
David Cameron, The Brexit Bell Did Toll For Thee, And Those You Betrayed Require that You Let Them Be . . .

by William Hanna, 24 June 2016.
“If by Zionist you mean that the Jews have the right to a
homeland in Israel and the right to a country then I am a Zionist . . . ”
David Cameron, Britain’s Conservative party leader, calling himself a “Zionist”
while condemning a British initiative for an academic boycott against Israel.

Alternatively, had Cameron been an honest
and principled man instead of a mealy-mouthed politician, he might have said “if
by bought and paid for racist hypocrite you mean that Palestinians have no
right to the homeland they have inhabited for centuries, or self-determination
in a country of their own, then I am a bought and paid for racist hypocrite.”
Since becoming British Prime Minister on
May 11, 2010, Cameron assiduously and eloquently  — during a visit to
Israel in March 2014 — reiterated his pledge of allegiance to the Knesset of an
illegal and brutal colonist Apartheid state as follows:
“What I have always understood is the extraordinary journey of
the Jewish people. Thousands of years of history in this holy land, thousands
of years of persecution, and even today some people despicably questioning your
right to exist
[a right which the Palestinian people
apparently do not have].

Now, my Jewish ancestry is relatively limited but I do feel some sense of
connection from the lexicon of my great-great grandfather, Emile Levita, a
Jewish man who came from Germany to Britain 150 years ago
[at a time when Palestine had already
been inhabited for centuries by indigenous Palestinians]
to the story of my forefather, Elijah
Levita, who wrote what is thought to have been the first ever Yiddish novel.
But more importantly, I have learnt to understand something of Jewish values
and character
Cast Lead and Operation Protective Edge],
and I have grown to appreciate the extraordinary
contribution of the Jewish people to my country and to the world
[actually still receiving $billions in
aid, investment, trade, and war reparations from the U.S. and other countries].
“That sense of understanding has shaped my determination to
remember the past, my commitment to Israel in the present, and my hopes for
Israel’s future . . . 
“I will always stand up for the right of Israel to defend its
citizens, a right enshrined in international law, in natural justice and
fundamental morality
is not applicable to Palestinians because their global network of lobby groups
and control of the mainstream media is nowhere near as effective as yours],
and in decades of common endeavour
between Israel and her
and paid for political]

allies. When I was in opposition, I spoke out when – because of the law on
universal jurisdiction – senior Israelis could not safely come to my country
without fear of ideologically motivated court cases and legal stunts
[how dare they]; when I became Prime Minister, I
legislated to change it. My country is open to you and you are welcome
[as is your modus operandi of blackmail,
bribery, and bullying]

to visit any time .”
Poor Britain and its people, however, have never
warranted such adoring consideration because Cameron — like most Western
leaders — has been too busy worshiping at the Chosen People’s Altar of
Sacrifice on which the sacrificial lambs were, and still are, the Palestinian
people. So while Israel continues to pursue its Zionist master plan for a
Greater Israel, Western governments and the mainstream media continue to
spectate with amoral indifference.
In the meantime — thanks to the double standards of
Cameron and the rest of his ilk — the Palestinian people would continue to be
ethnically cleansed as stateless prisoner refugees on their own land and in
adjoining Arab states; would continue being subject to air, sea, and land
blockades that prevented the import of essential foods, medical supplies, and
construction materials; would continue being routinely arrested, detained,
and/or violently interrogated; would continue to be subject to Nazi-style
arbitrary arrest, beatings, torture, and indefinite imprisonment without
charges or due process for up to ten or more years without knowledge of when or
if they will ever be released under Israel’s Administrative Detention Orders;
would continue to see their children being systematically targeted and detained
by the military and police who subject them to violent physical and verbal
abuse, humiliation, painful restraints, hooding, threats with death, physical
violence, and sexual assault against themselves or members of their family, and
denial of access to food, water, and toilet facilities; would continue to be
subject to having their freedom of movement denied by travel restrictions,
separation fences, walls, checkpoints, and roads built for Israelis only; would
continue to be subjected to attacks against themselves and their property —
including the burning of their olive groves which are the only means of
livelihood for many — by deranged savages from illegal Israeli settlements;
would continue to have their lands illegally expropriated; would continue to
have their pre-1967 territories gradually diminished as more and more illegal
Jewish settlements were established; would continue to have their natural
resources including water stolen or as in the case of the latter deliberately
contaminated; would continue  to be made homeless by having have their
properties demolished; would continue to “live” under the constant threat of
yet more barbarous Israeli military assaults; and finally, they would continue
to be amazed at how supposedly civilised societies including high-minded
diaspora Jews could be witness to all of this while doing nothing and in effect
either approving of, or being complicit in such inhumane barbarity.
One of Cameron’s main legacies to British democracy
will be his government’s enactment earlier this year of measures to prevent
local authorities from participating in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
(BDS) Movement against Israel. Under the new guidelines, NHS trusts, councils,
universities, student unions, and other public bodies will be prevented from
boycotting foods and products from Israel. UK Cabinet Office Minister
Hancock formally announced commencement of the measures during a visit
to Israel when he said “We need to challenge and prevent these
divisive town hall boycotts . . . The new guidance on procurement,
combined with changes we are making to how pension pots can be invested, will
help prevent damaging and counter-productive local foreign policies undermining
our national security.” 
It may seem strange that the freedom of speech and
conscientious objections to buying products from countries contravening
international law were the acceptable core values — that did not undermine
national security — of free and democratic societies when applied against
Apartheid in South Africa, are now unacceptable in the case of Israel whose
concept of Apartheid is irrefutably far more pernicious. Instead of imposing
sanctions against Israel for its perpetration of crimes against humanity with
arrogant impunity, Cameron’s government had not only increased levels of
technological and scientific cooperation with investment and trade amounting to
$7 billion annually, but had also reneged on the principles of the British
Parliament’s 2014 vote to recognise the state of Palestine. 
Perhaps the difference in approach to Apartheid in
Israel and South Africa is that Afrikaners, unlike Jews, had not been the
victims of a holocaust that had been endlessly publicised, globally promoted
and ruthlessly exploited; Afrikaner past suffering — only a mere 26,000 (10% of
the entire Afrikaner population) had died in British concentration camps during
the Boer War — was not on a comparative scale to the Jewish Holocaust to have
accumulated either the amount or kind of international sympathy that would
condone continued human rights violations against an indigenous population;
Afrikaners, unlike Israel, lacked the benefit of having the support of U.S
vetoes at the United Nations Assembly; Afrikaners did not have a dedicated
global network of well financed lobbyists who could buy political influence,
control mainstream media reporting, and suppress negative public opinion; and
Afrikaners did not have Western politician agents of influence like David
Cameron and Tony Blair befouling the democratic process on Israel’s behalf
while perfidiously supporting a concocted biblical narrative that had God
promising Palestine to His “Chosen” Jewish people.
As for the British people and what is left of their
democracy, they need not fear the consequences of the country’s majority vote
to exit the European Union because nothing is really going to change. They will
continue to be subjects of a plutocracy — not citizens of a democracy — where
the major banks, the tax-dodging corporations, and the mainstream media will
continue serve the very rich and powerful. The British people will also
continue to be governed by politicians from groups such as the Conservative
Friends of Israel; the Labour Friends of Israel; and the Liberal Democrat
Friends of Israel. In the meantime, Britons they can only hope for the eventual
emergence of political leaders with courage and integrity similar to that of
Irish Senator David Norris who in the following video clip expressed what many
people are too scared to say.
William Hanna is a freelance writer with published
books the Hiramic Brotherhood of the Third Temple and The Tragedy of
Palestine and its Children.
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