
NOAS – justice for asylum seekers

By Denise
Nanni and Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik. In the following interview we would like
to introduce you to the organisation NOAS in
Norway engaging for asylum seekers, by helping them according to a holistic
approach. Would like to thank Viktoria for her time, and her important
suggestions. For ProMosaik it is essential to talk to organizations supporting
asylum seekers in different countries to compare approaches, and to get new
impulses in our difficult times of war and forced migration.


What kind of
services do you offer to migrants and asylum seekers in Norway?

The Norwegian
Organization for Asylum Seekers (NOAS) is an independent membership
organization working to protect the rights of asylum seekers in Norway. NOAS’
main activities are to give information and legal aid to asylum seekers, and
advocacy. For instance, NOAS runs an information and counselling program
directed at newly arrived asylum seekers in Norway. We provide information on
the topics of the asylum process, criteria for protection and additional rights
and responsibilities. We argue that ensuring that the right information and
counselling are given to asylum seekers by organization asylum seekers have
confidence in, will contribute to justice for asylum seekers. This is NOAS’
starting point for running this programme.
In addition, NOAS
also works to ensure that asylum applications are made as clear as possible, so
that the immigration authorities have a better basis for making the right
decisions. We also consider whether NOAS can contribute to the trial of cases
in court.
How do you
get in touch with refugees and migrants that could benefit from your help?
NOAS communicates
with asylum seekers by telephone, email, our website and personal visits to our
office in Oslo. We are the only organization in Norway specializing exclusively
in rights for asylum seekers and thus have considerable recognition rate. We
conduct, however, outreach to asylum seekers and other actors important for our
work through for example contact with the reception centers throughout Norway.
Additionally, our counselling program that I mentioned above, allows us to
introduce ourselves to all new asylum seekers by their arrival in Norway.
What are the
main obstacles that people face once arrived in Norway as asylum seekers or
In general, we can
say that the main obstacle for asylum seekers these days is the long waiting
time for the decision in their asylum application. This, of course, varies both
with regards to individual cases and the country of origin, but an estimate of
a year has recently become a norm. This results in great insecurities for the
asylum seekers and contributes to mental and physical health problems, limited
future prospects, difficulties with regards to family reunification and slow
integration, to mention a few. NOAS works actively to change this uncertain
situation for asylum seekers and provides the authorities with reports and
other important sources of information to influence the decision-making.
Do you carry
out any raising awareness activity? If yes, how have the local communities been
responsive so far?
Although NOAS
works mainly with individual persons by providing them with counselling and
legal advice, we also invest great amount of time in spreading awareness about
relevant topics concerning asylum by writing reports, conducting campaigns and
presentations. You can find an overview of our activities on our website and
facebook page. The respond from the local communities has been positive and we
are reaching out to many more people and actors every time.
Is racism a
major obstacle to the social inclusion of immigrants?
In 2015, the UN
has confronted Norway with questions regarding racism and how it is tackled on
the national basis. The UN expert emphasized that racism is a great issue in
Norway but is often downplayed and referred to as discrimination. When it comes
to asylum seekers, there are several points of concern such as access to
education and labor market, long waiting time for obtaining permanent residency
permit and use of detention centers for adults as well as children. The
complete reports can be found here:
Do you
cooperate with local authorities and institutions? If yes, how?

On 1 January 2005, the system that ensured
asylum seekers free legal aid in first instance, that is, before asylum seekers
receive a decision from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI), was
replaced with the information and counselling program that NOAS runs, on
commission from the UDI. Within the scope of this program cooperation with the
immigration authorities takes place. However, as an NGO for asylum seekers in
Norway we cooperate mostly with other organizations such as Amnesty
International, Norwegian People`s Aid, Norwegian refugee council, Red Cross,
Save the Children, UNHCR etc.