost of
the project will be:
Blanket    : 1 blanket = 13 $
Mattress : 1 mattress =
17 $
You can contribute by
remitting money through Western Union, Money Gram, or Express Money.
If you want to help
even it is (1 dollar) you can do it via Western Union, Money Gram, or Express
Money: remit your payment to the following details:
First name Anas
Mid name Mohammed
Last name Arafat
City Gaza
Phone num
After completing the
transaction with Western Union or Money Gram please provide me the money
transfer code (MTCN) along with your Name, Country and the total Amount sent.
Thank you!!
Anbei finden Sie Photos direkt zu
diesem Projekt.
Wir danken Ihnen allen!