
The Complicity Of The International Jewish Community And Western Governments in Crimes Against Humanity – New Article by William Hanna

Dear readers,

here you go with an important article by the author William Hanna.

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Stand for human rights, and against the Israeli colonialism and against Israeli against humanity.

All who remain silent, are part of this indecent oppression.

thank you and PEACE to everybody.

Dr. phil. Milena Rampoldi – ProMosaik e.V. 

“I would like everyone — every one of us
— to find his or her own reason to cry out. That is a precious gift. When
something makes you want to cry out, as I cried out  against Nazism, you
become a militant, tough and committed. You become part of the great stream of
history . . . and this stream leads us towards more justice and more freedom
but not the uncontrolled freedom of the fox in the hen-house.”
Stephane Hessel, French Resistance member, concentration
camp survivor, diplomat, ambassador, writer, and observer of the editing of the
Declaration of Human Rights
) in his
short book Time for Outrage.

In civilised and polite but
gutless and hypocritical Western circles it has become de rigueur 
— so as not to offend Jewish sensibilities and consequently face the stigmatic
accusation of anti-Semitism — when discussing barbaric Israeli policies to
mitigate irrefutable Israeli criminality by making a distinction between
Judaism and Zionism as if to to imply that Jews are not responsible for the
crimes of Zionist ideology. The convenience of such an argument, however,
overlooks the reality that Zionists are in actual fact Jews by some other name.
So in the interest of justice for all, the imposed fear of using the word “Jew”
and the blackmailed feeling of guilt over the Holocaust must fiercely be
resisted and justifiably overcome. Any hesitation or failure to do so would
constitute capitulation of the very essence of our humanity which obligates our
respecting and defending the rights of others.

“Ever since the Jews invented the libel
charge of “anti- Semitism” in
the 1980s. It was first printed in the Jewish  Encyclopaedia (1901 Vol. 1,
p. 641), and has been built up with Jewish money, organisations, propaganda and
lies (such as the Holocaust — Holohoax), so that now the word is like a snake
venom which paralyses one’s nervous system. Even the mention of the
word ‘Jew’ is shunned unless used in a most favourable and positive context.”
A. Weisman,
Who is
Weisman Publications, 1966.

“Israelis and American Jews fully agree
that the memory of the Holocaust is an indispensable weapon — one that must be
used relentlessly against their common enemy . . . Jewish organisations and
individuals thus labor continuously to remind the world of it. In America, the
perpetuation of the Holocaust memory is now a $100-million-a-year enterprise,
part of which is government funded.”
to Israeli author Moshe Leshem the expansion of Israeli power is
commensurate with the expansion of “Holocaust” propaganda. Balaam’s
Curse: How Israel Lost its Way, and How it Can Find it Again, Simon
& Schuster, 1989.

Though it is true that Judaism
and Zionism are two different concepts with one being religious and the other
political, you cannot have a Jewish state for Jewish people that is driven by a
Zionist ideology guilty of imposing Apartheid while perpetrating crimes against
humanity and at the same time deny any connection between the two. So make no
mistake, the bullying savages in the following short video clip are Jews — not
the Gestapo Nazi political police — acting with criminal impunity on behalf of
an Apartheid Jewish state that lies, cheats, steals, and murders as part of an
ethnic cleansing policy to create a Greater Israel free of all indigenous
Palestinian people.
There are many other politically
correct unmentionable realities beginning with the First Zionist
Council held in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland where at Theodor Herzl’s initiative
the Zionist Organisation was founded and formulated its resolution the “Basel
Programme” — without anyone asking the Palestinian people — stating that
“Zionism aims at establishing for the Jewish people a legally assured home in
Palestine . . . ” where the population at that time was approximately
ninety-six percent non-Jewish; the encouragement of Jewish immigration to
Palestine with slogans such “a land without a people for a people without a
land” that were at best deceptive; the persistent coercion of the U.S. the
Ottomans, and the British to further the Zionist cause with the British being
promised that American Zionists would push the U.S. to enter World War I on the
side of England; the the so-called “redeeming” or “purchase” of Palestinian
land by means of subterfuge and proclaiming it Jewish for all eternity while
prohibiting non-Jews from living or working on it; the use of gratuitous
violence when subterfuge and money failed to obtain Palestinian land; the collaboration
of Zionist leaders with the Nazis including the Zionist offer of fighting on
Germany’s side in return for being given Palestine following Germany’s victory (;
the 1947 bribing and bullying of other nations at the UN to change
their vote from “against” to “for” the partition of Palestine; the calculated,
cold-blooded perpetration of war crimes by Zionist Jewish terror gangs who
committed some 33 massacres and destroyed 531 Palestinian towns, many of whose
inhabitants were raped and murdered; and the use of terror to expel at least 750,000
innocent  and unarmed Palestinian men, women, and children from their
homes by numerically superior and armed Israeli terror gangs in what came to be
known as “The Catastrophe,” or al Nakba in Arabic.
Since that time — when the
general consensus of opinion was that Israel’s contentious creation had been
permitted as a conscious and wilful act of Holocaust compensation which included
toleration of crimes against humanity — Israeli Jews have honed their modus
operandi of blackmail, bribery, bullying, and benighted war crime bravado to
such a degree of perfection that we have come to habitually expect and
obsequiously accept their “in-your-face” criminality which routinely violates
every legal and human rights law in existence.
They have been totally amoral in
the belligerence of their illegal occupation of Palestinian territory;
inherently dishonest in the conduct of their diplomacy and so-called peace
negotiations; extremely well organised in the subversion of democracy with their
lobbying and coercion of Western government leaders into tolerating if not
actually supporting their Apartheid policies; eminently successful in
controlling and silencing mainstream media criticism of their racist and
hateful inhumanity; unrelenting in their denial of freedom of speech to
professors and students on college  campuses where criticism of Israeli
policies results in harassment, suspension, or even dismissal: unconscionably
treacherous towards their allies with false flag operations such as the 1967
attack on the USS Liberty (
and probable involvement with 9/11 (;
assiduous in their “divide and conquer” policy with seditious
mischief in neighbouring Arab countries including the current collusion with
the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Isis); and consistent with their lies upon
lies upon even more lies . . .
“There is no such thing as a Palestinian people . . .
It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn’t
Golda Meir, statement to The Sunday Times, 15 June, 1969.
Yet contrary to Golda Meir’s
barefaced Jewish lie, a Palestinian people did very much exist but were
ruthlessly driven out:
“We walked outside, Ben-Gurion
accompanying us. Allon repeated the question, what is to be done with the
Palestinian population? Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said drive
them out.”
Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs,
New York Times, 1979
having driven out the Palestinian people, the initial barefaced Jewish lie
could then be subject to some kosher elaboration:
“How can we return the
occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to.”
Golda Meir, quoted in Chapter 13 of The Zionist Connection II: What
Price Peace
by Alfred Lilienthal.
And no, all of the above is not
in any way anti-Semitic, it is pro-humanity — a humanity that does not exclude
on the basis of “race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.” But
instead recognises and respects the existence and rights of every man, woman,
and child on this planet including the Palestinian people who for almost
seventy years have been denied their existence, their dignity, their heritage,
their homes, their land, their health, their freedom of movement, their legal
and human rights, and in many cases even their lives. And all this barbaric
inhumanity has been perpetrated by a “God-chosen” Jewish people who from
painful, personal experience of plunderous persecution had once vowed “never
again.” The question remains as to whether that “never again” — of brutal
military ethnic cleansing assaults like Operations Cast Lead and Protective
Edge — will ever be allowed by Jews to become a reality for the Palestinian
In fairness it must also be said
that many Jews both in Israel and diaspora at least resent if not actually
reject Zionism’s claim to represent and speak for all Jewish people. Rabbi
Yaakov Shapiro in the following video interview speaks eloquently with a well
reasoned conviction that differentiates between Judaism and Zionism. The most
glaring aspect of his interview, however, is that he does not once mention or
recognise the existence of the Palestinian people; he does not decry the
injustice or brutality of an Israeli Apartheid racist regime that denies legal
and human rights to those whom it segregates and persecutes; and he does not
condemn an illegal occupation whose injustice and atrocities are comparable to
that of the Nazis. Whether those criminal perpetrators are referred to as
Israelis, Zionists, or by some other name, is immaterial because ultimately
they are Jews whose actions are either tolerated in silence or actively
supported by the international Jewish community. Consequently it may safely be
assumed that the world’s Jews cannot be relied upon to bring about a
humanitarian end to the suffering of the Palestinian people — that onerous task
will have to be undertaken by the rest of those who have somehow managed,
despite mainstream media lies and political leadership betrayals, to retain
some degree of humanity that demands an unconditional end to Palestinian
suffering and unfettered proceedings for natural justice at the International
Criminal Court (ICC). 

Claims of loyalty to
America by American Jews appear to be somewhat disingenuous
Kevin Barrett, Editor of Veterans Today: “I remember it like it
happened yesterday. It was early October, 2001. I was driving through the
Shorewood neighbourhood of Madison, Wisconsin, listening to BBC News on WORT
listener-sponsored community radio. The BBC announcer reported on an Israeli
cabinet meeting: Shimon Peres had been pressuring Ariel Sharon to respect
American calls for a ceasefire, lest the Americans turn against Israel.
According to the BBC, a furious Sharon turned toward Peres, saying . . .
“Every time we do something you tell me Americans will
do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry
about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and
the Americans know it.”
William Hanna is
a freelance writer with recently published books the Hiramic Brotherhood of
the Third Temple
and The Tragedy of Palestine and its Children. Purchase
information, sample chapter, other articles, and contact details at: