
Sankalp Jyoti – for a radical social change through women empowerment

By Denise Nanni and Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik. In the
following another organization from India, Sankalp Jyoti, working in Bihar, in the
Nord-East of India, on the border to Nepal. We talked to Santosh about the aims
and activities of Sankalp Jyoti, supporting women’s empowerment in local

 What are the social issues that brought to the
foundation of Sankalp Jyoti?

Sankalp Jyoti has been founded to work for civil
society, to support women empowerment, and to struggle against domestic
violence. Women should be educated, develop skills, and be trained to be able
to live an independent life. What Sankalp Jyoti wants is a radical change in
society. This change has to be sustainable. Women are fundamental for the
development of a society. And the sustainable development of our society goes
through women. Therefore we focus on their empowerment for a radical social
change in our region.
What are, according to
your experience, the key elements that lead to community empowerment?
As per our work experience, education, poverty
eradication & awareness are the key elements leading to community
empowerment. Women who are educated can overcome poverty. And awareness
campaigns are needed to promote this positive change in society. And this
change is led by women.
How do you promote
women’s empowerment?
We promote women’s empowerment by skill training,
education, legal awareness & campaigning in educational institutions about
women issues.
How would you define
your approach?
We serve the communities especially the women by their
capacity building. For that purpose, we organise vocational courses for women.
We make awareness campaigns to make them understand their rights as women. We also
do regularly organize interactive meetings among the communities by supporting
volunteers in the local communities and by investigating their needs to get
support from the governmental authorities.  
What are the contents
of your education programs?
Our contents of educational programs are vocational
courses like beautician, tailoring, computer, mehandi & informal education
for illiterate women including behavior change. These are fundamental matters
to empower women who then empower their own communities. For us this is a
positive circle we have to promote with our work which starts with the women.
Do you cooperate with
local authorities and institutions? If yes, how?
Yes, we cooperate with local institutions &
authorities by liasioning, meeting, interaction of beneficiaries with the
concerned authorities. We also publish the case studies on women issues in our
RNI registered magazine VIRANGNA KADAM SAHAS. We also publish our annual report
you can find on our