
Today more than ever, Argentina

Noam Chomsky 13/08/2019
Here is Noam Chomsky’s message to the Argentines on the eve of the primary elections, which saw the victory of the Peronist candidate. Apparently, they seem to have heard it.

Tradotto da Eve Harguindey
The advanced neoliberal process that Mauricio Macri has developed during his presidency is not just a problem for Argentines. And there is nothing new, nor exclusive, about it at all. In the same dramatic way, it is happening in Brazil, but neither is it limited to the Latin American context. In fact, right now, the British Conservative government is trying to control the big universities, like Oxford and Cambridge, to promote a market model, turning top academic institutions into mere cash drawers.
Macri is all that, he represents that, he expresses that, he commands that, against public education. And not by chance: nothing can be more threatening to its ends than liberating people, emancipating them, helping them to think, inviting them to challenge, or pushing them to question the realities that no marketing manager could explain. For any domination-oriented system needs to ally themselves with the mechanisms of alienation, override questioning, and turn people into obedient robots. Here and there, this type of government always follows the same script: the entire educational budget transferred to subjugation.
In unison, sooner or later, all around Latin America, different democracies have been subjugating to IMF mandates, consciously signing the guarantees of stagnation and the adjustment programs that not only cut the recent past, crumbled the present and conditioned the future, who knows for how many decades. These are neither naïve nor wrong, they are general policies designed for the benefit of the rich and concentrated power, which cannot prosper without a tied-up people.
It is no coincidence that all these anti-popular governments pay for incredible campaigns on social networks and bet on applications that allow them to promote lies. Therefore, we must use those same tools to organize ourselves constructively against oppression, because only then will we be able to resist. Today more than ever, we need to bring together the good people, reflect on the problems and create structures that allow us to feed, address and overcome together our toughest times, never from resignation, always from action, inside and outside the networks.
Today I cry out.
Tomorrow is your turn.