
Unser Projekt 1 – Dr. phil. Milena Rampoldi: Advantages and Factors of Bilingualism

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Anbei schon mal das erste Projekt, ein englisches Essay über die Bedeutung der Zwei- und Mehrsprachigkeit für die Kinder im Vorschulalter. Zwei- oder mehrsprachige Erziehung bedeutet für uns von ProMosaik e.V. eine bi- oder multikulturelle Erziehung. Und diese beginnt in der Familie. Der Kern einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft ist somit die Familie, die ihre Kinder zum interkulturellen Dialog erzieht.

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this essay Dr. phil. Milena Rampoldi is describing the phenomenon of
bilingualism and its advantages for children. The author is convinced
that bilingualism is an important aspect of intercultural dialogue and
intercultural communication. If children grow up in a bilingual or
perhaps even tri-lingual environment, this will be an advantage for the
society in whole. Bicultural and bilingual education from childhood is
something we should profit from in a globalised world and in
multilingual and multicultural societies as it is the case in Western
industrial societies today.  

There is no language
without culture, and there is no communication without language. So all
linguistic communication is the expression of a culture, and as a
consequence biculturalism is the expression of the soul of a child who
builds a bridge between two cultures, and not just between two
In the first chapter,
the author strives to define bilingualism from a multicultural
perspective. In the following chapter she passes to the description of
the advantages of bilingualism, in particular for children. Bilingualism
means biculturalism because language is a system of signs which makes
intercultural dialogue and communication possible.
the third chapter Dr. Rampoldi shows how wrong a theory about
bilingualism can be. It is simply wrong and unjust towards a child to
connect external problems to bilingualism. Studying a second language is
not a problem, but a chance for all children. Bilingualism also helps
the child to become socially oriented and flexible.
chapter four talks about the relationship between bilingualism and age,
the fifth about bilingualism and biculturalism. Here the author
stresses on the important link between culture and language. She writes:
“I believe the question of whether intercultural learning and bilingual
acquisition should be identified should be answered in the affirmative,
even if there is the danger of being labelled “holistic””. In this
perspective, language classes are an essential mean of promotion of the
intercultural communication. The author also treats the importance of
family and school in the context of this bicultural and bilingual
education. The didactical conclusion is that “biculturalism should not
be separated from bilingualism. Teachers should always start from the
idea that language and culture are two inseparable unities. Culture
cannot be ignored in the teaching process, especially in children’s
The world is colourful.
The world is a big, colourful mosaic made of so many different stones connected with intercultural and interreligious bridges.