
Die Erklärung von Abu Khaled Muhammad Al-Daif – militärischer Führer der Izz Ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigaden

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

der Krieg gegen Gaza geht pausenlos weiter… Die Bomben gegen die Zivilisten fallen unaufhörlich über Gaza. Es werden Moscheen, Schulen und Krankenhäuser getroffen… Es sterben fast nur Zivilisten in Gaza, Tag für Tag, wie wir seit Tag mitgenommen berichten. Der Widerstand gegen den Krieg ist in der israelischen Gesellschaft noch zu schwach, um gegen die kolonialistischen, zionistischen Israelis zu siegen und einen dauerhaften Frieden mit den Palästinensern aufzubauen. Und der Hass der Hamas ist zu groß, um aufzuhören zu kämpfen, um aufzuhören als Freiheitskämpfer für ihr Land zu kämpfen, das seit Jahrzehnten besetzt ist…

Die westlichen Politiker haben alle ein Alibi: es ergehen ja schon Sanktionen gegen Putin…. um Israel brauchen wir uns noch nicht zu kümmern….

Die Demos gegen die israelischen Angriffe gehen weiter. Wir hoffen, dass weiterhin Menschen in Scharen auf die Straße gehen werden, um von Israel ein sofortiges, kompromissloses Einstellen der Gewalt und eine umgehende Befreiung der besetzten Gebiete zu gewährleisten…

Die Propaganda, nach der Hamas immer wieder gegen Israel kämpfen wird, ist eine Lüge, an die leider immer noch zu viele Glauben. Ein Friede ist möglich, wenn Gerechtigkeit einkehrt, wenn es ein freies Palästina ohne die zionistische Besetzung gibt… ein Palästina, in dem Kultur, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft wieder aufgebaut werden können, in dem die Kinder wieder lachen können, in dem man zur Schule gehen kann, ohne dass eine Bombe entweder auf dem Schulweg oder, falls man den Weg ins Klassenkimmer geschafft hat, auf dem Schulhof während der Pause einschlägt….

Die Trümmer von Gaza wurden heute in allen Tagesschausendungen der Welt gezeigt….

Menschen sterben in ihren Häusern, oder stehen vor den Trümmern ihrer Häuser, weil sie zufällig nicht zu Hause waren, als die Bombe einschlug…

Bitte lesen Sie sich diese Rede von Abu Khaled Muhammad Al-Daif, um die Philosophie und die Theologie zu verstehen, die hinter diesem Kampf steckt und um zu überlegen, wie hier ein Frieden möglich ist.


Dr. phil. Milena Rampoldi

Die Redaktion von ProMosaik e.V.

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful Most Compassionate

Praise be to Allah, the Lord all of worlds, Peace and prayer be
upon the Imam of the mujahideen our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his
companions and those who follow their way until the Day of Judgement.

[Quoting the Quran]: “Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your
hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the
breasts of Believers.”

O Allah, it is with Your help that we spring to action, it is with
Your help that we manoeuvre, it is with Your help that we fight; and we
have neither power nor strength without You.

The Abraha of this age has transgressed against our Ummah and against
our people in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza employing the most
lethal war machinery. The enemy has laid siege, starved the people,
terrorised the innocent, murdered children, women and the elderly and
destroyed their houses on top of their heads in the largest bank of
civilian targets ever known in history. The enemy is seeking to convince
its people that it invaded Gaza and destroyed its tunnels and rocket
launchers and to delude them of a false victory. As a result, the enemy
has trapped its own defeated army and its troops who have been brought
into battle as if being herded to death. As they consider the
predicament of the so-called ground operation, we promise them what will
make them feel worse and would like to affirm the following:

1. The balance of power in the battlefield has changed. Today, you
are fighting righteous soldiers who love to die in the cause of Allah
just as much as you love to live. They compete for martyrdom just as you
run away from death or fighting. The ranks of all the forces and
factions of our people have been united in resisting the aggression.

2. What the fighter planes, artillery and military boats have failed
to achieve will not be achieved by the defeated troops on the ground. By
the Grace of Allah, these troops have now become easy prey for our guns
and the ambush of our mujahideen. There is no better evidence to proof
this than the ongoing landings behind enemy lines, the most recent of
which was the operation to the east of Al-Shujaya yesterday despite the
massacres and the razing to the ground of houses on top of the heads of
their inhabitants. This has been possible despite the multi-layered
reconnaissance systems the enemy has in place. Now the enemy realises
that the mission is much tougher and much bigger than initially thought.
The enemy is sending its troops to a definite hell, God willing.

3. We have opted to confront and kill the enemy’s armed troops and
its elite soldiers rather than assault civilians in the neighbouring
villages. This is despite the fact that the criminal enemy has been
shedding the blood of civilians, perpetrating massacres and razing
entire neighbourhoods to the ground levelling houses on top of the heads
of their inhabitants whenever more of their soldiers are killed.

4. The usurping Zionist entity will not enjoy security until our
people are secured and live in freedom and dignity. There will not be a
ceasefire until the aggression is stopped and the siege is lifted. We
shall not accept any compromise at the expense of the dignity and
freedom of our people.

5. We affirm our full readiness for this moment. We work in according
with scenarios and plans already laid down. We do not simply react or
act foolishly as the leaders of the criminal enemy do. We have exerted
every possible effort and we are confident that Allah will provide us
with victory, for Allah provides victory for whoever he wills, and Allah
is mightiest and most compassionate.

Our Ummah, our people. We appreciate your stance and your cohesion
with and support for the resistance. Let it be known to you that with
you, after Allah, we are stronger and that they will not do you but a
little harm. Victory comes with patience, and victory is but an hour’s
patience. Such victory and great accomplishment would not be possible
had it not been for your steadfastness, patience and embrace of the
resistance. You are our folks and the crown on our heads. We promise you
that we shall remain your protective shield and your servants. May
Allah be your guardian and protector, for Allah is the best protector
and the most merciful. May Allah have mercy on our martyrs, heal the
wounds of our wounded and free our captives. Until Allah’s great

[Quoting the Quran]: “Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our
Messengers and those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah) in this
world’s life and on the day when the witnesses will stand forth, (i.e.
Day of Resurrection).”

Your brother

The General Commander of Izz Ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades

Abu Khaled, Muhammad Al-Daif