
A Commitment by UK Scholars to Human Rights in Palestine

by Various Authors,, 27 October 2015. On Tuesday, October the 27th 2015,
the Guardian published a full page advertisement by 343 academics affiliated
with UK academic institutions pledging not to cooperate with Israeli academic

Commitment is motivated by deep concern for Palestinians, including
Palestinian academics, struggling to sustain some semblance of normal life
in intractably difficult circumstances of occupation, and denial of basic
human rights. Recent events have provided, once again, grim evidence of
Israeli intransigence.
There is
no need to feel helpless in the face of these injustices, even though they
proceed with impunity due to the apathy or complicity of world powers.
Academics, as well as members of civil society, have a moral and practical
power which can help shift the dynamics at work in Israel’s relationship
with the outside world, and strengthen moves towards equality, freedom and
justice for Palestinians.
Commitment below comes as a response to the appeal from Palestinian civil society.
Academics in other countries have already signed up to similar commitments
in large numbers. We believe that many people working across the university
sector in the UK will wish to do likewise.
Commitment it is not a commitment to sever contacts with individual Israeli
academics. It follows the call for supportive action from
Palestinian civil society
 in that it exclusively targets
[Note: More than 260 academics
have added their name since 27 October. The number of signatories is now
over 600 and growing by the hour.]

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