
A New Article by William Hanna – please read it

October 13, 2014: A Sad Day In The Annals Of British Democracy
By William Hanna
14 October, 2014
“There is a forgotten, nay almost
forbidden word, which means more to me than any other. That word is
England.” Sir Winston Churchill
The last
seriously sad day in the annals of British democracy was in 2003 when
smarmy British Prime Minister Tony Blair — urged on by his Zionist
paymasters but against the will of the majority of British people —
launched his career as a multimillionaire war criminal Middle East
“peace Envoy” by taking Britain to war on the back of the blatant lie
that Iraq’s Saddam Hussain had weapons of mass destruction that could be
deployed within 45 minutes.
Now in October 2014 British Members of
Parliament have just passed a motion by 274 votes to 12 stating: “That
this House believes that the Government should recognise the state of
Palestine alongside the state of Israel as a contribution to securing a
negotiated two-state solution.” While the motion carries symbolic value
for Palestinians in their pursuit of international recognition, it will
in no way affect the government’s Israel-biased stance on the issue.
Furthermore it would be a mistake for the pro-Palestinian lobby — or
anyone else for that matter — to regard this as a victory when in actual
fact it is a defeat at the hands of the Zionist Israel lobby who as
usual can rely on a British Prime Minister to genuflect before them.
“What I have always understood is the
extraordinary journey of the Jewish people. Thousands of years of
history in this holy land, thousands of years of persecution, and even
today some people despicably questioning your right to exist [a right
which the Palestinian people do not have]. Now, my Jewish ancestry is
relatively limited but I do feel some sense of connection from the
lexicon of my great-great grandfather, Emile Levita, a Jewish man who
came from Germany to Britain 150 years ago [at a time when Palestine was
inhabited by Palestinians] to the story of my forefather, Elijah
Levita, who wrote what is thought to have been the first ever Yiddish
novel. But more importantly, I have learnt to understand something of
Jewish values and character [Operation Protective Edge?], and I have
grown to appreciate the extraordinary contribution of the Jewish people
to my country and to the world [annually relieving U.S. taxpayers of
more than $3 billion]. That sense of understanding has shaped my
determination to remember the past, my commitment to Israel in the
present, and my hopes for Israel’s future . . . ”
British Prime Minister David Cameron
obsequiously offering his credentials to the Knesset during a March 2014
visit, but failing to acknowledge a commitment to his own country or
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which Israel contemptuously
Prior to the vote, busy bee “Friends of
Israel” individuals and organisations resorted to their usual ploy of
appearing reasonable by expressing “full” support for a state of
Palestine achieved through negotiations. The Zionist Federation, the
Jewish Leadership Council, the Board of Deputies, and the Britain Israel
Communications & Research Centre (BICOM) all urged MPs to “ensure
that the weight and authority of the Commons remains behind encouraging a
negotiated and lasting peace [which Israel has never and will never
allow to happen because that would curtail its ethnic cleansing of the
Palestinian people which in turn facilitates the gradual but resolute
theft of Palestinian land for a Greater Israel], rather than supporting
steps that might make peace more difficult to secure.” BULLS✡✡T!
The opinion that the passing of this
motion is another sad day in the annals of British democracy stems from
the fact that out of some 650 Members of Parliament, a majority of over
360 of them led by Prime Minister David Cameron, decided to abstain. So
irrespective of how one may endeavour to explain such abstentions there
is no escaping the reality that an “abstention” is no different from an
emphatic “no!” This would suggest — on the assumption that MPs’ views
are representative of those of their constituents — that the majority of
British citizens (or are they now just subjects), including David
Cameron, believe that Israel has every right to “defend itself” by any
means including the genocide of the Palestinian people.
In accordance with that right, Israel has
since its arguably illegal inception in 1948, “defended itself” by
initially murdering thousands of unarmed Palestinian civilians and
terrorising another 700,000 of them into fleeing and abandoning their
homes; by causing more than 3.8 million displaced Palestinians and there
descendants to become UN-registered refugees with another 1.5 million
being unregistered; by openly declaring Palestinians to be beasts and
depriving them of every human and legal right with the enforcement of
Apartheid; by arbitrarily stealing Palestinian land, resources, and
water (which they sell back to them at exorbitant prices) so as to
accommodate illegal Jewish settlements; by enforcing a much abused
system of Administrative Detention — including women, children, and the
elderly — that defies even basic principles of Nazi era justice; by
maintaining an air, sea, and land blockade of the West Bank and the Gaza
Strip (open prisons for 3.5 million Palestinians) that prevents the
import of essential goods including food and medical supplies; and by
using overwhelming military force to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian
people who don’t have a single tank, warship, or jet fighter with which
to defend themselves.
No intelligent person could honestly
suggest that the people of Britain or any other nation believe that
Israel is entitled to continue mercilessly persecuting the Palestinian
people with impunity. So how does Israel consistently manage to get away
with so many violations of international law? The answer is perhaps
best provided by a recent must read article by Ariadna Theokopoulos in
Deliberation which asked the question “How Many Jews Are Too many” (
Unfortunately the passing of this motion
by a British parliamentary minority is of less significance than the
recent announcement by Sweden that it is to “recognise the state of
Palestine” and thereby become the first long-term European Union member
country to do so. Though more than 130 other countries already recognise
a Palestinian state, no one should hold their breath in anticipation of
a British government doing so in the foreseeable future. As Ariadna
Theokopoulos made very clear in her article, there is a very determined
and insidious “friends of Israel” lobby that corrupts and exerts
influence over western democracies.
“I will always stand up for the right of
Israel to defend its citizens, a right enshrined in international law,
in natural justice and fundamental morality [which is not applicable to
the Palestinian people because their lobby is nowhere near as powerful
as yours], and in decades of common endeavour between Israel and her
[bought and paid for political] allies. When I was in opposition, I
spoke out when – because of the law on universal jurisdiction – senior
Israelis could not safely come to my country without fear of
ideologically motivated court cases and legal stunts [how dare they];
when I became Prime Minister, I legislated to change it. My country is
open to you [barbarous war criminals] and you are welcome [as are your
shiny shekels] to visit any time .”
Prime Minister David Cameron taking the art of Knesset-grovelling to new heights.
William Hanna is a
freelancer with a recently published book the Hiramic Brotherhood of the
Third Temple and have no objection to inclusion of my Website address
which contains contact details and other articles.