
Mara Salvatrucha, the terror gang from Salvador to Italy

by Serena
, Social News, 9 January 2018, English Translation by
Milena Rampoldi.
They call themselves
army and come from Latin America. They are the pandillas (Spanish for gangs), gangs of latinos, terrorising the streets of many
cities, where they are installed, from America to Europe. Milano for example
has been invaded by Latin-American gangs as reported by the British newspaper The Independent. Without
any doubt, La Mara Salvatrucha or MS13 is one of the most famous
and bloody of these gangs. Homicides, rapes, extorsions, illegal commerce of
drugs, aggressions carried out using machetes are just a couple of the
activities of this group. This band, defined by the FBI as the “most dangerous
gang of the world”
since years, this band has been
continuing to be at the centre of the criminal reports because of the violence
of the committed crimes. In Italy, Mara has come back to the limelight after
the aggression against two railwaymen, injured by machetes by three members of this group.
The Origin of the Pandillas
The band La Mara
Salvatrucha was founded in the 80ies in California, when the Civil War in Salvador forced many young
people to escape to the United States. These immigrants are not integrated,
marginalized and jobless. They started to meet in groups, focussing on the
ethnic connection as their highest value. The marginalisation pushed
them to violence and drugs. After the end of the conflict in Salvador, the
US-government started to adapt zero tolerance policies against immigrants.
This trend started with the application of the IIRIRA in 1996. These
young people were arrested and deported to their country of origin. In a
country, in the middle of an economic crisis and destroyed by years of
conflict, like Salvador, these bands found their fertile ground to go on
with their criminal activities. Soon, because of expulsions, deportations and
migrations, the gangs diffused and became a real plague. Today, the gang Mara
Salvatrucha is considered to be a criminal organisation based in Salvador, with
solid roots in other countries, among others in the United States, Canada,
Spain, and also in Italy.

Mara Salvatrucha: etymology of the name
There are
numerous theories about the origin of the name MS13. According to a first hypothesis,
the name of this gang means “group of smarts Salvadorians”. In their language
in fact the name Mara means group, crowd. The term Salvatrucha,
however, is made of two parts: salva defines the origin (El
Salvador) and trucha means smart, straight. It cannot be
excluded that the word Mara is the abbreviation of Marabunta,
a particular kind of aunt, which is very savage and devours everything on its
path. This definition reflects the way of acting of the affiliates of this
gang. Salvatrucho could also mean “young Salvadorian fighter”. So, you could
deduce that Mara Salvatrucha may also mean “aunt of the
Salvadorian Army

Blind Loyalty
Actually, El
Salvador is considered to be one of the most dangerous countries of the world because
of the number of murders, committed by this bloody gang. In Latin America the
gangs still dictate standards. According to the newspaper La Opiniòn ,every day 300 Salvadorians
leave their country to escape from the Maras. The MS13 is one of the main
reasons for the high levels of violence in the country. This gang mainly
consists of young poor guys and marginalized young people who consider
the gang as their family they have to be ready to do all for. To be part of the
gang, the guys have to succeed at tests of courage: The men must
undergo a group beating, and the girls a rape.
Without any doubt, the machete
is the arm characterising this gang, while the tattoos indicate the belonging
to the band. They kill since a very young age just for the fun to kill, but
also to control the territory and because of settlings of accounts with the
gangs of their rivals. In Milan for example in 2008 a football game of Salvadorians degenerated
into a clash, using machetes, between the members of the MS13 and the Mara 18.
MS13, Never-Ending Violence

The territory of
Salvador continues to be the scene of guerrillas and death between gangs. The truce between the two main gangs, MS13 e M18, reached
in 2016 thanks to the support by the Catholic Church, did not solve this
plague. According to Paolo Lisi, the responsible for the
section of Foreign Criminality of the State Police, in Italy the first data
related to the pandillas go back to 2004, but the situation has become very dangerous
only after the arrival of the MS13. Despite of the numerous arrests of members
of the gang by the Italian Police, Mara continues to live and gain strength.
The essential
aspect of the development of this gang is missing integration.
For many the Pandilla is a family which should never be
betrayed, and, at that point, loyalty becomes something fundamental. While in
Italy there are voices calling for the intervention of the army to oppose to
this phenomenon, in Salvador the situation is out of control. The Mara
Salvatrucha is considered so dangerous that some prisons are totally self-managed by gang members.
Without a prevention program, interventions in the social area, and a decisive governmental
action, Latin America continues to be a place where life is characterised by
blasts of mitres and machetes, and the affiliates of the MS13 gang will
continue to develop and diffuse, all pursuing one and the same destiny: prison
or death.