
When land grabbing, wall construction, expulsion, and Muslim hatred become reason of state!

By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski,
Sicht vom Hochblauen, 15 February 2017, English Translation by Milena Rampoldi,
During the radical change in the USA,
where after the US presidential election the whole world just looks at decrees
and tweets by the narcissistic “
national socialist” Trump, the
Netanyahu regime masterfully knew how to press ahead with Zionist raids, racist
laws, and the Judaisation of Palestine.

It cannot be said more appropriately than
it was expressed by the right-wing Likud
Member of Parliament and Minister of
Science Ofir Akunis to describe Zionist politics: “Whole Israel is ours,
undivided, this is beyond dispute.” (
With the unjust law adopted by the
Knesset last week the Zionist State wants retroactively to

4.000 settlers’ apartments built on stolen Palestinian land. This will pave the
way to avoid evacuation of “illegal wild” settlements and outposts. If we
consider that in reality all Jewish settlements in Palestine are illegal! In
the meantime, the liberal  Israeli
Haaretz reports that
the illegal and just evacuated outposts Amona and Migron was financed by a
Netanyahu regime fund of more than 1 million US dollars,”lent” to the extremist
Aman Settlers’ Organization! For years, Amana has been one of the most
dangerous and active settlers’ movement, developed from the Gush Emunim
movement founded in 1978, and is behind the foundations of the “illegal
outposts”. This way, the “Jewish State” purposely supports these “wild illegal”
settlers. Also the Palestinian shepherds and farmers are regularly attacked and
injured by Jewish settlers of the outpost, under the watchful eyes of the “Jewish
Defence Army”. No Palestinian is safe from these Judaic extremists (
2) (3) (4).
With this law, the colonisation and annexation
of the complete illegally occupied West Bank is definitively initiated as final
solution of the Judaisation. And it is also more than beyond belief if the
hypocrital community of states, including the USA, criticise the construction
of settlements, but do nothing to stop this Zionist plunder. Since Trump’s
inauguration as
US president, more than 5000 new illegal Jewish
settlers’ apartments have already been authorised. And almost every day new
settlement units are planned. Apparently before this week’s trip to Washington
Netanyahu wants to compete with the real estate mogul Trump to see how far he
can go with Trump and Kushner, Bannon and Co. (
The same can be said about the racist “Muezzin Law” rapidly adopted by the Netanyahu regime and openly opposed
to Muslims and Islam while discriminating against them. Between 11 PM and 7 AM
no muezzin calls from the mosques are allowed. The new provocation shows how it
is about religious freedom in the “Jewish State”. However, as the
Palestinian-Israeli Deputy Aiman Odeh says: “The muezzin call has been heard
for a long time before the racist government of the Netanyahu, and will
continue to be heard for a long time”. (
Similar to the provocations of Jewish
extremists and Knesset Deputies on the Haram-al- Sharif or the arbitrary
prohibition by Jewish occupiers against Palestinian men who were not allowed to
pray at the al-Aqsa mosque! (
7) (8)
This racism of the Netanyahu regime and
its laws fit seamlessly into the desires of the right-wing populist Geert
Wilder who asked for a prohibition of Islam, the Quran and for the shut-down of
mosques in the Netherlands. (
Another significant story: At the new inauguration
of the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and the Fishes
in the Benedictine Abbey in Tabgha at the Genezareth Lake, destroyed by an
arson of young Jewish extremists, Christians and Jews met. Cardinal Woelki came
from Cologne, and also the President of Israel, Rivlin, was there. A shame that
the German ambassador in Israel, von Goetze, thanked the Israeli Authorities
for their good protection of the Holy Sites! 
Five perpetuators were arrested after the
murderous attack. Three were released. The costs of the damage was of
approximately 1,5 million Euros. The “Jewish State” paid only 370.000 Euros.
400.000 Euros were paid by the Archdiocese in Cologne, and 500.000 came from
private donors. It is unbelievable, that no imam was invited because it was not
part of the protocol. However, it was exactly the Muslims who provided food to
the abbey after the arson, and gave money for the reconstruction! (
And in Berlin the situation is similar.
For the election of the new German President before the election there was a “closed”
church service in the St. Hedwig Cathedral, but without Jews and Muslims. A
protected church service for the Christian political elite; so much for the
democratic understanding of Presidential Elections and “
So if today Trump and Netanyahu meet, we
have to wonder about the meeting of these two alpha animals.
For what concerns missing credibility,
Trump and Netanyahu are very closed one to another. This makes their politics
so dangerous because they recklessly present themselves to achieve their
objectives. While Netanyahu’s objectives are well-known (“
combined with a bit of corruption and hunger for power), Trump has more
diffused, overlapping goals. Between “America First”, self-promotion, megalomania,
and his companies and the desire to promote Wall Street, this president is
driven between twitter and the attempt to make world politics. And at the
moment, as the prize winner and psychiatrist Paul Krugman says, this “mentally
ill” president does not seem to really succeed in it. (
Trump’s wall construction at the Mexican
border, the ban for citizens from seven Muslim countries, and the isolation of
immigrants, are rightly criticised all over the world. Drone attacks against
civilians and preventive murders are executed day by day by the USA, the “Jewish
State” and many “
values alliances”. But for the “Jewish State” the
situation is different. Even if Netanyahu constantly rebuilds the illegal
Apartheid wall of more than 9 metres high cutting deeply through the illegally
occupied Palestinian land, and it was even subterraneously extended to the
concentration camp in Gaza, there is not open criticism. Although the “Jewish
State” since its foundation has been applying the “Muslim Ban” as state policy,
a Muslim/Palestinian is banned from entering the country, violations of the
international and human rights laws, the genocide in Gaza and targeted
assassinations and attacks against a sovereign state are execused, the “Jewish
State” is part of the Christian-Jewish community of values. (
For sure, Netanyahu during his visit will
focus on Iran by trying to convince Trump to revoke the nuclear agreement with
Iran, in particular after the recent missile test. He will present Iran as the
most aggressive and dangerous country and will bring into play his favourite
lie, the imminent Holocaust.  Let us hope
that he will not succeed! 
So when Trump and Netanyahu meets on 15
February, we have to be curious how they will deal with matters such as the
settlements policy, the provocation of the relocation of the US embassy from
Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, or the dying Gaza, the concentration camp forgotten by
the hypocritical world community. It is to be feared that neither Trump nor
Netanyahu will care about Palestinians as their ethnic cleansing is being
executed with impunity by the Netanyahu regime violating Palestine more and
In fact, all states represented at the UN
should have immediately opposed the incredible interference of the in
competent general secretary. Since the UN general secretary Guterres
should not depend on the US Trump’s mercy. His proposal to nominate the former
Palestinian Premier Salam Fayyad as new UN envoy to Libya, as successor of the
German Martin Kohler, which is a better choice must not be destroyed!
Fayyad  was chosen because of his
competency and not as representative of Palestine. And here the US envoy to the
UN Haley is wrong. In the meantime it is rumoured that the former Israeli
Minister of Justice Tzipi Livni, against whom in Belgium a warrant was issued
because of war crimes, will be compensated with a high UN office for Israel.
Incredible! (
14) (15)
While the holocaust is more and more used
to justify the politics of the “Jewish State” and to distract from its own
racist politics, by committing 
and by violating victims, Palestinians and the Nakba are more and more
discredited. Norman Finkelstein, himself son of Holocaust victims, and author
of the book “The Holocaust-Industry” who at the end of January gave a
considerable seminar at the Max Planck Institute in Halle, described this
phenomenon in a most peculiar way. And as many Israel critics he is denigrated
by the Israel lobby and its Christian-Zionist supporters. In particular by the
eternal “green agitators” Volker Beck and the Springer Press. (
16) (17)
The activities of the “Israel lobby and
its willing sayanim become more and more bolder. This hasbara trace slashes
right through the country, from Hildesheim, Halle, G
Freiburg and now also against the well-known liberation theologian and Islam
expert Farid Esack, as guest professor in Hamburg. And again Volker Beck is at
the Israel frontline and defends the occupiers state by protecting it from any
critics. I really ask myself why the Green Party has not already initiated a
party exclusion procedure against this moraliser, while the percentages in the
surveys are continuously going down. In contrast to the punishable drug
consumption, the authorisation of sex with minors and paedophelia, Israel
critic is still exempt from punishment! (
18) (19) (20)
However, what can you expect from a “Jewish
State” whose morality has sunk so deep, that even the dead body of assassinated
Palestinians who died resisting the illegal occupation, are used as “negotiation
mass” against any Geneva Convention? When has this occupiers’ state complied
with any convention, law, or resolution? (
If land grabbing, wall construction,
expulsion, and anti-Muslim hatred become state policy, then it is time that the
BDS campaign is supported also by the official politics to get justice in a
free Palestine!

P.S. In fact, the high EU representative
Federica Mogherini declares that BDS is legal and that the freedom of
expression is a precious value. (