
The Systematic Brown-Nosing of the Israel Lobby!

, Sicht vom Hochblauen, 20 September 2017, English
translation by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik

Now that we are in the final run-up
to one of the most boring and dirty election campaigns in Germany, fired by Islamophobic
“nationalist” slogans by the AFD politician Gauland and copied by numerous
other party campaigners, we should re-evaluate the reality of Germany.
Yes, Muslims and Islam are part of
Germany, but so is freedom of opinion and Basic Law!
In reality, the protection of such
freedoms of opinion by Basic Law, has been suspended by the pro-Israel lobby with
by politicians from all parties brown-nosing Israel when the subject concerns
the illegal occupation and settlement policies of the Netanyahu regime.
It is not
Anti-Semitic to support the legitimate Palestinian struggle for freedom or to
claim the right to boycott the “Jewish State” because it is a legitimate form
of legal and non-violent resistance by that civil society with the BDS campaign
— founded 12 years ago — being an important movement increasingly backed by
people all over the world. 
The reason why the “Jewish State”,
its supporters, and brown-nosing friends strongly oppose BDS is because they
more than anything else fear this peaceful and powerful movement which
represents the truth. So while they spend their Shekels and US-dollars in
counter campaigns,  the truth remains the
truth, facts remain irrefutable, and money alone cannot forever quash the
irrefutable truth.
Following the total failure of all
so-called “peace negotiations” which only served to increase the suffering,
displacement, denigration, and sorrow of the Palestinian people, it is time for
everyone to support the boycott of the “Jewish State of Occupation.”
When it is about imposing
U.S. boycotts against Russia, Iran, Venezuela or Cuba, our politicians couldn’t
care less and do not share our concerns. We all know how important and
effective the boycott was in Apartheid in South Africa where it is acknowledged
by  former activists that the inhumanity
of the Apartheid Jewish State is much worse.
Silencing the freedom of speech of
legitimate boycott supporters has occurred in Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, and
more recently in Cologne.
In the front line of those “brown-nosing” politicians are the members of the
Social Party, the Christian Democratic Party, and of course, the Green philo-Semite
politician Volker Beck who fervently wants to be the future leader of the
campaign against “Anti-Semitism” which will be supported by his friends in the
pro-Israel lobby.
Do democratic citizens have to
tolerate accusations of being  racists or
anti-Semites by politicians only because they are legally and ethically
struggling for the right of Palestinians to self-determination; because
they  condemn the occupation of Palestine
which  international law regards as illegal;
 and because they do so within the
parameters of civil law? The answer must be an emphatic “NO” because Zionism is
a racist and inhumane ideology that has been calling for the denigration and
displacement of the Palestinian people since the foundation of the State of
Israel. Anti-Zionism on the other hand is a democratic and humane response to
this form of racism.
Can Germans vote for parties and
politicians who feel obliged to support campaigns for the “new Anti-Semitism,”
which is a philo-Semitism backing Israel’s illegal occupation? Can Germans vote
for politicians who remain silent when they see how speakers, journalists, and
professors in Germany are prevented from participating in conferences and
events, or are banned from speaking about the almost seventy years of illegal
occupation of Palestine which began with the  Nakba, or “Catastrophe?” This is not just
disrespectful, it is also anti-democratic and unworthy of the so-called “community
of values” repeatedly referred to by our politicians.
In the meantime, the determined
opposition to the alleged anti-Semitism has become an opposition by politicians
and pro-Israel lobby to any kind of criticism of Israel.
Imagery of the enemy helps to close
their own ranks!
I would have been
happy to see the zeal of German election campaigners in the Social Party, when
it was about the exclusion of Tilo Sarrazin from the party after his racist
affirmations, and his unbearable and un-scientific books; but unfortunately I
missed this zeal. My gloomy forecast is that any “Israel critic“ will be
excluded in a blaze of publicity as an alleged anti-Semite, while an
Islamophobic racist will not. This is an election campaign in the epoch of
I am really concerned by the fact
that in the meantime all parties focus on the “distraction” tactic of anti-Semitism.
This tactic omits focussing on the real, latent “anti-Semitism” because the
concept is used in general terms against critics of Israel. And this is what
the pro-Israel lobby wants, because it fully aware that it is not about “anti-Semitism,”
but about the legitimate struggle for a Palestine free of illegal Israeli occupation.
Is it not surprising that right-wing
parties like the AfD in Germany or its “friends” in Austria, Hungary, France,
and Belgium feel attached to the racists in the “Jewish Apartheid State.” What
is particularly terrifying for me is fact that so many Jewish citizens vote for
right-wing parties, and that a Jewish AfD candidate — with a leading position
within the Jewish community — was presented in my Bundesland Baden-Wurttemberg which
confirmed that all such parties regard 
the “Jewish State” is a racist model whose unethical politicians
consciously exploit Judaism to commit crimes against humanity! Let us not
forget that almost the whole Jewish-Israeli population has voted for this
racist state terror regime. Instead of being boycotted by allegedly free and
democratic states, Apartheid Israel instead receives many expressions of
solidarity, and in particular from Germany!
Israel’s ethnic cleansing in Palestine
has now also been exported to Myanmar with the supply of Israeli weapons with
such activity becoming part of the “war on terror” soundbite that permits the
perpetration of all kinds of crime with impunity.

Is Israel to become a model? Yes, if Germany wants to be associated with
exclusion, displacement, land grabbing, genocide, and even ethnic cleansing.
The Israelisation of Germany must be stopped. The “Jewish State” even shows its
racist face with regards to the treatment of refugees whilst Jewish citizens
from all over the world are “welcome” to the empire “given them by God” to the
exclusion of the Palestinian people who are not even allowed the right to
return to their old homeland. Has a 
German party ever shown any real interest in this?
While the alleged “Muslim anti-Semitism”
and the danger of Islam are constantly denounced, Judaic extremism remains
While demonstrations of Palestinians against the genocide in Gaza are
denigrated as anti-Semitic because of shouts like “Baby Murdering Israel”  despite the fact that many innocent and
defenceless children are murdered with even whole families being eliminated by
the “Jewish defence soldiers.” Meanwhile pro-Israel lobby groups supported by
Jewish officials and brown-nosing politicians of all parties express their
solidarity with the “Jewish occupiers’ state.” Is this fact compatible with the
basic law? Is voting for such politicians and parties morally acceptable?
When a couple of days ago in Cologne
thousands of Kurds demonstrated for an independent Kurdish State, the PKK
claimed having freed Öcalan, Turkey felt affronted and summoned the German
ambassador! Imagine the opposite: Thousands of Palestinians – what a wonderful
idea – demonstrate in a big German city for the freedom of Palestine, a Palestinian
State, and the liberation of Marwan Barghouti, serving multiple life sentences
in Israeli prison. What would happen? How would the Netanyahu regime react?
If, as was recently the case, the
Israel regime interferes in the German election campaign, this is not a problem
at all. And even the illegal occupation of Palestine, the propagandistic
appearances of Israeli Presidents or, as was recently the case, special
interferences by the Israeli President with Chancellor Merkel because of the
still pending U-boat supplies.
But woe to Turkish politicians if
they try to interfere. Then it is a completely different matter . . .
If the “Jewish State” as a nuclear
power attacks Syria; prepares potentially aggressive manoeuvres against Hezbollah,
Lebanon or Syria; and violates the sovereign airspace of those countries, then
it is certain that such activities will not be mentioned during German election
However when Russia responds to
aggressive NATO manoeuvres directly on its border, this is immediately presented
as a threat of war. In the pseudo-duels of German election campaigns no real
problems are discussed such as the increase in military expenditures, the
delivery of weapons into regions of crisis, and the arming of Kurds in Northern
What about
Ramstein and the U.S., who have been delivering arms to Syrian Jihadists for
years now. The German Federal Government pretended not to know anything about
such events, in which U.S. authorities allegedly violated German Law. What kind
of government is this if it gives U.S. law precedence over that of Germany by
supporting regime changes originating from German territory? 

The housing
shortage, a basic income pension, pensions and fiscal policy are not discussed
at all in TV programs with “invited” guests who are chosen to ask a couple of
nice questions. Nobody asks about the Turkey bashing, islamophobia, occupation
in Palestine, Russia bashing, separation between Church and State, influence of
religions on our economic life, like the offer to open shops on Sunday or other
matters endangering the “well-being election campaign.”

And this way the
more than unbearable election campaign of rushing “self-exposers” from  parties goes on, and sometimes it is not far
away from the matters of the right-wing party AfD!

It would be
useful if together we could prevent the AfD of Gauland from entering the German
For sure, next
Sunday will come wither without surprises, so let us pay attention for whom to
vote. Let us penalise the politicians and parties brown-nosing the pro-Israel

Finally I would like to let Judith
Butler speak in my name:
“If I have succeeded in showing that
one can fall back on the criticism of state violence, the colonial oppression
of population groups, the expulsion and expropriation of Jewish sources, then I
can show at the same time that a Jewish criticism of Israel is at least
possible, if not ethical.”