
Donald Trump’s Immigration Policy Works as Migrants Now Choose to Stay in Mexico

MT – August 29, 2018
President Donald Trump’s strict immigration policies prevent the influx of Central American migrants as many now choose to seek refuge in Mexico rather than seeking asylum in the United States.

The Trump administration has made border security a priority, the White House “on the enforcement of immigration law, which has persecuted anyone trying to enter the United States illegally.” Trump has created a policy of non-hospitality, “said Hiram Villarreal of Casa de Refugiados.
According to The DailyCaller: Politics has also led to the separation of the family because children can not be held in federal criminal detention centers, although the administration has recently attempted to reunite children with their parents. June 11th.
“A foreigner may be threatened and abused in a foreign country for a variety of reasons related to his or her social, economic, family or other circumstances,” wrote Sessions. “Yet the asylum status does not make it possible to repair all the misfortunes.”
Mexico City is considered a “sanctuary city” for migrants because of Trump’s policy, according to the Blade. Venezuelans are fleeing more and more to Mexico because of the economic crisis. Asylum seekers in Mexico must formally submit an application within 30 days of entering the country.
The Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR) interviews asylum seekers and determines whether allegations of persecution are valid. COMAR has 45 days to make the decision. Admitted people have access to public health and social security benefits. Spanish speakers can apply to become citizens after three years, while non-Spanish speakers can become citizens after five years . in Mexico is difficult, but Mexico has denied nearly 90% of asylum claims between 2012 and 2017.