
Nassos Theodoridis of Antigone: choice of culture as central aspect of human rights

By Milena
Rampoldi, ProMosaik. In the following my interview with Nassos Theodoridis,
Director of ANTIGONE, Information
and Documentation Center on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence established
in 1993 in Thessaloniki. I talked to Nassos about his organisation, his name,
objectives and projects and about the importance of non-violence and the
struggle against racism. All education to human rights, non-violence, peace,
and respect of diversity starts from school. Would like to thank him again for
his detailled answers. 
What is
the main objective of Antigone?
ANTIGONE-Information and Documentation Center on Racism, Ecology, Peace and
Non-Violence is a non-profit organization set in Thessaloniki, active since
develops activities aiming to assure equality of opportunities for everyone
without any negative discrimination based on gender, race, national or social
origin, disability, colour, religion, age, sexual orientation etc. On the bases
of solidarity and direct activation ANTIGONE attempts to contribute towards the
creation of the appropriate social conditions so that every person can take on
active role in the various aspects of social, economic and cultural life.
Furthermore, ANTIGONE targets to raising awareness and sensitization of the
wider society on non-discrimination issues, human rights, social ecology,
non-violence and interculturality.
participates as coordinator or as partner in both national and international
projects. The organization carries out sensitization activities, events on
non-discrimination, non-formal educational workshops on the integration of
differentiality conducted via the methodology of non-formal education as well
as seminars and vocational training workshops in various thematic sections.

Why the
name Antigone?

The name “Antigone” refers to the name of the principal hero of an
ancient Greek tragedy called “Antigone” (written by Sophocles).
Although the story is a myth, the case of Antigone is supposed to be the
historically case of a non-violent form of disobedience against authoritarian
rules. The story is about a young woman who has buried her brother by breaking
King Creon’s decree, and she is punished for obeying God’s law. As the
play begins, Antigone vows to bury her brother’s body in defiance of
Creon’s edict, although her sister refuses to help her, fearing the death
penalty. King Creon, furious at this wilful disobedience, questions
Antigone over her actions, but she does not deny what she has done and
argues unflinchingly with Creon about the morality of his edict and
the morality of her deeds.

important is intercultural dialogue to struggle against racism?
Intercultural dialogue is important to struggle
against racism because freedom to choose one’s own culture is fundamental; it
is a central aspect of human rights. Simultaneously or at various stages in
their lives, everyone may adopt different cultural affiliations. Whilst every
individual, to a certain extent, is a product of his or her heritage and social
background, in contemporary modern democracies everyone can enrich his or her
own identity by integrating different cultural affiliations. 

No one should be confined against their will within a particular group,
community, thought system or world view, but should be free to renounce past
choices and make new ones – as long as they are consistent with the universal
values of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Mutual openness and
sharing are twin aspects of multiple cultural affiliation. Both are rules of
coexistence applying to individuals and groups, who are free to practice their
cultures, subject only to respect for others. 

Intercultural dialogue is therefore important in managing multiple cultural
affiliations in a multicultural environment. It is a mechanism to constantly
achieve a new identity balance, responding to new openings and experiences and
adding new layers to identity without relinquishing one’s roots. Intercultural
dialogue helps us to avoid the pitfalls of identity policies and to remain open
to the challenges of modern societies. Besides, intercultural dialogue is
essential for one to get to know the “other” and avoid ignorance and further
avoid the fear for the “different”.
How is
the situation of racism and discrimination in Greece?
A few years ago, no one could – or dared – to
identify the sharp increase of racism that was about to come to Greece, and few
had the political will to openly admit that xenophobia and intolerance were
increasing at a fast rate.  Golden Dawn, the most prominent racist
organization, active for long, mainly as a small and marginal group inspired by
Nazi ideas, grew rapidly after 2009 and entered Parliament with more than six
per cent of the vote.  Its violent activity had increased, but the
reaction by the relevant authorities had not been prompt, decisive and
appropriate.  In 2012, the Racist Violence Reporting Network had been
created, and members of Golden Dawn, including all members of the parliament,
had been brought to trial for several crimes, including for membership to a
criminal organization. 
had amended its old anti-racist law to strengthen its legislation and
facilitate its implementation, but the application of legislation was still
unsatisfactory.  A number of operational measures had been taken to
strengthen the criminal investigation of hate crimes: special prosecutors had
been appointed in five cities for the investigation of racist crimes, and two
new offices had been established within the Hellenic Police to deal with the
investigation of acts of racist violence. 
In 2015, Greece had established the National Council against Racism and
Intolerance, which had already started planning a comprehensive strategy. 
In order to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender
identity, in addition to including those grounds in the anti-racism legislation
and in the draft bill on equal treatment, the law on the civil partnership pact
had recently been extended to same-sex couples.  Greece was ready to
establish an independent mechanism for the investigation of allegations of
arbitrary behaviour by law enforcement personnel, particularly with racist
motives, and the law was pending to be presented to the Parliament.  Greek
authorities and institutions were slow and reluctant in facing the reality, and
for long had disregarded or underestimated racist violence; it took a long time
to recognize that there was a clear pattern of organized racist violence. 
However, after 2013, there was a drastic change for the better, with tangible
results in terms of law enforcement and criminal justice response, victims and
civil society awareness, non-governmental organization networking, and
reporting and recording of hate crimes.  

projects do you implement to promote dialogue and mutual understanding in
Some of our most recent projects follow:
a) Project “Emergency aid for asylum seekers and refugees in Serbia and
The project under the title “Emergency aid for
asylum seekers and refugees in Serbia and Greece” which has been
officially funded by HELP and GFO since July 2016. The
project is a multilateral attempt of both Greece (through the collaboration of
three organizations: ANTIGONE-Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology,
Peace and Non-Violence, Greek Council for Refugees and Smile of the Child) and
Serbia to improve the living conditions of asylum seekers and refugees in the
respective two countries.
In the framework of this project and in
particular as regards the General project objective of ANTIGONE, the
latter develops activities within the Camp of Diavata for the
enhancement of the interaction between refugees and the local communities. The
specific objectives of our Organization are multifaceted: to release the
accumulated anger and despair that refugees have experienced, to
psychologically support the refugees through activities focusing on vulnerable
groups, to enhance interaction with local
community/de-institutionalization/socialization through events taking
place in the city of Thessaloniki as well as with providing training to
intercultural mediators active in the camps, in order to enable and
further improve their communication with the refugees as well as with the camp
“Comics in Human Rights Education”
The project entitles “Comics in Human Rights
Education” is an educational art project for refugee children aged 12-18 years
old, currently living at refugee camps and minors shelters (in the area of
Lagkadikia and Sindos) combining educational workshops (getting acquainted to
human rights principles and values, express feelings, exchange personal
experience and views) and artistic workshops (transmitting own messages in
creative ways, development of comic stories characters, script, time and
c) Project “Schools for change”
Under the
framework of “Schools for Change” project implemented in collaboration with
“Heinrich Boell Foundation”, “ANTIGONE” carries out workshops with the
participation of students in primary schools, secondary schools and high
schools according to the educational needs of every class.
The thematic sections of the workshops vary and so activities can be related to
project lessons of every class as well as to issues that are in accordance with
class curricula. Some indicative thematic of the workshops are the following:
stereotypes/discrimination/racism, bullying/school violence, human rights,
rights of the child, gender equality, disability/social isolation, ecology and
society etc. Non formal educational workshops are implemented without any
financial cost for the schools.
objectives of the Project are the following:
  • sensitization of students on human rights
  • combat against any kind of negative
  • development of personal, social and
    educational skills
  • development of creativity, imagination and
  • interaction in the class and in society
    with respect, equality and willingness to participate
d) Project “Youth is tolerance”

“Youth is Tolerance” was a project which aimed to combat racism, xenophobia and
anti-Semitism, with a particular attention on Roma discrimination, among young
people. The project was carried on in Bulgaria and Romania, where Roma are a
numerous minority, and in Greece and Hungary, where Roma represent a small but
significant percentage of the population.

In countries with a considerable presence of Roma still persist deep
prejudices, also among teachers in schools and universities, which result is
the lack of integration in the educational institutions and in the violation of
the human and citizen rights of this minority.
Roma young people are victims of widespread forms of racism and xenophobia and
are suffering from anti-Roma stereotypes, often justified by wrong
behaviour of adults with a key role in society and educational system.
This in spite of the last years’ increasing attention on the topics, related to
multicultural exchange and integration, mutual understanding and tolerance.

As for
its general efforts to combat social exclusion, ANTIGONE participated in various
projects that promoted the rights of persons of vulnerable groups, such as “Able ’20” which was an international
project involving people with fewer opportunities in the field of employment
through self-promotion. The project supported the introduction, implementation
and promotion of innovative and qualitative elements in non-formal education
and youth work, while bringing together young people with disabilities (target
group) from the partner countries of Greece, Italy, Spain, and Lithuania. In
this context, participants created self-portraits/video CVs that could
potentially be used throughout their vocational path.
has also contributed in the European
Website on Integration
, the core function of which, consists of an easily
accessible on-line data collection tool for the exchange of information on EU
wide experiences in the field of integration. This system provides a basis for
the collection, analysis and dissemination of good practices on immigrant
integration of third country nationals in the EU. It contains evidence based
quality information on good practices and projects from Member States’ national
administrations, regional and local authorities, social partners, civil
society, private enterprises, academia, international organizations etc.

What does
non-violence mean to you?
is a powerful philosophy and strategy for social change that rejects the use of
physical violence. The practice of nonviolence calls for peaceful active
behavior in the midst of conflict. At its core, nonviolence embodies respect,
and even love, for one’s opponents. The practice recognizes and utilizes the
importance of dialogue without the use of physical threat or coercion in
negotiating and problem-solving.
Also key
to the philosophy of nonviolence is a core belief that if we wish to achieve
just ends, the means we use must also be just. Proponents would argue that it
is fundamentally irrational to use violence to achieve a peaceful society.
absent of physical threat or retaliation, nonviolence is not passive and
implies the very opposite of weakness or cowardice. The power of nonviolence
lies in patience and self-control motivated by the intention to meet human
needs and promote a more just society.