
Every Woman Is the Queen of Her Own Heart

Shiloh Sophia
Every woman is the queen of her own heart.
She must decide how to govern her own domain.
She seeks friends and allies that honor who she is now
and who she is becoming.
She has the power to create miracles.
Her prayers and intentions manifest in right order.
She does not know how or when her needs will be met,
but she trusts the will of the Divine.
Being the Queen of one’s domain is not about being
the ruler over anyone else’s life or ideas.
And it isn’t even about calling herself a Queen.
It is about self-honor. It is about choice.
It is about knowing her limits and setting her boundaries.
And about encouraging others to live their possibilities.
It is about learning how to live with what comes her way,
with as much grace, majesty and justice as she can.
And sometimes, yes, she has to have her own way!
She claims her unique destiny and recognizes she has a calling.
A calling to greatness within her own life. And within her own heart.
The Queen of Her Own Heart invites others to join her there –
in the middle of the awakened sacred heart.
She invites others to love powerfully – unconditionally –
while at the same time practicing discernment and wisdom.
She is forgiving. And she believes healing is at hand.
She leads her own life as grand experiment in happiness,
in creativity and in abundance.
She offers her gifts to others, but not to her own detriment.
She rests as she needs to, ruling one’s own life takes energy.
She chooses to embody wholeness
even when she feels fragmented by all there is to do.
She holds the prayers of the world within her
because she cares what happens – with everyone –
even though she cannot reach them all. She reaches who she can.
She often feels like she is not pulling it all off,
and sometimes she isn’t. But she keeps reaching anyway.
She keeps opening her heart and being in her own power.
Knowing and sharing her heart is ecstasy.
Sharing the heart of her beloved is absolute and perfect joy.
She lives in gratitude.