
“Zionism is fascism”: Fariss Wogatzki

Traditional kufiyas hang in the Hirbawi Factory shop
By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik. The following is the English translation
of my interview with the pro-Palestinian author Fariss Wogatzki from Germany.
His book entitled “Möge keiner sagen,
er hätte es nicht gewusst” (No one should say s/he didn’t know) published by
Zambon, has been available since 14 October 2017. The book is an act of
resistance against Zionist crimes and a cry for solidarity with the Palestinian

On the author’s blog you can find
the motivations of his engagement to deal with this matter and the reasons why
he wrote this book.
I asked him about the motivations of his ethical, anti-Zionist world
view and also about the connections between islamophobia in Germany and

What does an ethical, anti-Zionist attitude mean to you?
Zionism is a
priori excluded from ethics. Just as humanism is from imperialism, or democracy
from Israel. Many people who deal rationally with Zionism, understand that
ethical conduct and Zionism have absolutely nothing in common. Even Zionists
themselves recognise the racist and murderous nature of Zionism. What Theodor
Herzl wrote in his program book Der Judenstaat clearly shows Zionism’s
objectives. I think we should avoid discussing Herzl and such “revenge-oriented”
individuals, and instead focus on the actual Israeli regime so as to determine
which duties arise from it for every single individual. Another important fact
which needs to be recognised, is that Zionism and Judaism have nothing to do
with one another!
Zionism is notoriously
an ideology. It is fascism decorated with Western “
democratic” values. The reality of Zionist
ideology is that it embraces the racist and dogmatic nature of fascism. The
exploitation of the
Holocaust by Zionist fanaticism is manifest, as is its vulgar manipulation of the “Shoah”
as a means of reaching its objectives. As is evident from numerous examples in
Germany, there is only the “Shoah fetish” (Moshe Zuckermann), which is
completely devoid of any ethical conduct and is used as a totalitarian means of
blackmail. By distorting history and using the Israeli state apparatus to
provide that which it needs most to achieve its objectives, Zionism is in
effect guilty of anti-Semitism. Furthermore, Zionism’s reasons for its being are
clear and detailed with regards to its pursuit of an ethnic Jewish supremacism
that is dependent on ruthlessly exploiting the suffering and murder of 6
million Jews as outlined in Norman Finkelstein’s The Holocaust Industry.
Having ethics means
acting ethically with a basic practical attitude towards other people with the
“ethical” aspect being completely independent and without attributes such as
Zionism is put
on a par with Judaism which is in turn put on a par with Israel. So the human
element (the faith based on peace) is put on one and the same level with
something synthetical (the Zionist ideology) in connection with a constructed
element (Israel). As a consequence, by misinformation, superimposed superficial
morality, partial historical positivism, and clearly visible interest control
the elementary wrong conclusion is established: Israel = Judaism = Zionism =
Only the free
science, dissociated from comfortable breadwinning has fully explained the fact
of Zionism. At the same time, Israel was proved to be a Zionist State, and
alleged to be a “Jewish State”.
All the rest
are just additional examples which just confirm the fact described above. There
is no connection between ethics and Zionism, which could be maintained by
opposing characteristics.
What does Zionism mean to you, and which are its most important negative
The most
striking aspect of Zionism is its inherent fascism. Of course, we can cowardly
silence this fact because we illogically fear the powerful instrument used in
Germany accusing you of “Anti-Semitism”. However, we are not able to debunk the
fact that Israel is a fascist nation. Zionism is negative in its whole. There
is not any, even partial, advantage humanity can take from it, even if somebody
may say: Not all was bad at that time, when they make reference to the
foundation of German fascism in connection with German high industry. An
example of a research in this field is made by the historian Prof. Kurt Pätzold
(GDR). In the early Eighties, GDR journalist Klaus P
öhlken explained the cooperation
between Zionists and German fascists. Also his facts were internationally
recognised and accepted.
In the early Nineties,
the Israeli fascism researcher Ze´ev Sternhell point out that fascism was a
part of Israel. It would not be just towards the history of facts, to reduce
fascism to the German Reich or to Hitler, as also Franco, Mussolini, and
Pinochet among others were part of the fascist movement.
Which are the main objectives of your recently published book?
At this point,
I would like to send ahead some remarks.
The title of the book is “Möge keiner sagen, er hätte es
nicht gewusst“. As the author Hecht-Galinski points out, many books, articles, essays
and publications have been written about the Palestinian conflict and the “illegal,
Zionist occupation….,” which is absolutely true. 
Knowing this
fact has put me into the position to apply a method related to the present. The
objective I pursue with my book is the present-related assessment of the way by
which Germans are blackmailed by irrational, inhuman, demagogic politics in the
media into the mental enfeeblement and abstruse race obsession solidarity with
Israel. A noticeable concept is the term “hyper-solidarity” I recently read
about Israeli. If we precisely analyse the word connection, the forced
solidarity expressed by this term, has the following connotation: We know that
Israel is an Apartheid State. However, it is Israel. So, we are called to be in
hyper-solidarity, even if there is no ethical foundation base on which a person
should show any solidarity towards injustice. The objective I pursue with my
book is to raise awareness among the readers as human beings. And this
conscience can only be developed in the exchange with other people. People have
to detach themselves from terms like “citizens” or from reduced abstractions
like “democracy, peace, freedom, wealth, community of values, interest partners”,
if these terms are used to dehumanize Palestinians. As it happens every day in
the media that there are calls for solidarity with Israel, the citizen in
Germany does not have just the right, but the obligation to recognize that an
Apartheid State is not worth of this solidarity. All our solidarity, all our
empathy must focus on the oppressed Palestinians. We all know the facts, and as
a consequence we have to base our way of acting on these facts only.
Which are the
main subjects of your book?
While I was
working on the book, I noticed that a lot of factual material focused on the
factual history of Palestine. As is well known, all these books are not allowed
to enter the bestseller lists, the well-sorted bookshops, and even not the
small bookshops in the “alternative neighborhoods” of the big cities.
And many of
these books, just repeat what is already known internationally, step by step,
from the Ottoman Empire to the proclamation of the State of Israel, the 6 days
war, Oslo I and II, Camp David, and Annapolis. In whole, the full dazzling of
the imperialist interests of Zionism. The motivation of the proclamation of the
State of Israel. However, if we are honest, we will have to admit that all this
is already well-known. I have added the question to think about: What do the
Palestinians have to do with the German crimes? I am also asking myself the
question: Why should the anti-Imperialist German partial State GDR have been an
anti-Semite state? Why should a union of a few states, the UNO of 1947, have
the right to decide about the property of another people, on the basis of a
home-made “right”? How was the historical revision of German-fascist crimes
after the foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany, from a political,
social, private, comprehensively cultural point of view, related to touchable
practical acting?
I do not want
to speak about never-ending memory and stumbling blocks, lip services and
continuous payments. I am talking about the spiritual, ethical education of a
people whose partial Western state and one of the first NATO members was
remilitarised quickly. In my opinion, in the Federal Republic of Germany no
more than wind was made, and the papers were revised. So I can directly connect
my statement to Adenauer’s statement when he said that he cannot nominate a
20-years old to a general of the Bundeswehr to make the recourse to officials
of the Wehrmacht plausible. Therefore, the main matter of my book is humanism
alone. I have taken a different path. The facts must be assumed as logically
known. It is clear that every German citizen has her/his own opinion about
Israel. But on which facts are these opinions based?
On superficial
knowledge, on fear from being accused to be anti-Semite, blinded
pseudo-anti-Fascism reducing all to Judaism, and then Israel so that in the end
Israel is allowed to do whatever it wants to?
In my book I
have quoted relevant, opinion-shaping German news portals and online
newspapers. The majority of the German-speaking online newspapers answer by
themselves the question about critical reporting, journalistic professionality
and interests control. The book shows that only the kind of people, taking
advantage from the proliferation on the genocide against the Palestinians,
refuses the factual knowledge: the imperialist partner and the government of
the Federal Republic of Germany imposes to German citizens to be the
ever-lasting friend of Israel!
It is helpful
to know about the foundation of Israel. It is useful to know that gangs of
terrorists invaded Palestine, but it is not absolutely necessary to repeat such
a fact. So in my book I decided to summarize all these repeated killing sprees
in connection with the generally known statement “we are simply not neutral!”
facts of our present are introduced. Targeted killings of children by the IDF
are exposed by indicating place, time, witnesses, and availability of the
information. Necrophilia committed by settlers’ gangs in Jerusalem are
introduced. There is video material about the displacement actions similar to
the ones of the SS Death’s Head Units, about shellfire against graveyards,
daily race obsession, and about the Israel youth singing “Gaza is a graveyard”.
The present
work is also the analysis of well-known political statements made in the “name
of the Germans”. As a consequence, the reader can deduct by herself/himself
what is without any doubt a wrong statement. Let us consider that also Ernst Thälmann,
Herbert Baum, Heinz Galinski, Georg Benjamin, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and thousands
of others where Germans as well. So, in my book I am asking: Did the German
fascist mass murder happen in the name of all Germans, and so also in the name
Baum, Thälmann, Galinski,
Lichtenberg, Elser, Norden?
And I also
focus on immoral statements of politicians of cemented traditional parties and
their necessary opposition parties, which can all be found in the respective
opinion-shaping newspapers, from Bild to SZ. They include mass murder
biographies like the one of Heinz Reinefarth and the cultural development of
the Federal Republic of Germany. So, I have observed and summarised the easily
understandable, strictly structured, and thematically interwoven doctrine of
German fascism and the one of the State of Israel, deducted from it, and the
way of living of the “purified” Federal Republic of Germany, from the culture
of the escapism on TV.
In the end, every
single person being honest towards herself/himself has to state the following:
“To understand
the crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinians, you do not need any
academic knowledge, no particular religion, no particular profession. Some
professions are even a hindrance. To understand this exorbitant injustice,
freed from all elaborated definition research what is right and so forth, it is
enough to have an education of the heart.”
(quoted from„Möge keiner sagen, er hätte es nicht gewusst!“ Zambon Verlag 2017)
Which relation
do you see between Islamophobia and Zionism in present Germany?
This is obvious!
The requested and promoted hatred against Muslims has a direct connection with
Zionism and Israel. The Judaism robbed by Zionism is the blaze raging in the
whole Middle East. It is the fire accelerator and partially awkward partially
moral political swindle to increase islamophobia. In my book I make reference
to less known quotations of prominent Zionists who do not belong to Judaism,
and whose nationalist obsessions is not far away from the ones expressed by
German nationalists.
The ludicrous
appreciation of Israel in Germany as the „unique democratic State“ cannot be
proved as many people silently now in Germany. And in fact, this appreciation
is also anti-Semite, if Islam is established as the threatening enemy. In
Germany Muslims coming from Bangladesh, Kosovo, Myanmar, and many other
countries experience daily Islam hatred, sometimes subtly hidden in a
feuilleton, sometimes openly and stupidly promoted. A recent example is the
Oktoberfest 2017 where the attack during the Oktoberfest 1980 was evoked. However,
nobody would ever evoke the brutish Israeli crimes during the barbaric massacre
of “Cast Lead” where people in Gaza were burning because of the Israeli
phosphor bombs.

us go back to factual history. Israeli murderers and terrorist were awarded
with the Nobel Price of Peace. The mass murderer of Deir Yasin, Menachem Begin,
was awarded with the Bundesverdienstkreuz (
Federal Cross of
) in the Eighties. The fanatic
Hitler fan Feiglin, as it can be deduced from his statement of the Nineties, was
proud of having killed so many Arabs, and did not have any problems with that.
I think Heinz Reinfarth, the beast of Krakow felt the same. Zionism and
islamophobia are obvious. As M. Zuckermann correctly writes, the pathetic
self-suggestion, the ideologic narcissism of Zionism and its preformed
self-excitation is the basic evil in the Middle East as well as in Germany.

If Israeli
government members are proud of their fascist statements, then it is
self-obligatory for German citizens to get conscient of the German information
industry and its Islamophobic condemnations in big newspapers and online
Palestinians longing for freedom are called “terrorists”, “sand niggers”, “arabushim”,
and “snakes”, and are so dehumanized, there is racism against Arabs in general
and Palestinians in particular, German-Zionist Islam-hatred, tangible Islam
hatred. Germans should, first of all, know this before they salute Israel.
Their question, everyone can answer by herself/himself, is the following: Which
connection do you see between Jewish hatred and fascism in Germany between 1933
and 1945?
How do we want to and how can we win this David’s struggle against
Goliath, and why will truth win in the end?
I understand
this question as a practical question about how to actively manage solidarity
work for Palestine.
„Make groups,
plan violent-free resistance, organise information meetings, flyer actions,
internet campaigns, publish video on the social work, do real “lefty” work!  Network websites, write columns, diffuse
facts. Make music and solidarity concerts. Show solidarity! Activate crowds of
people, the so-called flash mobs, with banners, accompanied by photographs and
internationalist reporters.
Do not ask who
will pay for the printing of 5000 campaign flyers to diffuse, stick and
Put your
resources together, make solidarity donations for actions, get in touch with
bigger organisations.
Find operators
of print offices and copy shops whose business model also servers people
without being exclusively oriented to business. Work in creative, practical and
efficient way for the end of Apartheid and genocide, together with the
Palestinians and all peaceful people from all over the world. Without
Find a common
ground, without looking for differences. Human beings are there to act. And
this has always been this way, through all history.
If imperialist
stakeholders, big industrials, militarists create conglomerates of
exploitation, all peaceful people should form one unit against exploitation,
dispossession, war, economic fascism; banko-cracy, blendo-cracy, and
pseudo-democracy. Everybody can help and show solidarity.
Wear an
authentic kufiya as international symbol of solidarity with all
oppressed peoples of this world! There must also be an option to practically
execute solidarity, art, cultural and education work, also in case of
prohibitions on space usage by municipality offices and private land lord. The
hour of active and creative solidarity has already come and is also a duty for
all human beings. If any kind of peace work of one or a group of peace
activists, men and women, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Atheists is pressured,
impeded and sabotaged, in parallel we have automatically make public peace
activities to promote them. We must decisively oppose to condemning
announcements and typical accusations – and our reaction must be practical and
not according to opinion disagreement.
All peace and
pro-Palestinian peace activists must also be in solidarity one with another to
struggle for freedom in Palestine. They should all stay in solidarity, people
for people in Palestine!
I think, and I
am firmly convinced that one day Palestinians will win and be free. And yes, I
am convinced that all other people in this world must support their struggle
for freedom. Since history, and the truth, are on the side of Palestinians.