
Poésie du jour. Paul Éluard

Le baiser

Toute tiède encore du linge annulé
Tu fermes les yeux et tu bouges
Comme bouge un chant qui naît
Vaguement mais de partout

Odorante et savoureuse
Tu dépasse sans te perdre
Les frontières de ton corps

Tu as enjambé le temps
Te voici femme nouvelle
Révélée à l’infini.

To know more about our poetry project, check our dedicated page on the ProMosaik website  ProMosaik Poetry Page.

In the following you can download our newsletter about the last poetry projects we did in German, English, Italian, French, Greek, Russian and Turkish.
If you are a poet, and would like to introduce your work to be interviewed by us check our interview page on the ProMosaik website here.

If you would like to publish your poetry book with us, see here.